For example, the following verses of the Torah promise the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings:
The Lord said to me [Moses]: ‘What they say is good. I will raise up for them a Prophet like you among their brothers; I will put My words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him. If anyone does not listen to My words that the Prophet speaks in My Name, I will Myself call him to account.’ (Deuteronomy, 18.17–9)
The Qur’an points to the same fact:
We have sent to you a Messenger as a witness over you, even as We sent to Pharaoh a Messenger. (al-Muzzammil, 73.15)
God reiterates the same fact in the Qur’an:
He does not speak out of [his own] desire. It is but a Revelation revealed. (al-Najm, 53.3-4)
The Prophet who shone forth from Mount Paran
The following verse,
The Lord came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran. (Deuteromony, 33.2)
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Religion & Spirituality