my last poem was about dread etc and some have asked if i had 1 about love, well i think this is the nearest i have, excuse the spelling and the lenght etc, as with the other poem please tell me how it makes you feel and constructive comments
thanx for your time.
The Visit
I knock on the wood anticipation wells inside
You open the door amazement I try to hide
Your beauty and smile caress my being
I blink my eyes, hardly believing what I am seeing
You stand there an apologise about the mess
I wonder why? for I care not less
You stand to one side and invite me in
I caring not about the untidiness within
I walk to the sofa, toys dotted around the floor
Again you apologise about not doing this chore
I must clean up you say in a sweet voice
My heart beats fast and melts it has no choice
My coat I remove and watch you dash around
Picking the toys of the sofa with a clutter of sound
You say I cannot believe this room is this way again
All these toys will one day surely drive me insane
I smile again for I do not care, and at u I look
Picking up as I sit down a children’s book
You want a drink you ask as you pick up a train
I smile and say please trying to hide loves pain
Just sit down I say for I do not care if it’s tidy or not
As for the drink I don’t mind if it be chilled or hot
All I want is to sit and talk to you upon this seat
I look at your toes and comment on your tiny feet
You took them under you with style and grace
Trying to hide that sheepish smile on your face
I know this night will be filled with laughter
An evening to remember for long days after
The evening is at an end and my heart does dip
Not wanting to finishing a drink, so slowly I do sip
This night has been one of a few
And every night I stop myself saying I love you
But I know that to you im just a friend
And that I must accept until life’s end
I hold you and say goodnight my sweet
Till the next time our paths do meet
With that, I smile and from your door walk away
Not wanting to inform you of the words I want to say
Another few weeks and this time will repeat again
These mad few happy hours that will keep me so sane
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