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All categories - 18 April 2007

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I have been on disability for almost a year now.
I am tired all the time and hurt. Exercise has helped.
I can not afford my medications sometimes.
I am trying not to lose my home, a modest doublewide.
I will have to file bankrupcy.
I run out of money about this time each month.
I am not asking for hand outs.
Yes I believe and trust in God. My faith is strong, but the flesh is weak.
Where do I go for help?

I get STRS Disability. They tell me I am not eligible for medicare, medicaid, food stamps, HUD, social security.

I ask this here because I am on this forum the most and consider all of you my friends.

2007-04-18 13:35:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

4 assasinated
6 attempted
numerous plots
out of 42 presidents?

2007-04-18 13:35:04 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


keep copying me...does it mean he likes me.....

2007-04-18 13:35:01 · 21 answers · asked by Poosocks 6 in Polls & Surveys

It seems to me that we cannot have a truly moral society while people are still motivated by an amoral worldview based on self-interest (the threat of punishment or hope of reward in an afterlife) rather than simply being decent as a matter of conscience. Is the decline of religion therefore an essential part of human development and progress?

2007-04-18 13:35:01 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

It is a proven fact that the more concealed carry permits there are in a community, the lower the crime rate.

2007-04-18 13:34:37 · 11 answers · asked by MSG 4 in Politics

My grandmother always had a bit of psychic ability and since I was a little girl I sometimes (like once or twice a year) have had dreams that come true. I always feel responsible for whatever happens in these dreams because I couldn't stop what happened or help. Now I've moved into a house right next to a cemetary and I have a constant dull headache and I have dreams almost every night about people standing at my bedside and talking to me. I hate this and I want it to stop, but all the books I've looked at about so-called psychic powers only tell you how to make them stronger. Is there any way to turn it off?

2007-04-18 13:34:33 · 11 answers · asked by Nikki the Book Nerd 2 in Religion & Spirituality

ok mt bf's sister is really being a *****! She is giving me dirty looks and i have known her for a year because i have been dating my bf for a year, so anyways she had a bf and they broke up, and my bf was being nice to his sister and comferting her, well then the next day he was being rude to her about it! And i didn't care, wat am i supposed to do when i dont care! But anyways she thinks that he's being mean to her because of ME! And i didn't do ****! I never told him to be mean to her about her n her ex! that was all him! NOT ME! and she said it's cuz of me cuz he's trying to act cool around me or w/e, but it's still not my fault!!!!!! wat should i do?

2007-04-18 13:34:21 · 1 answers · asked by that one girl 1 in Singles & Dating

We've all seen digital cameras that advertise X megapixels, but when you look at the specs, it says the actual sensor is X/3, etc. Is there any value in this other than advertising hype? I can take a 3mpx image and blow it up to 20 in Photoshop, is the in-camera version any better? 3mpx is 3mpx no matter what you do with it, as far as I can tell. There's only so much image data there and you can't magically create more, right?

2007-04-18 13:34:01 · 2 answers · asked by AmigaJoe 3 in Cameras

It happened like 3 times to me today!..New York is filled with wierdos lol.

2007-04-18 13:33:23 · 8 answers · asked by Suzzy 2 in New York City

The north pole of a compass is attracted to the north pole of the Earth, yet like poles repel. How can this dilemma be explained?

2007-04-18 13:33:15 · 14 answers · asked by questionhere 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology

which is the best do u think? (movies with some form of a mob, etc.)




get rich or die tryin'

smokin' aces

the godfather (trilogy)

the departed

reservoir dogs

pulp fiction

running scared


all i can think of right now, maybe a reason to best movie of ur choice....

2007-04-18 13:32:59 · 9 answers · asked by WTF 1 in Polls & Surveys

2007-04-18 13:32:58 · 5 answers · asked by It is what it is 4 in Cooking & Recipes

I have a laptop and xp i want to erase everything and re install xp is this possible

2007-04-18 13:32:53 · 6 answers · asked by Scott M 1 in Laptops & Notebooks

The best answer and reason for their choice gets 10 points

2007-04-18 13:32:52 · 36 answers · asked by darthvp2 1 in UEFA Champions League

I'm thinking of the story of the flood (tho' Sodom and Gomorrah, and the ten plagues of Egypt fit this description well enough).

God doesn't like what he sees, so he kills. End of story.

Can't God flip a switch, snap his fingers or something and get what he wants. Should be as easy for him as channel surfing is for us, right?

So why does God stoop to blood-thirsty butchering of men, women, children, infants, pregnant women, etc?

And why would God stoop so low as to drown all the butterflies (save two of each kind)? What did butterflies ever do to contribute to the "evil" in the world?

Or roses, or deer, or cedar trees, or ... ?

2007-04-18 13:32:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

*Big Hug For You*

2007-04-18 13:32:24 · 12 answers · asked by ? 4 in Polls & Surveys

I noe i posted one of these before but i what to add more details.

All my friends hate me!!!!?
My friends ditch me all the time!! I want to be their friends but they always make me seeker when we're playing hide and go seek. I even cried at school cuz of it. They always ditch me and show little signs that they don't want to be their friends. I can't get new friends cuz it's more than half of the school year and now everybody hates me since they spreaded fake rumors that i talk behind their back!! I can't report them becuz then they noe i lost and they won. Now they're spreading rumors 'bout it all over school. ive tried makeing new friends and everythin but they're aren't my type and its hard since its the middle of the school year!!!!

Tips of making new friends and join new groups!!! (will be needed)

Tips to get them back!!! ( will be needed.)

I guess they don't like me since i'm the newest person in that group and i like the people in it but its just they hate me.

2007-04-18 13:32:22 · 9 answers · asked by Sean C 2 in Friends

just need help on some science homework please!

2007-04-18 13:32:05 · 1 answers · asked by i_luv_music_2010 1 in Physics

2007-04-18 13:31:53 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Okay, well I was sick yesterday with a horrible stomach virus (vomiting, chills, body aches, fever, etc.). This morning when I woke up I felt better. My temp was 97.4 and other than feeling a bit weak I was better. Anyway, this evening about 5:00 I started getting chills again and my throat was a little sore so I took my temp and it was 99.8. I decided to go to the doctor since I never run a fever and it had gone away and then came back. Anyway, the doc did a strep test which was negative and a urine test. He said that I have a UTI. Is this possible when I do not have any of the other classic symptoms of a UTI? Oh, also I have noticed a bad smelling vaginal discharge since yesterday which I did not even think to mention to the doc. I just finished my period though so I was thinking that it could be related to that but now I am wondering if that has something to do with my fever and stuff? Could it be from dehydration?... I am really confused. Please help!

2007-04-18 13:31:51 · 1 answers · asked by Emma's Mommy 2 in Women's Health

can they work? Have a story to tell?

2007-04-18 13:31:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-04-18 13:31:41 · 17 answers · asked by MELLA_SR_09 1 in Military

2007-04-18 13:31:35 · 20 answers · asked by Freesumpin 7 in Gender Studies

im stuck on res evil 4 at the grave yard where i need to get into the church but its locked i think the key is in this thing but cant seem to work it any ideas this thing is asking this me to 3 family insignias of the dead ringers its looks like the dial turns clock wise in eaither 3 or 4 increments and then asks turn the dail 3 or 4 thank you

2007-04-18 13:31:35 · 11 answers · asked by munchie 6 in Jokes & Riddles

2007-04-18 13:31:33 · 5 answers · asked by chriswc11 1 in Other - Cars & Transportation

2007-04-18 13:31:29 · 1 answers · asked by debbie2243 7 in Ethnic Cuisine

Im undecided between going to southern illinios in carbondale, north park university in chicago, or UIC? Please give me some advice on where to go.

2007-04-18 13:31:28 · 8 answers · asked by vanny 2 in Higher Education (University +)

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