What is the true cause of Racism, Sexism and Prejiduce.. Why do people hate people just because of their religon, race or sex? Religon has been in and out of of history, people continue to hate on religons, a major one right now is Muslims, people are making false acusations of what the Quran says, they say that prophet muhammed was a child molestor because he married a young girl. But how about the hundreds of children that are getting raped by preists? Islam is terror? What was America when they killed millions of women and children in japan? What were the christians when they started the KKK? Why do people judge an entire religon just on a small group of people? I am not muslim, but if you look into this it is pretty sad how ignorant people are, another major religon is the Jews, they also have been hated because they killed jesus christ? But wasnt jesus a jew himself?
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asked by
the s0urce