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I've been watching the new with Angelina Jolie adopting a child, and did some research that it costs upwards of 20K to adopt a child. If someone has a loving home to offer, why does it cost so much to get a child out of a bad situation?

2007-03-15 02:25:38 · 5 answers · asked by Lenny 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

5 answers

You just about answered your own question.

A) Third world countries are NOT known for their wealth.

B) They ARE, however, simply lousy with bureaucrats, because

C) the bureaucracy is a really nifty way to get close to whatever money is available and

D) foreigners wanting kids are presumed to be where the money is, therefore

E) being a bureaucrat in charge of kids is a terrific way to get rich.

F) And so they charge all the traffic will bear.

G) There may be some bureaucrats somewhere in the Third world whose reasons are less filled with greed, but if you went hunting for them, you could waste your entire life and not find more than you could count on the fingers of one hand, without the thumb.

2007-03-15 02:32:47 · answer #1 · answered by Granny Annie 6 · 1 0

There are many countries that you can adopt from for less then $20k. There is also a $11,000 federal tax credit to help out, and numerous adoption grants to help people who want to make their adoption dream a reality.

The majority of the money stays right here in the US, so it is NOT going to 3rd World govt corruption, its going to good ol' American bureaucracy. Its really a bunch of smaller fees paid to numerous sources that add up. You pay money to Department of Homeland Security (to have a background check and get approval to bring an orphan into the US). You pay money to have a homestudy done (which verifies that you can offer a safe home to a child), that includes paying money for things like medical checks, police checks, FBI checks (which are in addition to the Dept of Homeland Security one). You do pay a program fee for the country you are applying to (in my case that was about 25% of my total fees). Some of that goes to your agency, some of that goes to the orphanage for the care of your child, a small percentage of it covers court fees in that country.

It is what it is. Foster to adopt is a virtually cost free way to adopt if cost is prohibitive. Both international and domestic adoption are wonderful choices. ALL children deserve a home.

2007-03-18 15:48:25 · answer #2 · answered by thatswhatshesaid 3 · 0 0

there is not any courting with how individuals sense approximately immigration and adoption from distant places. i replaced into basically in China and you spot those adoptive mum and dad from Europe and Canada besides. the justifications for adopting from distant places are fairly variable yet in lots of cases infertility realted to age or different situations are area of the reason. in lots of cases this is purely a thank you to improve a relatives in a charitable way as few American babys are obtainable. united statesa. is between the least poluted place interior the international maximum contries will purely permit married couples marry

2016-12-19 05:55:12 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Because they know you will pay it. The question you should be asking (atleast in the U.S., I cant speak for other countries) is why are children here left with neglectful, drug addict, abusive parents when there are plenty of people who arent able to have kids and would gladly take them. And so therefore they have to go to south america, or asia and basically buy a child. It is a travesty in this country and it sickens me that this is the way of our society.

2007-03-15 02:33:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

When you have very little of worth in a country like those, you have to seize an opportunity to 'cash-in' when you get one, but I must admit, I believe the Madonna & Pitt/Jolie adoptions have made it fashionable to have a 'token' black baby, & we all know the high price of the latest look..

2007-03-15 02:35:37 · answer #5 · answered by viragotriker 3 · 0 0

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