What is wrong with people, honestly? Are you kidding me? Barry Bonds said on a radio show that he had been receiving death threats against him, just like Hank Aaron did before he broke the record, only this time its presumably not because he is black, but because he "took steroids."
Understandably, it appears Bonds had to have used some sort of performance enhancing drug, the physical signs are all there as far as his growth in size, etc., but the fact of the matter is, no one cared until after he broke the single season record. Its a sad day when Bonds' children have to worry that their father might not make it home from Spring Training, or is wife has to worry about raising her children without Barry, a loving father and DEFINATELY one of baseball's TOP TEN PLAYERS OF ALL TIME!
He WILL break the record, and we should all be proud to be able to see such a tremendous accomplishment.
Barry Haters, any rationale behind sending him death threats?
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