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Baseball - November 2007

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I was wondering if on this answer board do you take every question being asked and every answer being answered seriously or with a grain of salt? My take on this is lighten up it is a game, world peace is not at stake here. Like that will ever happen anyway!

2007-11-03 12:22:57 · 20 answers · asked by ? 6

And do you think he will take them to the World Series?

2007-11-03 12:12:44 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

all base ball fans give your opinoin on weather the yankees resign a-rod or get a new 3rd base men

2007-11-03 11:26:32 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-03 11:02:28 · 31 answers · asked by Janet ♥(YFFL) 7

2007-11-03 10:59:43 · 25 answers · asked by Janet ♥(YFFL) 7

I do Posada and Rivera are very classy respectful guys and have done such great things for the Yankees organization and there so valauble for the Yankees

Posada is like Co-captain of the Yankees hes the only good catcher the yankees have

Rivera Hes so humble and yes hes getting old but who else can you have faith in to close out games

Star if you want Posada and Rivera back

I wont let them leave they cant leave

2007-11-03 10:53:20 · 14 answers · asked by Janet ♥(YFFL) 7

for the end of his career

2007-11-03 08:54:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im a Yankee fan, I think they should have used the money to sign a younger player, such as Andrew Jones. I think it was a mistake to pick up the 1 years option. I hope they dont make a bigger mistake and sign an extension. Free up that money for the future.

2007-11-03 08:09:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seems like he's stayin.

2007-11-03 08:02:48 · 3 answers · asked by david k 2

2007-11-03 08:02:00 · 21 answers · asked by BRAVESFAN 3

choke-rod to the white sox? I heard joe crede is unavailable for 2008.

2007-11-03 07:03:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Go Bucs!

2007-11-03 06:56:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

With Zumaya on the shelf.... again..... Will they go after A-Rod to help them outscore the other teams in the baseball game?

2007-11-03 06:38:04 · 14 answers · asked by ? 4

I dont think 10,000 questions about choke-rod is enough.

2007-11-03 06:28:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

For example: if the 2008 Dodgers face the Yankees in the 08 WS, then Joe Torre would be facing the team he previously managed.

2007-11-03 04:44:20 · 2 answers · asked by ATAMU 1

I am an Indian living in America and there is one thing to always remember the Red Sox are amazing and the Yankees suck.

2007-11-03 04:05:29 · 11 answers · asked by Gauri 2

My fave are the Boston Red Sox!!! Whooo!!!! And my least is... (pls. noone kill me >.<) the Yankees.... *duck and cover*

2007-11-03 03:53:50 · 20 answers · asked by Rele007 1

NEW YORK -- The Yankees were informed they would not be able to meet with Alex Rodriguez unless they presented a contract offer of at least $350 million.

With that much of money, he can own the Marlins and the Devil Rays.

Do you think he is being greedy now? Give me your thoughts.

2007-11-03 03:25:18 · 12 answers · asked by julian192001 3

I am considering the following things, which would make me the least hated?

1.Giving up this account, retiring
2.Giving up this account, starting fresh with a new bcogehrig4, because i am nearly being deleted anyway
3. Staying with this one, and letting everyone block me for all I care
4. Apologizing in a press conference where a-rod becomes a dodger...jk
5.Just plainly staying here and annoying georgie porgie

which should i do? be honest.

by the way, i do not have any other accounts, but here is my story

i came on to yahoo answers with my bcogehrig4, got 1,906 points, and people added me. Then, i told some of my FRIENDS to get accounts, and they were totally bias, always picking me as best answer. So i blocked them all, but nowone has unblocked me.

So which should i do?

2007-11-03 03:20:54 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

You put your second-hand car out on the street with a 'for sale' sign in the window. You're thinking, "Hey, that car's worth six, maybe seven hundred dollars."

Then a seedy guy in an expensive business suit knocks on the door. "Hey, Champ," he says, "I'll give you $3,000 dollars for your clunker there." The two of you go out to look at the car and another car pulls up. There is another shady character in an expensive business suit. He says, "Hey, pal, I'll give you $4,500 for your junker." Soon there are 5 guys in suits. The price of the car is up to $12,700 dollars.

But you are not a jerk. You are not greedy. Even though $12,700 (or more -- the suits are still haggling! -- and you here figures like $20,000 used) would come in really handy, you are above money. "Stop!!!" you yell. "I only want $700 for the car." How many of you would do that? Even though your car is obviously for some reason in high demand.

So lay off A-Rod. No one will pay him unless they want to.

2007-11-03 02:44:20 · 8 answers · asked by Sarrafzedehkhoee 7

Now that A-Rod is gone, and you all have had enough years to defend his poor playoff play, correctly stating that he is the greatest player( or should be statistically spec.) to play baseball, how do all of you yankee fans judge his time in NY?
Now that he's gone, do all of you steel feel that it was "good years" here in NY with this money hungry looser as 99.9% of you fans thougth until game 4 of the 2007 world series??

2007-11-03 01:33:29 · 9 answers · asked by ranarenepr 2

when he is already being paid 250 million? what is wrong with america when people that play a ''game''get paid this much money? I think 20 million for 4 years is enough for any obdy out there that plays a game for a living.....this is still then most ''hard working'' people (3/4 of america) will ever see in a lifetime? Why doesn't the government regulate these people and not the common folks? does anyone else agree?

2007-11-02 20:31:17 · 16 answers · asked by Sandy B 5

was it arod? if you know post a link please

2007-11-02 19:37:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

or is it too early to know........


2007-11-02 19:18:24 · 8 answers · asked by drummaster26 1

Recently Barry Bonds said if his record breaking ball was displayed in the hall of fame he wouldn't want to join the hall of fame( because of the asterisk). Maybe it's just me but if he really had nothing to hide he would just let them display it and stop complaining.

2007-11-02 18:19:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I couldn't believe this. he wants $350 million. he is crazy if he thinks anyone is gonna give him that.

2007-11-02 18:18:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

My vote goes towards Georgie Porgie!!! Duh! But of course I would be VIce President.

2007-11-02 16:23:24 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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