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South Africa

[Selected]: All categories Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

Which morning DJ do you prefer?

2007-03-08 21:56:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which do you prefer?

2007-03-08 21:56:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mouth is watering.....I WANT!! :-)

2007-03-08 20:24:06 · 16 answers · asked by Motti _Shish 6

Why is it that people complain about crime, shout out for help, but do nothing about it themselves? People, be wary! Don't let yourself fall victim to crime! The actual truth is that we need more policemen! And I am not asking you to become a permanent police officer, but if you really do want to make a difference, you could become a reservist! So basically a reservist is a normal policeman, but you do not get paid (because it is volunteer work), you can work whenever you feel is good for you (no set times, it can be any random day at any random time). You do get the same privelages as normal cops, such as big guns, cars, bullet proof etc! So people, let's stand up and make a difference! Let's make South Africa a the place to be! Let's unite against crime and keep South Africa safe!

What do you all think of what I have just said? Am I being silly or are you proudly South African too and want to make a difference? Let's hear what you have to say! Take care :-)

Ps. I am a reservist in Johannesburg

2007-03-08 20:14:55 · 10 answers · asked by Motti _Shish 6

I'm talking from a poltical, social point of view.

2007-03-08 05:47:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's always good to know that people that you communicate with on this forum on a daily basis whether for or against are people like me, with dreams and ambitions. I guess what I'm keen to know is the people behind the avatars, besides the troubles of our country, what else interests you?

2007-03-08 01:39:11 · 10 answers · asked by Thato 2

You produce a R100 note instead of your driver's licence when
stopped by a traffic officer
Ø You continue to wait after a traffic light has turned to green to make way for taxis travelling in the opposite direction
Ø You can do your monthly shopping on the pavement
Ø You can pay your tuition fees by holding up a sign at a traffic light
Ø You paint your car's registration on the roof
Ø You have to take your own linen with you if you are admitted to a government hospital.
Ø Prisoners go on strike
Ø When 2 Afrikaans TV programmes are separated by a Xhosa announcement of the following Afrikaans program, and a Pedi ad
ØThe SABC advertises and shows highlights of the program you just finished watching
Ø You get cold easily. Anything below 16 degrees Celsius is Arctic weather.
Ø You go to "braais" regularly, where you eat boerewors and swim, sometimes simultaneousl
Ø You can sing your national anthem in four languages, and you have no idea what it means in any...lol. 4 kicks

2007-03-08 00:52:21 · 10 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

I've come to realise that some ignorant fools grace this category with nothing but sh!t foaming out of their mouths. I mean people who have never been to South Africa or know where the sun sets here... I mean I dont mind people who have been here previously and know whats going on in RSA. But people who will say crap, like when Sweet Angel posted a question involving the murder of a 7 year old and some non South African idiot talked about "The World Cup"...? I mean...hello!?! If its general and you have good insight into the matter, fine. But if you have no clue or experience about it, why not shut it and remain ignorant or read the replies to learn something new about a different country or continent?

2007-03-08 00:18:04 · 8 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

Is an easy way out for rapists and murderers?
I'd like to see or have them suffer, rather than give them a quick meaningless death. Some form of bad torture that they'd take they're own live's...or beg for their lives to be taken. Yes i like the idea of leaving the families of the victim with the culprit in a room with an axe.... but... whats your view?

2007-03-07 22:36:06 · 24 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

Can anyone suggest a really good way to propose to my girlfriend? Something special, not necessarily romantic. I live in South Africa, Joburg to be exact! Thank you all for helping!:-)

2007-03-07 22:35:10 · 11 answers · asked by Motti _Shish 6

our kids are being kidnapped, rapped and murder in south africa poor 7 year old Sheldean Human is but one of thousands. please south africa stand up agains this horrible crime and wear pink shirts and jeans tomorrow!

for those who wonder why pink, Sheldean wore a pink shirt and jeans when she was abducted.

please south africa lets do it!

2007-03-07 20:29:33 · 8 answers · asked by sweet - angel 3

South Africa was able to achieve economic growth targets of 6% for the next 15 years, thus reducing poverty, removing the need for BEE, afirmative action etc and everyone had equal rights to employment and education, would race still be a major factor in South Africa? Or would race relations normalise in your opinion?

2007-03-07 19:46:51 · 8 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

this question is aimed at people like myself and innocentia. we are both still stuck with preconceived ideas about the other race, but i think we are coming to terms with the fact that both black and white in this country are p!ssed off with the government and their strategies and are carrying on on our own.

inno, this may sound strange coming from a guy like me, but you are the kind of black that i can work with and understand, and i have no problem with people of colour like yourself, which although still see colour, but CHOOSE to look past it and get on with life.

so to all the racists of different colour -


2007-03-07 19:44:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My uncle has a well established construction company in the Free State, he took on a BEE partner and basically distributed 26% of the shares to this fool free of charge.
The BEE partner over the last 3 years has enriched himself taking a massive monthly salary and receiving yearly dividends.
Late last year, my uncle found out that the BEE partner had started his own company and was tendering for government contracts in that company.
My uncle paid him out for his shares, sent him packing and found a new partner.
Last week the old BEE partner filed for bankrupsy and came begging my uncle to give him another chance. He has apparently not made bond repayments on his house, paid his credit cards or basic utility bills for 3 months now.
I know for a fact that this is not an isolated incident and is common with these greedy thug BEE partners.
What do you think?

2007-03-07 19:04:51 · 8 answers · asked by Raging Bull II 2

Apartheid has been reintroduced in South Africa. It is now called Affirmative Action and BEE (Black Economic Empowerment).
These racist laws dictate that every business has to reflect the demographic of the country from the top down. 'Historically Disdvantaged People' (black) have to be given preference over other races - never mind that an entire generation was never discriminated against at all, the color of their skins is enough to give them a break.
Even lesser qualified blacks are given advantage over other more qualified races.
The result has been thousands of skilled workers leaving the country and the lowering of South African education standards in the pursuit of 'equality.'
The result of that has been a lowering of skills and standards in the workplace. And naturally, the result of that is a country that doesn't work properly anymore with a steadily crumbling infrastructure, with any and all blame attributed to the old standby 'the legacy of apartheid.'

2007-03-07 16:44:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-07 08:48:11 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think about the SPCA wanting to lay charges against Tony Yengeni for killing a bull at his house as a cleansing ceremony.

What about ritual animal killings in general?

2007-03-07 01:27:03 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-06 21:11:26 · 12 answers · asked by primadonna 1

2007-03-06 13:23:42 · 7 answers · asked by rosa 1

2007-03-06 10:38:10 · 11 answers · asked by Eric 1

Someone has asked me to find this out for they need their child at a special school but I cannot find anything with search at all.

2007-03-06 03:28:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband is a native of SA,and im american (were already married here in the states),,and we want to get married in cape town- when we go this weekend. what do we need? we just want it low budget, simple ,and quick! we just want to be married here and there,,,any ideas? and information?

2007-03-06 02:49:01 · 8 answers · asked by Riegirl 1

our dear oh so hoity toity minister has once again hit the headlines. this time she was caught out owning 10% of a company which owns the national lottery. her previous little blunders include covering up the expulsion of pregnant schoolgirls and a whole host of other education blunders.

which leads to the question, is this woman a paragon of virtue with a oh so british accent, or a gambling hussy taking chances 99% of the time and hoping no-one notices the mess?

2007-03-06 02:28:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 8 weeks pregnant and im worried about getting sick,,,how do i avoid malaria?...also i have allergies,,,,are allergy enablers really bad in cape town?

2007-03-06 02:00:07 · 17 answers · asked by Riegirl 1

ill be going on vacation this week,,,and i just wanted to know what kind of clothes to take and such

2007-03-06 01:57:28 · 6 answers · asked by Riegirl 1

These ones nearly knocked me out.

" Those who throw objects at the crocodiles, will be asked to retrieve them"

"Trsespassers will be shot at, if missed prosecuted"

" Toilet-paper slightely used, pack of 10s - R8.95"

2007-03-06 01:41:57 · 6 answers · asked by Tsepo 4

Let's start a culture/society rebellion and do something about it then. What have we got to lose? Let’s build a network that will take on whatever is keeping our country from "being", as we've all envisioned. All South Africans with computers or access to e-mail against all those who are corrupt? We spent so much time on the net posting our complaints, would it hurt if we spent it fighting our rotten system?…and it is our system. We can fight this system (not by killing and harming others)...Is anyone interested? I've got a few suggestions on how we can do this, who wants in?

2007-03-05 23:01:59 · 14 answers · asked by fallen 2

Gosh! I'm tired of people pinning things on culture and being proud of ones culture, when most of these things cant be explained. Am i as a woman an investment on behalf of my folks? This man who is going to marry me, still needs to put me up in a safe and lovely home, support me and our child, pay for the wedding and wedding rings dont come out of lucky packets. He then has other expenses to look to that are unavoidable...
why are they being put under such strain? Cost of living in SA is high enough as it is...

2007-03-05 20:22:11 · 8 answers · asked by Reb Da Rebel 6

In todays Burger it is mentioned by interpol that South Africa has the best police force in the world

here is the link http://www.dieburger.com/Stories/News/13.0.2344259743.aspx

Your thoughts and comments

2007-03-05 18:45:05 · 9 answers · asked by gunner2za 3

What is the South African wine industries value chain? Does the wine industry in South Africa support Negociant and Vinters? How much are each are the Growers, Neogciant, Vinters paid per liter of production of wine, or per bottle? Does any one have a over view of who and how many personnel does the grapes go through until the wine reach the retail stores?

2007-03-05 18:38:45 · 4 answers · asked by universe_20170 1

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