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Religion & Spirituality - 29 November 2007

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the birth of the sun god, not the son of god? what if we went back to solstice being the reason for the season?

what if we had big dinners with family and light a yule log? what if we decorated trees with ribbons and shiny things? what if we kissed under mistletoe and hung wreaths on our doors? you know, all of those pagan customs! oh wait, we already do those

so how would you feel if "christmas" went back to it's roots?

and yes, you can still give and get presents!

2007-11-29 06:01:27 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

and don't tell me it's because Jesus was born on that day, because he totally wasn't!

Where did that date come from?

2007-11-29 05:59:17 · 29 answers · asked by ~)~) 3

What are the 2 most unforgivable sins ? If you can
get it right, you win. But the one who explains it
best, will have a better chance at winning.
So please stick with the details. Let's roll.

2007-11-29 05:57:34 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

What is offensive from reading the words?

2007-11-29 05:56:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I usually smack the culprit on the forehead with the meaty part of my palm, and say, "May any deity, that may or may not exist, bless you in accordance with their unique rituals of blessing. However, if that deity, that may or may not exist, is a wrathful and vengeful god or demigod, may he or she not bless you in an evil way."

Then I take a step back, make "guns" with the thumb and pointer fingers on my hands, and make 2 clicking sounds when I point at them.

So what's your approach?

2007-11-29 05:55:45 · 43 answers · asked by Armless Joe, Bipedal Foe 6

In my life, I've met two people that I can think of that disbelieve both modern evolutionary theory and Biblical creation. Aside from those two, all the thousands of people that I've encountered that reject TOE believe that the Abrahamic God created everything.

Does anyone here reject both concepts of origin? If so, what is your alternative explanation (assuming you have one)?

Just trying to learn a bit about other people, here.
Thanks in advance for your answers.

2007-11-29 05:54:54 · 13 answers · asked by marbledog 6

Lately I was introduced to this concept of 'Once saved, forever saved', where once you receive Christ in your life, then no matter how much you sin, no matter what you do in your life (even killing, having countless sex, etc etc), once you repent, you are still accepted into heaven.

Is this true? Can somebody shed some light on this issue? Preferably with Bible verses?

2007-11-29 05:51:39 · 32 answers · asked by Aleckii 3

Witch-riding...you know where your awake but you cant move nor speak...you feel intense evil around you???

2007-11-29 05:50:35 · 9 answers · asked by Z. 3

to hurt society by at least posting facts in the last 100 years?

When I asked how has Christianity hurt the USA some of you said- Well Christians burned witches? hmm I thought Elvira of the darkness was still around?

Let's see the Crusades? that happened in what realitives lifetime?

Just trying to find out what Christians have done in the USA to hurt the way of life we have always known it to be?

Any facts to post in the last 100 years?

2007-11-29 05:49:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Thanks, Samuri Jack ... : )

2007-11-29 05:49:11 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

and what year did adam and eve die?

2007-11-29 05:48:51 · 12 answers · asked by Tower Of Strength 6

Does anyone think that maybe the bible was a fictional book like the Cat in the Hat. Maybe its fake. I'm catholic but i question it because i really haven't had a good life. and i know thats an excuse but still. Maybe it was the great american novel

2007-11-29 05:48:06 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I fell asleep in a meeting at work. In the dream, I am running as fast as I can through a dark valley. I'm running towards a very bright light. I get closer and closer to the light and I am about to dive headlong into the source of the light. Just then, I hear somebody shouting, "No, come back, come back!" I wake up in my coworkers' arms. She said she had been shaking me for five minutes. There is drool on my notebook.

2007-11-29 05:43:53 · 6 answers · asked by 2 5

does it seem odd to anybody else, with all these claims that there are real scientific theories, which do not evoke the supernatural and dispute the theory of evolution, that every scientist who disputes evolution seems to jump on the creationism/intelligent design bandwagon?

2007-11-29 05:43:23 · 24 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5

It is quite clear from many readings, that Jesus lived in Judea. At the time, Judeans were known as Jews, regardless of their practicing religion, much the same way as a person from America is called an American. He never practiced Talmudism or Judaism in any regard, other than living in an area with other Judeans (Jews).

Do you think the Jews would commit (what you believe to be) deicide on one of their own?

2007-11-29 05:42:35 · 24 answers · asked by Learn the Truth 1

Are there some people out there today, that believe the day is not important it is JESUS- and if we kept Him central- what a different world this would be!!!!!!!!!!

2007-11-29 05:39:19 · 51 answers · asked by AdoreHim 7

I'm going through a break up. I know I am doing the right thing for both of us. However, all he wants to do is continually try to guilt me into staying. How do I handle it until we can financially part ways for good?

2007-11-29 05:39:09 · 29 answers · asked by Linz VT•AM 4

my and my boyfriend are strong christians and would like to do a bible study together to strengthen our relationship with our selves and with God. Does any one know of a good bible study book we can buy?

2007-11-29 05:38:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any one notice that almost every war is based around religion. Maybe religion is a ploy to fight which would make Jesus and Muhammad like dictators. What do you think?

2007-11-29 05:37:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isn't religion all about blind faith, indoctrination and dogmatic behavior?

Why would Christians try to counter the theory of evolution with fantasy-riddled "arguments", like gods poofing everything into existence in six days, or gods wiping out mankind in a flood?

If their faith is so strong, why would they bother to defend it? If it's so obvious to them...I mean, I don't see anyone claiming or arguing that silver and gold are shiny metals....

2007-11-29 05:37:10 · 12 answers · asked by Lex Fok B.M.F. 3

I have learned there are many people here that love the Lord and have a great deal of Spiritual Wisdom..

I also have learned many Atheists, some whom are nice and can be humorous never have anything to say in defense of thier non-belief
GOD does not exsist-How would they find a remedy for the world and society's problems?, they say get rid of religion, and replace it with what?
I might ask alot of questions- But how else do you dig in a person's brain to see how they truly tick?

2007-11-29 05:36:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

You can't always tell who the dangerous ones are...

2007-11-29 05:35:54 · 49 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

According to countless studies done across America most Americans can't read above a sixth grade level but hey lets push it and go to 8th grade. Most religious text aren't at an 8th grade level just because a lot of them are highly detailed and very philosophical. How is it that there are so many religious people in America if the majority of Americans can't read the text they are adhering their life to? The same could even be said of Atheist as well if science is the justification of your belief but if you can't read indepth scientific study because those are written way above an 8th grade level how do you get your belief or lack there of from it?

2007-11-29 05:35:04 · 11 answers · asked by neveroutnumbered 4

OK, I know it isn't all Muslims that are extreme, but these recent events;
the 9/11 attacks, 7/7 attacks, the British teacher being jailed, losing our identity as a nation.....
These are giving Islam a terrible name and it is seen as a religion somewhat stuck in the past with its appaling laws, inequality and terrible Human Rights record.

What are your thoughts?

2007-11-29 05:34:46 · 26 answers · asked by BrilliantPomegranate 4

I am debating some retard whose defense for abortion was that we eat eggs....I mean really!

2007-11-29 05:34:44 · 17 answers · asked by Chrys 5

How is it determined who has the right interpitation.

2007-11-29 05:34:41 · 9 answers · asked by King James 33 1/3% 4

Which is more justifiable:

A) Slaying an entire city but keeping all the virgins for yourself.
B) Abducting somebody's wife for yourself, but harming nobody in the process.

Which do you think the Christian God would punish more harshly?

2007-11-29 05:34:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since then My daughter has been sick.My Daycare posted that it will be closed for most of December.Do you think that means not to continue with my new job.I did however work 3 days as I was told my shift would be.7:30am-4:30,but that was an untruth.She wants me to work from 8am-5.BUt mt daycare closes at That time.what do you guys think?

2007-11-29 05:32:58 · 3 answers · asked by mish 2

I'm asking this out if curiousity so i'm not looking for low blows about anyone's beliefs...

I've heard that atheists do not believe in predetermined fate, so my question is, do you believe we determine our own fate? or you don't believe in fate at all?

The reason I ask is because when the VT massacre happened, I kept thinking... these kids went to school, a good school, so they can have a bright future, and BAM they get killed... or what if you live in a nice neighborhood, live a healthy lifestyle, then BAM a tree falls on you and kills you in a freak accident...

What's your beliefs on death? Is it just something that happens, do you believe you can prevent death? Just wanted to gain insight to some different atheists beliefs about fate and your views on how death works.

2007-11-29 05:32:24 · 8 answers · asked by Katrina 5

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