Good question. I definitely understand where your coming from. I also totally agree that disagreement should never come to blows, much less war. It happens, but I don't agree with it.
As a Christian, we are called to bring others closer to God, yes there are some that are very zealous in how they go about it, while others are....shall we say "mums the word". People will do what they think they are called to do, or ignore it. But there are also different kinds of Muslims. Some try to convert you, others kill you, and while I can't prove it, I'm think some are "mums the word".
God doesn't send people to hell. We send ourselves by how we show our love for God (doing his will), and through Jesus. God didn't determine who is going to Heaven or Hell before we were born, again we decide that, but he does happen to know what we're going to do.
I don't know God's plan for those born outside of a Christian community. I do have faith though that God has a plan. While that might sound hollow to some, I believe in a righteous God.
2007-11-11 15:52:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was not born a Christian or born into a Christian family. I became a Christian after searching for Gods truth. You presume much about Christians and their philosophies, for instance...No one is condemned to hell because of who they are or where they live. Christians come from every nation on earth, from every tribe and every tongue. People are not condemned to hell, people "Choose" hell, there is a big difference. Perhaps you could use your own advice and study Christianity, compare Christianity to Scripture and make a informed decision one way or the other. And why address this question to Christians only? Why not followers of Islam?
Why not Judaism or Confucianism or any other religion?
The Christian thing to do is not what the world says to do. The world says to look and study many religions, Christ Jesus says to look to Him only. Many choose to accept Gods teaching and some choose to accept the worlds wisdom.
That is the main difference between Christianity and the worlds religions. If you believe all Christians become Christians because they are born into Christian families, then how is it that Christianity is accepted worldwide? There are Christians on every continent on this planet, from all different backgrounds. Many come from families that have other religious traditions going back centuries. God can and will reach those He has chosen. I think you owe it to yourself to study Christianity, all the answers you seek can be found through prayer and the reading of Scripture.
God Bless You...Peace.
2007-11-11 16:58:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
First of all any Christian should know they don't do the converting, God does. I witness to others hoping God will use me to bring others to salvation because it is what God has commanded. It also is the loving thing to do. Why would I want others to go to hell for eternity? By the way all because you are born in Iran or some other place doesn't mean you won't hear the word of God and be saved. I have helped missionaries that witness to tribes in jungles. I know Christians that belong to Muslim families in Iraq. God's word can penetrate anywhere. Also I took a religions class in high school. I own several Korans. I have studied many of the eastern religions. I work with devout Hindus.
2007-11-11 15:42:11
answer #3
answered by Matt 3
While I would acknowledge that there are a lot of Christians out there who seem to feel the need to convert people , I also believe that a lot of non-Christians mistake our charity and our testimony regarding what Christ has done for us as an attempt to convert them. Most of us just want to do what Christians do which is love our neighbor and give what we have to others. I think that makes a lot of people uncomfortable because the vast majority of people (including some people who call themselves Christians I'm afraid) just aren't like that and so they think that we must have some hidden agenda. But the truth of it is that it is not our job to try and convert you. As Christians though it is our responsibility to testify and spread the word about the love that we receive from our Lord in hopes that others will find the same comfort.
As for me I am certainly not out to convert anyone..even my own faith is shaky sometimes. But I do enjoy sharing with people my experience and my strength in Christ, not because I look down on people who don't believe but because it simply makes me happy to offer someone a road towards happiness and to have the personal knowledge to back up my claims. I don't know if I'm making any sense but I hope this helps...
2007-11-11 16:03:34
answer #4
answered by Tommy 2
As a Christian, we are instructed by the Bible to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Spreading the gospel does not mean "converting." People alone cannot convert. It is a Christian's job to live a life that is reflective of Christ's love so that others will 'want' to know Him. God does the converting...we just introduce an idea.
I was raised in a Christian family. My boyfriend was raised in a Muslim family. Neither of us is trying to convert the other. I do pray that God will open his heart to Christ, but I know that it's not my duty to force him into anything. I love him...that is why I'm encouraged to share the good news. I believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ alone. Why would I not want to share that gift?
2007-11-11 15:51:10
answer #5
answered by Nikki 4
I was not born a Christian, my family was Catholic and we went along with what the church did.
Then when I found out that Christ died for me because I was a sinner and that all I had to do to be with Him in heaven when I died was to believe what He did and ask Him into my heart to be my personal saviour.
I didn`t have to do anything except that.
The catholic church told me I had to pray to saints and the virgin mary, but that is a sin because Jesus is the mediator between
God and man. Why should I pray to dead people when Jesus is alive.
God made man in His own image and likeness and gave man an eternal soul. He
also gave man free will. That is the freedon to choose. The choice is believe and go to heaven or do not believe and go to hell.
After Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, God cursed the ground. Man is made from the dust of the earth. So man is cursed and so is anything man makes.
Religion is man made. It is man`s attempt to please God in man`s own way instead of pleasing God the way God asks.
There are missionaries in other lands teaching the Word of God and many people in those countries are accepting Jesus as their saviour.
So in my opinion, we are fighting wars over
who wants to be the most powerful and control everything, not over just a name.
2007-11-11 15:56:34
answer #6
answered by Blessed 7
I actually was not born into a Christian family, and I am Christian. I have many friends in other religeons and have studied other religeons. Christianity is just what made sense in my opinion. My faith is stronger than many Christians I know who grew up in Christian families. The reasons Christians "try to convert" other people is because in the bible God says that non-Christians will go to hell and suffer. None of us want this to happen, so we are trying to spread God's word across the planet and send humanity to heaven. "Go and make disciples (believers) of all nations (across the world), baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (God's name)." Good luck in your journey for answers. I think that it is wrong to persecute others for any kind of faith they have, whether it is Christian or not, so I agree with you there, but I also think that if you show others the way to eternal life in a kind way, it can change the world. <3 ~MarciQ
2007-11-11 15:40:20
answer #7
answered by Kristin 2
I am a Christian, not as good a one as I would like to be, and I have explored other religions. I don't condemn any religion except the one that justifies killing. Being Jewish is probably what God wants, but I feel a little too old to change now. I have never tried to convert anyone, but probably would if I met someone who thought killing Christians was O.K.
2007-11-11 15:42:24
answer #8
answered by robert s 3
You seem to omit the fact that other relgions are in America and they have no problem seeking converts. For example Muslims, Hindu's, etc. So if they are allowed to bring their faith here why not the opposite. And God doesn't send people to hell because of location. As weh have seen people wherever the are can seek truth. I use to belong to one brand of faith and converted to another so it is possible. I f we believe God is truly a just God then we can allow him to make the final decisions about judgment. But it woul be foolish to reject God's mercy because we accuse him of being unjust.
2007-11-11 15:48:30
answer #9
answered by Edward J 6
First, I would never try to convert somebody to a religion. I'm not into "religion"
Second, if you really believed that your Savior was not just your Savior but that of the whole world, wouldn't you want to share that with people? If you say no, you are being dishonest at best and insidiously wicked at worst.
Also, I was not raised Christian, and not raised in an area known for being "Christian." I found Christ when somebody asked me, a pagan, to go to church. It was through that experience that I found Jesus. If some jerk Christian hadn't have asked me to go, I might have never gone.
In addition, if you do not understand the major differences in the main religious beliefs the world over, you are the one who really needs to study. To say that all religions are the same is a farse, and they are more different than "names" alone.
2007-11-11 15:42:30
answer #10
answered by Ryan H 4