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South Africa

[Selected]: All categories Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

What has become of all the thousands of comrades who received training in guerilla warfare and terrorism in Russia, the middle East and other African countries?

OK, I know a lot do have top government positions, but what about the rest, did they settle down to 9 to 5 jobs?

And how easy is it to find a job in the new South Africa when all that your C.V. can say is that you have training in terrorism and warfare?

What do you think, is there a link between a lot of the crime happening in South Africa today, and the (ex)-terrorists or self named freedom fighters.

2007-03-12 23:27:07 · 10 answers · asked by turniton5 3

Seem reasonable or more like the ramblings of an insane ANC official?

2007-03-12 23:23:30 · 10 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

bob orders a raid on a prayer meeting (this alone is a boo boo of note) and then has all the brass of the MDC arrested.

morgan tsvangarai is moered stukend in the police station (officially he fell several times) and the entire world condemns the act.

south africa on the other hand issues a statement saying "we have noted the incident."

personally, i think bob should meet his demise after a projectile lead poisoning "incident".

and thabo, wake up! your people are finally seeing that you are not the man you claimed to be - rather you are a puppet.

Does anyone think that Zim should be saved from uncle bob, and any ideas how it should be done?

(I have dibs on the shooting thing, so i need some creative answers here. ten points for most painful and interesting answer...)

The UA knows no boundaries....

2007-03-12 21:42:17 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dont you think F.W. De Klerk got carried away?

2007-03-12 19:01:42 · 7 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

Is it possible that he is under the governments protection, how long will he be able to stay safe with a $25 million reward hanging over his head.

2007-03-12 18:44:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

The ANC are and were basically cowards. Their so-called armed struggle consisted of murdering civilians (in the most brutal ways), playing on white guilt with the West (particularly Britain and the USA), intimidating into silence (or murdering) any dissenters, who then became 'collaborators', and turning tail and running like the dogs that they are when confronted by the SADF.
I read a response by some indoctrinated numbskull on this forum to a question about the 'armed struggle', saying that all 'is fair in love and war' and that the ANC were only fighting back with the means at their disposal - sticks and stones - as well as hitting at civilian targets, which apparently the SADF was doing as well.
This is not entirely true.
The ANC were armed by the Chinese, Cubans and Soviets - I know, I saw the Russian made weaponry when I was in the SADF
As terrible as their deaths were, the people killed at Sharpeville and during the Soweto riots were rioting, burning everything to the ground

2007-03-12 17:50:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband and I are going to Kruger National Park and we want to be prepared. should we buy the bugspray here in NYC or wait until we get to Kruger? what about other supplies?

2007-03-12 06:47:37 · 5 answers · asked by Eva 1

Do you think the crime rate in South Africa will decrease because of the world cup?

2007-03-12 05:58:35 · 12 answers · asked by turniton5 3

Who approves of Bush liberating Iraq and Afganistan? (Obviously with an intolerant religion that doesnt allow for free thinking and speech, they will never be liberated, but humour me).
I think it was totally necessary and the most appropriate action that could have been taken was taken.
My only problem is, why are they taking so long to move on to the Fascist/Communist/Terrorist Supporting radicals in Iran??

2007-03-12 02:02:39 · 5 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

A knowledgable friend of mine who has read several books on Van Rensburg has informed me that the "Night of the Long Knives" is a fable and has been taken out of context, he does however mention that, Van Rensburg did predict that the 3rd world war would be fought between on one side the USA, Germany, France etc and on the other Russia, China and their muslim cohorts. He predicted the West would prevail in the end but at a huge cost to their economies and way of life, leading to recolonialism in Africa, apparently South Africa would received an influx of millions of Europeans and its boundaries will stretch from the Cape to the current Zambia (including Namibia which would be reclaimed by Germany). Does this seem reasonable to you or a fairy tale story?

2007-03-12 00:41:39 · 8 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

Do you think there should be a moral responsibility on South African citizens and those in the tourist industry to educate tourists on the dangers of visiting South Africa?

Could this backfire on S.A. if tourists are not given the facts so that they can take adequate measures ahead of visiting the country?

Remember what some South Africans may view to be a normal social environment may not be so normal to others.

Take a look at this link, it´s a camera on one street corner in Durban, South Africa.

Look at these links and decide for yourself.


2007-03-11 23:24:34 · 11 answers · asked by turniton5 3

Do the former communist terrorists really believe that planting bombs at civilian bus and train stations killing woman and children constitutes an "armed struggle"?
I was in Bloemfontein in December for a week and visited the local war museum, I was disgusted by the "Armed Struggle" display!
I think what I really find pathetic is the fact these idiots are convincing themselves they fought a war against the South African Defense Force of yesterday and won.
Thoughts please??

2007-03-11 22:26:21 · 13 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

Maybe a vodka and lime?

2007-03-11 19:45:08 · 14 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

According to a very interesting article that I have recently read, South Africa's agricultural industry is on a downward spiral. It is a fact though, that in the lates national budget the funding for our agricultural industry has been decreased from
R 2.37Billion to R 2.28Billion. This while the ratio of imported agricultural produce toward exported agricultural produce has increased from R 2.40(export) for R 1.00(import) to R 1.40(export) for R 1.00(import), over the last ten years!

Also interesting to note is that the ANC's land reform project plans to have AT LEAST 30% of the workable land in SA belonging to black, or previously dissadvantaged "new" farmers. This would mean that the current 24,6 million hectares of white- owned farms would be redistributed amongst the aforementioned majority. Consider that 200 000 farmworkers have been dissmissed during the past ten years due to infertile attempts to keep redistributed farms operating.

Any thoughts guys?

2007-03-11 03:09:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is the first thing you would change?

2007-03-10 19:35:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Xhosa, Tsonga, Tswana, etc are spoken in South Africa. But in the cities what is the most spoken language. Cape Town? Johannesburg? What about the Shantytowns and Soweto?

2007-03-10 14:34:46 · 10 answers · asked by ihaveissues 1

i want to now which city or state is safe in terms of secury for family vacation

2007-03-10 08:42:46 · 9 answers · asked by mama T 1

2007-03-10 06:20:17 · 7 answers · asked by visel03 1

doesn't matter about cost... we're looking for comfort, good atmosphere and relative proximity to gates

2007-03-10 04:16:02 · 7 answers · asked by Eva 1

European-based investors in South Africa's mining industry have mounted an international arbitration against the South African Government alleging that that country's new Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) mining regime violates the terms of investment protection treaties concluded by South Africa with Italy and Luxembourg.

If they are successful in their claims which also involved putting some diplomatic pressure on the South African government since 2005 (of which we hear nothing, probably because it was hushed by the SABC at the request of the ANC) do you think this would exert enough pressure on the ruling party to alter their economical colonization plans?

2007-03-09 23:01:35 · 7 answers · asked by Rabble Rouser 4

we've got about ten days and don't know whether to spend more time in Johannesburg or Cape Town...

any suggestions on other S. African towns/cities to visit?

2007-03-09 08:43:26 · 8 answers · asked by Eva 1

There is a competition running on 5fm for the world cup - where you enter your dream team! - please South Africans help!!!!!

2007-03-09 06:08:25 · 5 answers · asked by Pegglet 3

2007-03-09 02:26:39 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

F*ck I love you South Africans!!!!
You are so weird, yet my heart opens up when I think of you guys.
We spend half the time trashing/thrashing each other in here so much. But let an outsider come in and open their trap... we become an instant family and stand side by side making them regret the fact that they ever tried this category. I love it!!!! But its so baffling and crazy... how do we do it?

2007-03-09 01:17:16 · 10 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

Jack decided to go skiing with his buddy, Bob. So they loaded up Jack's
minivan and headed north. After driving for a few hours, they got caught
in a terrible blizzard. So they pulled into a nearby farm and asked the
attractive lady who answered the door if they could spend the night.

"I realize it's terrible weather out there and I have this huge house
all to myself, but I'm recently widowed," she explained. "I'm afraid the
neighbours will talk if I let you stay in my house."

"Don't worry," Jack said. "We'll be happy to sleep in the barn. And if
the weather breaks, we'll be gone at first light."

The lady agreed, and the two men found their way to the barn and settled
in for the night.

Come morning, the weather had cleared, and they got on their way. They
enjoyed a great weekend of skiing.

But about nine months later, Jack got an unexpected letter from an
attorney. It took him a few minutes to figure it out, but he finally
determined that it was from the attorney of that attractive widow he had
met on the ski weekend.

He dropped in on his friend Bob and asked, "Bob, do you remember that
good-looking widow from the farm we stayed at on our ski holiday up
north about 9 months ago?"

"Yes, I do." said Bob

"Did you, er, happen to get up in the middle of the night, go up to the
house and pay her a visit?"

"Well, um, yes," Bob said, a little embarrassed about being found out "I
have to admit that I did."

"And did you happen to use my name instead of telling her your name?"

Bob's face turned beet red and he said, "Yeah, look, I'm sorry, buddy.
I'm afraid I did. Why do you ask?"

"She just died and left me everything."

(And you thought the ending would be different, didn't you?... now keep
that smile for the rest of the day.)

2007-03-09 00:42:19 · 18 answers · asked by sweet - angel 3

Why would you want to answer a question of South Africa if you have absolutely no knowledge about the subject??

I have seen some realy bizarre answers on the South African question site, and found it shocking that people with no insight into SA dare to answer questions with what? ignorance? Stupidity?

2007-03-08 23:53:25 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-08 23:45:09 · 7 answers · asked by FARHAAD S 1

here's the thing, we all know our country is stuffed up.

my point is that the people are the best. we thrive under adversity, and what makes everything just bearable is that we can do one thing that other people dont.

we laugh at, and with each other about our circumstances.

who agrees?

2007-03-08 23:34:09 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Dof people should have to wear signs that just say, "I'M DOF." That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything.It would be like, "Excuse me... oops, never mind. Didn't see your sign."
I learned to drive an 18 wheeler in my days in the 'mag' (army). Wouldn't you know I misjudged the height of a bridge. The truck got stuck and I couldn't get it out no matter how I tried. I radioed in for help and eventually a local cop shows up to take the report. He went through his basic questioning... ok.. no problem. I thought sure he was clear of needing a sign...until he asked "So..is your truck stuck?"

I couldn't help myself. I looked at him, looked back at the rig and then back to him took my sign off and chooned, "No. I'm delivering a bridge.

Here's your sign."

2007-03-08 23:12:58 · 4 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

Who do you prefer?

2007-03-08 21:56:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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