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Religion & Spirituality - 26 November 2007

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Or Christa McAuliffe? We still don't teach them about the "History" that was current events when I was in high school, so why should we worry about the "history" that goes back to when the world started that nobody can even prove? Isn't Molhmar Quadafy more important to learn about than the talking snake? Why Should Abel's death, which nobody can prove happened, outrank the seven astronauts on the Challenger when we WATCHED them die on national TV?

2007-11-26 03:59:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey everyone (JW’s only please),

I made a promise a couple years ago to someone who is now no longer a witness, promising to give him some stuff if I ever wanted to get rid of it.

Should I try to find a way to get these things to him that is still upholding our standards, or should I just go ahead and give them away to whoever wants them? I don’t want to break the promise, but at the same time, I don’t want him to get any more upset with me than he already is in connection to him not wanting to come back into the congregation.
(He hasn't currently shown any intrest in comming back anyway...I've only seen him attend a few of the meetings and both Memorials in the past couple years)

Biblically, what should I do? How would you handle the situation?

2007-11-26 03:59:09 · 17 answers · asked by Howiej28 2

For example:

There once was a lord from Nantucket
who turned water to wine in a bucket
on the plus sign, he died
all his followers cried
all because Judas said "F*** it."

~Jason Fenwick

(I know Jesus was not said to be from Nantucket... but hey, it's just a story, after all. Who cares if the "facts" are factual.)

2007-11-26 03:58:09 · 12 answers · asked by Trina™ 6

It is just a screen, isn't it? There can't be such a think as a moon or a sun, can it? They lie, don't they? There's something strange going on...Shhhh.

2007-11-26 03:57:48 · 14 answers · asked by Chickoon 4

His arguments are ridiculously shoddy - almost puerile - especially in the light of recent discoveries and cosmological models. Their fallacy should be obvious to anyone with a brain.

Yet despite this, Aquinas seems to receive very good press hereabouts, and is frequently trotted out proudly as if unassailable by theists.

Does anyone know of a site/source where the Quinquae viae 'proofs' are properly demolished? I'd like to see what the experts make of them.


2007-11-26 03:56:34 · 8 answers · asked by Super Atheist 7

For without me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what ye are able. 1 Corinthians 10:13

You can ask God to help
He'll always give you the strength to do anything He wants you to do.

2007-11-26 03:54:41 · 19 answers · asked by inteleyes 7

Do you realize that the hysterics that people go into over things like The Golden Compass and Harry Potter just makes your arguments and beliefs about God and religion seem less valid to many, many people?

Think about it.

If you really believed in the power of God and in your children's (and your own) faith, you wouldn't have a problem with them watching a movie like The Golden Compass that makes you think about the things people do in the name of religion. If your faith was so strong and you'd done such a good job raising your little kids as Christians, you'd have no problem having them watch a movie where Marilyn Manson or someone does nothing but look at the screen and go "Satan is awesome and God is not" repeatedly.

Why are you so afraid of things that are a work of fiction and are made for entertainment and enjoyment?

2007-11-26 03:53:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does telling your children of things such as the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Santa make it difficult for them to distinguish between fact and fiction? Is that why you won't allow them to watch or read Harry Potter and the Golden Compass - because you worry they may not be able to tell it's not real?

2007-11-26 03:52:33 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If september means 7th moon-th (month), october means 8th, november 9th, and december 10th. If janus (january), febra (febuary), mars (march), etc. are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc, months respectfully, what happened to the 11th and 12th moon-th? If you think new years begins at midnight, on the evening of the two headed god of janus, then you should re-boot your religious mind. If you think the heart of febra (feb. 14th) was taken by Julius Ceasar, then your holy-days are of a religious nature. I won’t even go into the days of the week (thor’s day). Give me a break, how silly.

Will you accept a more scientific calendar which is found in the Hebrew Scriptures and abandon the solar calendar and go back to a proven and accurate moon cycle calendar?

2007-11-26 03:51:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

First and for most. I think all the controversy around "The Golden Compass" is unneeded. The movie will come and go. Like "Eragon." I've never even heard of the books or he author. Until all this came out. I don't even think most Christians are as outraged as people think.

I personally am looking forward to Batman and Hulk next year! anyway. . .

But I think that the difference between "Narnia" and "Materials" is that Lewis wasn't demonizing anyone. It seems that Pullman is. Now I'll admitt I haven't read the books. But from what I can gather from interviews by Pullman he's just making sweeping generalizations.

What do you think?

And YES I KNOW I should read the books!

2007-11-26 03:49:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

For her class naming the class Teddy Bear Muhammad. Why is everyone so afraid of Christians "taking over" when in all reality we should be concerned with the influence that is slowly moving westward? What are your thoughts?


2007-11-26 03:48:58 · 10 answers · asked by Loosid 6

What do you think of Indonesia preparing for the Big One by a Brazilian Psychic?
Local officials in a quake-prone Indonesian province said Monday they were taking precautionary measures after a Brazilian psychic warned a powerful earthquake would strike next month.

Husni Hassanuddin, a spokesman for Bengkulu province on Sumatra island, said the Indonesian embassy in Brasilia had passed on a letter from a "professor" and psychic predicting a quake would rock the island on December 23.
A 6.2 magnitude earthquake hit near the city of Iwaki in Japan on Monday
Four earthquakes with a magnitude of 6.0 or greater were reported by Indonesia’s meteorological agency early Monday.

*Natural disasters have quadrupled in two decades*
Birth Pains?

2007-11-26 03:46:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

wonder about it at some point in your life? Any experiences you want to share. Please be nice, Just asking opinions...........

2007-11-26 03:44:54 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is a peer-reviewed study in a scientific journal more trustworthy than Ken Hovind's or Richard Dawkins' research?


2007-11-26 03:43:38 · 13 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

There were a hundred and five named smurfs and only five named snorks--there was no such thing as a clockwork snork, and the smurfs had no comparable character to either Tooter or Ocky--the Smurfs were a giant family, while the snorks were four kids hanging out after school--obviously Snorkianity and Smurfiism are two VERY different religions--why can't you see that?

2007-11-26 03:43:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 03:42:22 · 29 answers · asked by Holly Carmichael 4

John 20:19–23 "On the evening of that day.. ..Jesus said to [the apostles] again, ‘Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I send you... ..If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained."

Did you know that this is just one of the Scriptual reasons for the authority of priests/bishops to forgive sins in the name of Christ? Christ, here, has given this authority to the apostles. This authority was handed down through Apostolic Succession. Notice how in verse 21 Jesus says, "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." In other words, Jesus is giving his apostles the same authority that he received from his Father. Now what authority did Jesus receive from God the Father? We see earlier, in Mark 2:10, that he had the authority to forgive sins. Jesus brought the power of forgiveness from heaven to earth. So now, in John 20:21, he is giving that same authority to his apostles. Very Biblical.

2007-11-26 03:41:52 · 7 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

and she admitted to not believing...her reasoning was how did god get here.... Like many people i always kinda wondered that too. But ive come to terms with knowing that ill find that question out when i get to heaven. But she is so set on not believing without some kinda proof...and i was wondering if anyone knew of any actual evidence or answers on that question along with any others that might make her believe...

2007-11-26 03:41:22 · 58 answers · asked by Funkymatt8 1

Was Mary conceived without sin? YES. This is believed by the Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox, the Coptics - in fact the only Christians who DON'T believe it are that vocal minority of Christians, the protestants, who have only been around 500 of the 2000 years of Christianity.

When discussing the Immaculate Conception, an implicit reference may be found in the angel’s greeting to Mary. The angel Gabriel said, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you" (Luke 1:28). The phrase "full of grace" is a translation of the Greek word kecharitomene. It therefore expresses a characteristic quality of Mary.

The traditional translation, "full of grace," is better than the one found in many recent versions of the New Testament, which give something along the lines of "highly favored daughter." Mary was indeed a highly favored daughter of God, but the Greek implies more than that (and it never mentions the word for "daughter").

2007-11-26 03:40:53 · 26 answers · asked by Catholic Crusader 3

are in fact another aspect of the Curse but just isn't recorded in the Bible?

2007-11-26 03:40:10 · 12 answers · asked by MelloYello 5

Judges 21

Matthew 5:17

2007-11-26 03:39:01 · 8 answers · asked by Homeland Security 1

read it? used it?
it seems interesting.
if you have read it - what did you think?

(smartass answers and crap jokes also accepted)

2007-11-26 03:37:38 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

state at least two basic truths that you learned about these men and women.

2007-11-26 03:36:11 · 4 answers · asked by Apple Pie 1

Floating around for eternity? To accomplish what?

2007-11-26 03:32:34 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

Personally I have my doubts about Barney.

2007-11-26 03:31:18 · 16 answers · asked by Potatoe Plague 2

A follower wants to know and needs to understand better. Is it difficult for you?


2007-11-26 03:31:15 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6

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