It seems that when an unsolved question is up for vote, the Christians and the Atheists tie up the vote on their top two answers, and whenever the question unsolved is in another religious group, the Christians sometimes even try to quote Holy Bible verses to a non-Christian questioner (examples are Buddhists and Islamics, who have posted in the past and had Christian answerers trying to show their Biblical knowledge). I am a firm believer that if someone doesn't believe the same as I do, that's their priviledge, and I wouldn't want to force any belief on someone else because I wouldn't want them to do that to me (sorry to use the Golden Rule). Why make references to a book which the questioner may not have to verify? 'Because the synoptic Gospels say so' doesn't answer if the questioner is either unaware of what a 'Gospel' is, or if they believe differently. All responses are welcome, as long as you abide by the community guidelines, which are available by link on the main page.
23 answers
asked by
Another Guy