I propose that the US Constitution be amended to include an income tax, that this tax will forever be held a a flat rate of 10% (and limit state's ability to tax to 4%). Further the tax would be collected only on the last pay of the month. NO REFUNDS! NO OVERPAYMENTS! SELF EMPLOYED PERSONS PAY MONTHLY, BI-MONTHLY OR QUARTERLY, BUT NO UNDERPAYMENT FEES FOR ANYONE, PROVIDING THAT THEY, INDEED PAY THEIR 10%! 10% for all income levels, the more you make, the more you pay, but not unbearably so, and ALL corporations pay 10% NO MORE TAX BREAKS FOR INCENTIVES TO LOCATE OR, WORSE, RELOCATE! Ta breaks for locating and relocating rob's communities of much needed revenues, and companies move, throwing personal economies into great upheaval, including bankruptcies! I think that this would allow ALL to fine tune their budgets and eliminate much IRS work, as there would be only 4-15 for self employed persons What do you think, my future constituency?
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United States