Funny - I was discussing this question the other day, while I can see the point that it may seem to be - I think men are dealt an equal if not thicker tarring with the same brush.
The men are either predatory sexual deviants or knights in tin-foil armour who do little to improve and often exacerbate an already bad situation. There are no 'attractive' men in Sin City.
Sin City is all a bit 'under a magnifying glass', everything is exagerated, ugly becomes hideously repulsive, infatuation becomes love worth killing for, it is fiction after all - comic fiction at that.
You want real sexism? Go pick up the latest edition of Heat magazine.
2007-03-15 04:13:37
answer #1
answered by circusmort 5
Not one iota. For example, in the 300 Spartan women are held in higher regard than any other culture in the world. How do you see a damsel in distress when their signature cry was "Come back with your shield or on it?"
For another example how about the lead female character in Ronin? She is the head of security and a very strong character.
2007-03-15 02:32:52
answer #2
answered by The Misanthrope 3
In Sin City, there were some women that were strong characters. Take the group of prostitutes (led by Rosario Dawson character in the film). I think they were the most initmating characters. The Asian character was practically frightening the way she could easily kill.
2007-03-15 02:33:01
answer #3
answered by t1riel 5
Are you serious? How did you find Rosario Dawson's *** kicking as being a "damsel in distress"? SPOILER: How could you watch Leeny Heady kill that bastard in 300 and think she was just being walked all over? Maybe you should actually read and watch before you make comments.
2007-03-16 04:29:46
answer #4
answered by hotdoggiegirl 5
i become staring on the background Channel with their sport of a similar conflict and staring at their actors as against those on '3 hundred' become only hysterical. yet I agree, after popping out of the theatre I felt like pumping some iron.
2016-11-25 21:31:35
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Frank Miller is a fantasy comic book writer, and guess what? People like reading about fictional women! If they are in distress, even better they are vulnerable and sexy. If you don't like his portrayal go pick up "The Feminine Mystique" or the "Vagina Monologues" or burn your bra.. whatever it is you feminists do these days.
2007-03-15 02:29:58
answer #6
answered by ♫ՖքØØķ¥♫ 7
They are terribly sexist, but he is writing in a hard-boiled, film-noir style, so all women are "dames"
2007-03-15 02:54:08
answer #7
answered by Experto Credo 7
wow...what Spooky said
Spooky, you are my hero
2007-03-15 02:33:02
answer #8
answered by thuglife 5