I ******* hate it when they try and push their crazy ideas into your head, can't they accept the fact that some people (the good guys) are right in believing in evolution? I mean, how can someone believe that "god" created two people in the begining of time? Doesn't that mean we are all related and the human race is just a huge incest group? There are so many loop holes in the bible it just doesn't make sense and whenever asking a christian any questions about it they give you some ****** up excuse about god, it all a bunch of bs. Don't say I'm going to hell because it doesn't exist. I hope you all realise that when you die, oh wait you won't be able to because you will be rotting in the ground. Jesus? Whats with this guy, yeah maybe he was a real person, maybe. But healing powers and walking across water? Give me a break. Answer me this, how come, if jesus is some magic man, we haven't had the arrival of jesus? What is he waiting for? Also, the bible has been changed so much.
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Religion & Spirituality