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Religion & Spirituality - 22 November 2007

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if jesus is a god why did he have to shed his blood to clear bani israel sins?why doesnt e just forgive the sins???????????????????????????and there once in the bible said that he shed his blood to clear bani israel sins only and not for all of you now.??so is the bible is only for bani israel and not for all of you?

2007-11-22 21:07:43 · 4 answers · asked by lolo p 1

The semantic's game should be fun.
Catholic's worship God, who created jesus
Christian's worship jesus who was created by God.
Yet you say there is a difference?

2007-11-22 21:06:33 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mother Nature provides everything.
Food; Water; Shelter & Enlightenment.

My Religion says that :
" If you feel to give back something to this Mother Nature....Do nothing....Keep yourself away from her. Just love and respect Her and keep quite... This is only way to pay back"

I believe that.

What is your belief?

2007-11-22 20:54:33 · 25 answers · asked by Shripathi Krishna Acharya 5

Hell fearing Christians, that also believe in a loving God. How can you come to the conclusion that an all loving God would allow people to go to Hell for an eternity for sins manifested in such a short period of time.

While God may be just, is He also cruel? Think about it, mountains can be moved one particle of sand at a time and there would still be an unbearable amount of pain to exist to those that did not accept Jesus as their savior.

You justify this by saying it is God's way, but I think that if you really believe this and you also promote such beliefs without question you are as cruel as your beliefs. How can you feel so justified that God would do so? How can you believe that an all loving God can be so cruel?

You say it is choice, but you know we all make bad choices. You know that we all are without a perfect knowledge. How can you justify such horrid treatment of people?

Now, if you do believe in such a Hell, but do not agree with it, disregard this msg.

2007-11-22 20:52:00 · 21 answers · asked by Green 7

I mean after that whole Cain & Abel incident.

Apparently lambs are good sacrifice for the G-man.... wheat is bad sacrifice..... brother is also a bad sacrifice.
Sounds rather awkward to get right if you don't have precisely the right animals.

I seriously hope Satan isn't that fussy.

Then again, when I was a kid I sacrificed spiders, wasps and occasionally mice. Satan never got back to me on those... but then I didn't have any goats available, and my mother wouldn't let me sacrifice my little brother.

2007-11-22 20:44:23 · 6 answers · asked by Lucid Interrogator 5

According to the theologians, God did not make all men alike.
He made races differing in intelligence, stature and color. Was
there goodness, was there wisdom in this?

Ought the superior races to thank God that they are not the
inferior? If we say yes, then I ask another question: Should the
inferior races thank God that they are not superior, or should they
thank God that they are not beasts?


2007-11-22 20:32:38 · 9 answers · asked by Michael S 3

Why do they tell me there is a god thing.Stop abusing me with your religious nonense.

2007-11-22 20:32:35 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-22 20:30:21 · 41 answers · asked by dannyriley26 2

It is evident, that a lot of Christians believe that Jesus is God. A lot do not even acknowledge the Father as important. In the Bible, Jesus says that the Father is greater than Him. If one were to look at the Bible, Jesus seems to be of a lower position of His father.

How can you believe Jesus is God when there is an abundance of text in the Bible that states otherwise? For those that believe Jesus is God, Jesus is less than the Father in the Bible, therefore where do you base your beliefs that He is an equal?

2007-11-22 20:28:50 · 16 answers · asked by Green 7

Sacrifices will start up again and what else?

2007-11-22 20:20:30 · 12 answers · asked by Nikki 3

The big ones and the little ones, does anyone really know? I am just wondering cause I watch some programs on sunday morning and they ask for money from peoples paychecks and one day I will have a paycheck and I don't know if I should give that much money. Thank you.

2007-11-22 20:19:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

XIV The Redeemer Gods
The sun was the first source of energy human life had, until mankind was able to kindle fire itself.

Many solar deities like Mitra also have been worshipped as fire gods.

The discovery of fire gave mankind an immense advantage in controlling the world.

Plato and Aristotle deemed sun worship as rational to some extent, although they were more sceptic to popular religiosity in general.

Solar deities like Salvitri and Mitra tend to be born shortly after the winter solstice. Herodot already knew about Mitra. Plutarch tells us that persian pirates brought the Mitra cult to Sicily.

Jesus' life is somewhat typical for the life of a solar deity. Birth around winter solstice, resurrection around spring equinox.

For Egyptians, the sun was the celestial father. This is underlined by some obelisk dragged into the Circus Maximus at Rome.

Jesus is just the same old sun god in a new dress.

XV Jesus Christ Is a Solar Myth
Dupuis derived the general pattern of the biography of solar deities like Jesus from astronomical observations, esp. solstices and equinoxes, and so on. Solar cult prevails in modern Christianity as well. Jesus is the lamb of God, akin to the significance of Easter, usually celebrated during the passage of the sun through the zodiacal sign of Aries. Origenes justified sun worship for its symbolic reason. Tertullian admits that Christian resurrection is akin to the Mitraic counterpart.

The portuguese term for sunday (domingo) derives from Latin dominus.

Mani and Satornil identified the sun as the Christ and true home of the soul.

The church tried to hide the fact that Jesus is just yet another solar deity after a long struggle.

2007-11-22 20:17:15 · 9 answers · asked by Life goes on... 6

2007-11-22 20:11:25 · 23 answers · asked by Linda Fallsrock 2

Do you think their mocking of different religions and cultures is offensive? Funny to an extent? What do you think?

And Ned Flanders. What do you think of Ned Flanders? The overly religious (Protestant I believe, but certainly a form of Christian) left handed character with the glasses.

2007-11-22 20:09:43 · 21 answers · asked by IRRELEVANCE 3

what do you atheists think happens to us after we die? im purely curious

2007-11-22 20:09:33 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know not everybody does this on here, but many of you do. And as a christian, when I see other christians acting this way it makes me very sad.

To the believers-- Do you really think that whatever God you believe in wants you to be rude? Do you think that it makes people want to be apart of your religion? I don't know about other bibles, but I know the christian bible tells us to simply "love one another." Not just the believers, or who we think is worthy, it says EVERYBODY. It also says "Judge not, lest ye be judged".

And to the Non Believers....
Do you really think that simply calling somebody stupid for believing in God will make them suddenly realize that they are wrong and change everything? And honestly, how does it harm you personally if I believe in God? If I pray for you will it make you drop dead? If you don't believe there is a God, then what does it really matter?

2007-11-22 20:03:01 · 22 answers · asked by evil_kandykid 5

Girls wear pants and some guys dress like girls.
Does God really care about that?

2007-11-22 20:03:00 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend is Christian and his ex-fiance is Buddhist who may be looking to convert religions. I'm not sure if that is her true intention or if she is trying to get closer to my now boyfriend. Because of schedules it is hard for me to attend the social bible group. She showed up last week at the church when I was sick and he invited her to his social bible group which she showed up for. Unfortunately he didn't tell me about this for he thought I'd react in a way he seems trivial for he states that he has been praying for her and he is so happy she's discovering a new religion.
For their groups, they usually all go out for dinner first or some social activity and then a bible study. He had picked her up for all of this and thought it was trivial to tell me for she only needed a ride. Next week's bible study will be at her house. Why do I feel so jealous about all of this? Should this be trivial if I was looking at it thru a Christian's eyes?

2007-11-22 20:02:27 · 8 answers · asked by Ash L 1

1.) Do you believe their is no proof or lack of it?
2.) Have you ever read the Qur'an and Bible and then made up you're mind?
3.) Have you ever went to a Mosque or church and ask and talk to the preists/people?
4.)Have you ever done extensive research before making up you're mind

Saying you turn atheist because "Africa is starving" isn't going to cut it. It's not really valid, and if you ever wondered the Qur'an and maybe the bible has the answers.

2007-11-22 19:58:37 · 32 answers · asked by Bassima(God Bless Palestine) 2

Who decided that the pope is the head of the church? When the bible states very clearly that Christ is the head of the church.

2007-11-22 19:52:34 · 19 answers · asked by empangeniguy 3

Why does the Catholic church believe that they are the ONLY true church?

2007-11-22 19:49:41 · 11 answers · asked by empangeniguy 3

2007-11-22 19:41:12 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I wrote a song about Paradise but I had a definite theme in mind. How would you interpret Paradise.

2007-11-22 19:31:36 · 12 answers · asked by soñador 7

Ive talked to some psychics, why do some of them tell me different stories, its like you ask yourself which is really true. Bc Ive found some to be true an then I talk to a different psychic an then they tell me another story. What to do?

2007-11-22 19:27:01 · 8 answers · asked by Emerald 3

this is for students only.

2007-11-22 19:25:13 · 10 answers · asked by guru raj 1

2007-11-22 19:15:23 · 27 answers · asked by Alex 2

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