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Religion & Spirituality - 26 November 2007

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If you have asked God to forgive you but other people tell you that you have no business doing something for God because of your past....what should you tell them?

2007-11-26 01:36:09 · 58 answers · asked by bethy4jesus 5

I find that often I get disappointed in myself, and I can worry a lot about my family. I wish that believers could better represent God, myself included. The local, national and world news is always depressing. The relentless onslaught of satan, world and flesh gets me tired. What's a good Christian chap to do? Any inspirational, up-lifting words?

2007-11-26 01:33:31 · 5 answers · asked by ignoramus_the_great 7

Could anyone please help with advice or something??

2007-11-26 01:27:01 · 67 answers · asked by Mrs Stevo 2

Something to consider from barna.org:
"One of the most significant differences between active-faith and no-faith Americans is the cultural disengagement and sense of independence exhibited by atheists and agnostics in many areas of life. They are less likely than active-faith Americans to be registered to vote, to volunteer to help a non-church-related non-profit, to describe themselves as "active in the community", and to personally help or serve a homeless or poor person. One of the outcomes of this profile - and one of the least favorable points of comparison for atheist and agnostic adults - is the paltry amount of money they donate to charitable causes. The typical no-faith American donated just $200 in 2006, which is more than seven times less than the amount contributed by the prototypical active-faith adult ($1500). Even when church-based giving is subtracted from the equation, active-faith adults donated twice as many dollars last year as did atheists and agnostics."

2007-11-26 01:26:53 · 14 answers · asked by MrMyers 5

santa or jesus

2007-11-26 01:26:40 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 01:25:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was a rack that he got from a buck he shot over the Thanksgiving weekend. I really tried not to look saddened, disgusted or disappointed, but I think I may have failed miserably as I tried to act like it was impressive or something, especially when he said, "You should have seen him, he was BEAUTIFUL!" I wanted to say, "So, you figured the best way to express yourself in the sight of his beauty was to kill him?"

Then I asked him if he kept the meat and he said, "Nah, we just cut out the tender loins and left the rest. Processing a deer is a LOT of work." I wanted to say, "Well, becoming a full-grown deer is a lot of work. The least you could have done was respect that and use it fully."

Then I asked him if he what he was going to do with the rack and he said, "I'm probably going to plaque it." I wanted to say, "Oh, cool. You should put a caption underneath, like 'I'm a Murderer.'"

All those things I wanted to say. How would you have handled this Christian differently?

2007-11-26 01:23:50 · 23 answers · asked by Homeland Security 1

Or are they just misunderstood ?

2007-11-26 01:19:20 · 15 answers · asked by Moscow 5

As a Catholic convert, I don't know enough about the faith. A Catholic may offer up sufferings for the salvation of the world. Correct?

Say a person has had great suffering in his/her past before becoming Catholic. Can that person offer up that suffering today?

Please explain this to me.

Thank You, Grace

2007-11-26 01:19:20 · 7 answers · asked by Grace 4

I answer questions here with the word "Unitarian" in them. One question in particular, "Isn't a devout Universalist Unitarian [sic] a contradiction in terms?", inspired a sermon.

Note that I'm not a minister. Our little UU congregation has a real minister speak 3 times a month, and lay people on the other Sundays. I'm one of the second string.

Has anyone else written a sermon based on questions or answers on Y!A?

If you are interested in the sermon itself, it is here:


2007-11-26 01:15:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a serious fear of death. I am not necessarily scared of the death itself, I have told myself that if lucky, it should feel like just going to sleep.

My problem here is I am scared of not living; not being able to be with the people I love anymore or see the world advance.

I am terrified that there is no afterlife. I would love for anyone here to please provide links to scientific proof or any past experiences that verify an afterlife.

PLEASE no preaching or such, I am not looking to switch to religion.

There will be a best answer for the one that provides me the most closure.

2007-11-26 01:10:10 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 01:09:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

than moslems have to attempt to convert everyone to islam.personally i am disgusted by people who are unable to accept that others may have different beliefs and try to convert everyone to their own religion, why cant we allow people to have their own beliefs and respect them as human beings rather than keep insisting they are going to hell, surely it is their choice

2007-11-26 01:07:57 · 29 answers · asked by LUCY M 2

2007-11-26 01:07:39 · 33 answers · asked by A strablue 1

2007-11-26 01:01:20 · 31 answers · asked by kATERinKA 2

I have a serious fear of death. I am not necessarily scared of the death itself, I have told myself that if lucky, it should feel like just going to sleep.

My problem here is I am scared of not living; not being able to be with the people I love anymore or see the world advance.

I am terrified that there is no afterlife. I would love for anyone here to please provide links to scientific proof or any past experiences that verify an afterlife.

PLEASE no preaching or such, I am not looking to switch to religion.

2007-11-26 01:00:04 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-26 01:00:00 · 8 answers · asked by sindhi 1

If absolute truth is relative (my truth is good for me while your truth is good for you) then please explain an absolute moral law. To say that a government lines up these values doesn't work. I can use Hitler as an example....

2007-11-26 00:58:51 · 31 answers · asked by xtreme_devotion_120 1


2007-11-26 00:58:49 · 23 answers · asked by Calchas 3

2007-11-26 00:57:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

... beliefs.. I was with my dumb friend last night who start praying for the food before we eat and I was holding the piece of bread when they start doing it. I got shocked and wait holiding the bread untill they finish their prayers because I never saw it comming. Then they start preaching me abt the end of the world will come very soon and I must find happiness in their chirch and other all the christians are dumb including Catholics,Protestent , Evangelical, Eglashies, Penthakostha ect .also they have a shuttle service to carry me to their chirch every sunday free of charge and they are planing to build born again schools in every country..and my friend believe the world is only 6000 years old and evolution is a man written myth. ( god help those school children )They have two kids who are around 10 or 12 ..I feel sorry for those kids.. what should I do?

2007-11-26 00:56:49 · 12 answers · asked by Thomas 1


2007-11-26 00:56:02 · 23 answers · asked by Belzetot 5

2007-11-26 00:53:33 · 38 answers · asked by SweetSexyMe 1

They beg every day for money, ostensibly to buy food because they have nothing to eat...but they are obese.
Obesity is not caused by having no food...it is caused by an excess of calories.
What would you say to the person? What would you do?

2007-11-26 00:52:13 · 16 answers · asked by Digital Age 6

To question, mock, and put down my beliefs?

2007-11-26 00:49:05 · 38 answers · asked by christy_lee27 2

Considering having other gods goes against the original 1st commandment but not having any gods is barely touched on in the Bible, which should be considered worse?

2007-11-26 00:47:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


I am looking for a Zen Master who is willing to teach me everything right from the begining and whom is willing to travel the distance with me.

I live in the United Kingdom, Sussex area, but hopefully distance is not a problem, not with all the technology we have today.

Are there any Zen Master's out there? Please contact me, please?

Blessings and Profound Peace xxx

2007-11-26 00:47:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Over the weekend I worked for a friend of mine who runs a nice handmade items shop. Because the weekend after Thanksgiving is one of her busiest I worked for her on Sat. & Sun. by greeting her customers passing out Cocoa. I was to tell clients Merry Christmas or whatever to them when they came in. I had a couple that got offended. I asked them what their religious affiliation was and corrected to appease. But, when several of my Pagan and Wiccan friends came in I greeted them with Happy Yule and Candlemas. Some friends I knew were Athiests and greeted them with Happy Holidays or Merry festivus. But I got chewed out by one person that was offended by just the general holiday greetings, asked if he had a religious affiliation and apologized when he said NO very loudly. Then I told him have a wonderful day and enjoy the shop. As he and his wife left he said that it was very inconsiderate of me to say such things to people I did not know. I explained it to him like this...............

2007-11-26 00:45:50 · 33 answers · asked by Karma of the Poodle 6

others and nihilists as a generalistic group of humans?

2007-11-26 00:45:32 · 3 answers · asked by The Nihilist 3

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