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Apartheid has been reintroduced in South Africa. It is now called Affirmative Action and BEE (Black Economic Empowerment).
These racist laws dictate that every business has to reflect the demographic of the country from the top down. 'Historically Disdvantaged People' (black) have to be given preference over other races - never mind that an entire generation was never discriminated against at all, the color of their skins is enough to give them a break.
Even lesser qualified blacks are given advantage over other more qualified races.
The result has been thousands of skilled workers leaving the country and the lowering of South African education standards in the pursuit of 'equality.'
The result of that has been a lowering of skills and standards in the workplace. And naturally, the result of that is a country that doesn't work properly anymore with a steadily crumbling infrastructure, with any and all blame attributed to the old standby 'the legacy of apartheid.'

2007-03-07 16:44:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Africa & Middle East South Africa

These laws are revenge for the past, nothing more. They are designed to keep a sizable portion of the white minority - specifically Afrikaners - in a permanent state of poverty.
The question has to be asked: with this evil vengeance in place, and the resulting mediocrity it creates, are the ANC cutting their own throats?

2007-03-07 16:47:52 · update #1

Proud2bewhite - if you think you're a racist, talk for your self. There's not a racist bone in my body - life is too short for that - the things I'm quoting are fact. The ANC created them, I didn't, so any racial agenda lies with them.
Got bad news for you, that business you say you want to open, it has to reflect the demographic of the country, from the shareholders down.

2007-03-07 23:15:06 · update #2

6 answers

I prefer to think that the ANC has shot South Africa in the head.
I consider myself a well balanced person in my thinking and would probably even learn to accept BEE and affirmative action if it were implemented for the benefit of the masses, it is however merely a get rich quick campaign for a very small minority of already privileged and wealthy black South Africans. Why is it every major BEE deal we read about in the news involves the same set of ANC cronies? Its ridiculous and blatant theft. Taking assets from a middle class group to redistribute to a small elite minority of wealthy balcks benefits no one and will cause transformation in South African to take up to 100 years and bring about a major civil war.

2007-03-07 16:54:49 · answer #1 · answered by Raging Bull II 2 · 3 0

I agree with both Raging and Proud so I'm not going to repeat their points. What I would like to add is some political maths. Let's go back to the day that AA and BEE started. There were about 40 million who qualify for AA and BEE and 3.5-4 Million who would qualify to be the donors.

If the 3.5-4 million I am guessing that about 2 million were active in the job market and the rest are retired, too young and so on. If we use the same ratio and apply it to the 40 million we'll get about 20 million who need jobs.

How in hell are you going to spread 2 million jobs between 20 million people? There is no way that AA and BEE will ever make any real dent in the unemployment of the uneducated masses and the only sensible reason to have a policy such as that is to use it as an economical attack.

And who in their right minds would let the wealth of those 2 million bread-winners go to the masses if it can be used to take the leadership of a political party into the ranks of the super-rich.

Going back to the shooting, I think they have shot the country in the guts, which make it die a slow death while they catch the blood like a pack of vampires.

2007-03-07 20:01:32 · answer #2 · answered by Rabble Rouser 4 · 1 0

there is definitely pro and cons of AA and BEE. I have a white male friend who is making thousands more than what he would have if it was not for AA and BEE the same can be said of one of my black friends.

A white friend of mine was working for a company importing medical equipment, his job was to daily conversions of exchange rates and accordingly order, change prices. He was working with a junior black person on staff. Promotion time his junior was promoted and was now his boss. A month later he quit his job knowing that the company will not be able to cope without him. He is now working on contract base for the same company, earning what he wants and working his own hours. Sounds like a great deal to me.

On the other side I know a black Chartered Accountant he graduated in Swaziland before 1994 and is really good at what he does. The problem is he is jumping from one company to the next because there is such a high demand on qualified black people. In the time that I have known him approx. 3 years he changed companies 4 times. each time getting a huge increase. The problem is this, is this really good for the economy that once you are settled into a position you move on for more money. (If I were offered more money every 6 months I would move as well) I am not saying what he is doing is wrong it does raise some questions about the effectiveness of AA and BEE though.

I am with Proud where he says that we should start working for ourselves and not be in a possition were we work for someone else, this counts for all races.

2007-03-07 21:46:02 · answer #3 · answered by pete 2 · 1 0

Wow Proud!!! you make me so proud!!!
I'm one of the blacks who is also against BEE... I know it was no picnic getting to where I am...
And not everyone is given that great opportunity to be in that position. Most people are put into companies by favour for someone or because of someone...
But you aren't in South Africa Brad... so what do you want? You aren't under black management or an incompetent BEE fool...
I say Proud you are extremely right! Let whites start their own businesses. My previous two bosses, did that... both afrikaaner women (one with the help of an english woman), who started their businesses from home. Find the Zinto Marketing site. (michelle the owner is/was glad to have previously disadvantaged blacks working for her, especially young. But she refused giving half to some BEE partner and the government refused to help out. But she is doing wonderfully all on her own). The salon lady, she took in my cousin seeing as hair wasnt my thing, trained her and took her to school for three years so she could have a seat in the salon as well. They're both totally in love and profiting each other quite well.... So I do think the idea will work great.
The other thing you dont realise is that BEE is affecting blacks as well... once the rich are up there they become hard on the blacks and treat the whites like kings coz they are in that position coz a white man had to comply... That is total bullshyt....
So stop putting ideas in heads...South Africans? Proud is the man to listen to...less complaints, more ideas (And he is on the continent, thank you). F*ck ANC, they arent listening so why keep having them on our tongues...?

2007-03-07 19:27:55 · answer #4 · answered by Reb Da Rebel 6 · 4 0

jeez brad, and i thought i was a racist....

ok, personally i think BEE and AA and EE are bullsh!t, however, so do many blacks.

BEE only makes the rich richer, and affirmative action has been shown to have failed dismally. many black people have realised that getting a job on the basis of your skin colour doesn't work too well.

we all know what i think about thabo, i wont go into monologue here, but one of his plans was to increase skills development, and contrary to your opinion that they have lowered, independent research by deloitte and touche hows that quite the opposite is true - it has increased year on year since 94.

so instead of moaning that jobs are scarce for whites like you and i, open your own business.

interesting fact - since the inception of affirmative action, more whites now own their own businesses than ever before.

wake up boet. affirmative action still works in the white guys favour, we now get to own our own businesses, not work for a boss.

2007-03-07 18:41:39 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Forgive me is I find it hard to sympathize with the plight of White South Africans and there economic problems. The world is full of injustice, if they don't like the law of the land they are living in, move to another country.

2007-03-09 17:52:32 · answer #6 · answered by blogbaba 6 · 0 2

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