I live in africa.Most communities here are controled by clans.e.g the somali community has diffrent clans.There are those who feel they are superior than the rest.In my community there is only one tribe."THE KIKUYU"but has several clans.You may happen to fall in love with sobody from a diffrent clan or tribe and the elders[people who guides the clan]may say no.Given the reasons you totaly disagree with them coz they are outdated.In this communities ther are those which are okey to intermarry,but orthers are a taboo to even think about them.The elders makes us believe tha if you marry from a blacklisted community or clan,something terrible might befall your own family or bring a curse to a community.Now when i try to figure out this i just don't get it.All i see is just mere suspicions.Furthermore our forefathers believed in casting spells and curses,but now nothing like that happens anymore.I don't know whether am wrong,but ido believe tha change is inevitable how do i change things?
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Other - Cultures & Groups