Well I have seen a lot of Christians use this verse and that jesus is begotton son of God.
Gospel Of Jhon Chapter 3 V 16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Most Christians say that the Bible mentions that Jesus is the Son of God, but if you refer Bible also says that Adam is the son of God,David is son of God and many others are also mentioned as son of God. Bible has son of God by the Tons.Anyone who is led by the spirit of God is the Son of God, tht is what the Bible says. It means if you are a good person , following the rules and regulations of God then you are a son of God and we are all children of God.
But the Christians say that Jesus is not only a son of God but he is the “Begotten” son of God and they use the above verse John 3:16, But the word begotten is not there in the Revised Standard Version.
This is the verse from the King James Version Bible and it is also present in the Douay Version which the catholics believe. The catholics believe in 73 books, and the protestants they have thrown out 7 books from the old testament saying it is “APOCRYPHA”
The Word Apocrypha means
various religious writings of uncertain origin regarded by some as inspired, but rejected by most authorities.
writings, statements, etc., of doubtful authorship or authenticity
The bible ,the King james Version and the other Douay version go back to the source about 300- 500 yrs after the alleged crucifiction of Jesus Christ.
And according to the Revised Standard Version, the Revised Standard Version Goes back 200 years after the alleged crucifiction of Jesus Christ , which is more authentic as it is closer to the source.
And according to the Revised Standard Version which have revised by 32 christian scholars of the highest eminence backed by co-operating denominations , if you open the bible and look up John Chapter 3 v 16 the word “begotten” is not there because it is an interpolation or fabrication.
As you can see 32 scholars of the highest eminence backed by 50 co-operating denominations have thrown the word ”Begotten” out of the Bible even the Revised standard version of the Catholic Edition doesn’t have the Word Begotten in it.
There is no equivocal statement in the entire Bible where jesus says I am god or where he says Worship me.
I want to ask the Christians , most of the christians believe what the Church teaches them , and the church interprits what the bible says, and different ppl give different interpretation of the bible , but there is no verse in the whole bible where jesus says in clear open words that I am God or Worship me.
And one more thing is that a word tht is so relevent to the whole of Christianity and has been there in the bible for so many years , the scholars just remove it for reasons best known to them. So, what is the surity that the Bible is still in its pure form, and would you still believe it even after it has been altered.?
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