This happened way back in my Childhood. It's a long story, actually several stories entwined into one. If you have the patience to read a long SOB story, thanks, if you don't, thats alright.
It all started with my Paternal Grandmother, I guess. When I was 2 or 3 yrs old, she used to keep telling my mom, I was a little tyrant, just like my aunt. So, one day my brother was tickling me, I laughingly tickled him back. Unfortunately, I had long nails at that time, so he got scratched really badly. For some reason, he decides to concoct a story that I scratched him on purpose.
From then on, everyone thinks it is confirmed that I am a B*tch. All my pleas that I hadn't done anything on purpose fall on deaf ears.
I get all these "Oh, you are such a bad girl! How could you do that to your own brother" crap.
I start feeling bad, unloved, neglected and insignificant( no one paid any attention to me pleas - so my word is nothing to them, i am nothing to them )
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