"What about British PM Blair and the nuclear subs? Isn't that the biggest load of hypocrisy you've ever heard?
Isn't it funny that countries like the US and the UK are perfectly happy to continue keeping their nukes, nuke subs, etc. and wasting millions on updates, while they actively shun and sanction other nations for attempting to do the same! I say practise what you preach! I'm all for total global nuclear disamament!!
Allibezuin reporting with just a pinch of common sense!"
To follow on from this, there have been some very interesting and informative opinions, however no one has mentioned the fact that there's only been 1 nation that has ever used a weapon of mass destruction against another nation - I'll give you 3 guesses as to who that nation is! I still believe that total global disarmament is possible, however difficult. I also feel that it is not 1 particular nation's right/resposibility to govern world policy regarding weapons, government, etc; it should the UN!!
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