Imagine this, you and your loved one have a credit card, you get in the monthly statement and check it over for discrepancies, besides, it's kind of interesting to see what you're really spending your money on. You come across a line that reads "Adult Video Megaplexx $68.14," hmmmmm, YOU didn't go there, so that means he did. Okay, no big deal, you ask him about it and his reply is this:
"I went by there to buy you some lingerie for your birthday," (believable since my birthday is on Saturday, even though he went in January and men don't think that far ahead, but okay, you give him the benefit of the doubt, UNTIL you hear this...) "but I think I THREW IT AWAY!!!" HUH????!!!?!?! Big red flag, he wants you believe he bought lingerie and then threw it away. Does anyone else see a problem with this story line?
I don't understand this, I'm 26 weeks pregnant, why would he buy it in the first place? He's never bought me anything like that. Any suggestions?
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