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Religion & Spirituality - 6 November 2007

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To me it is totally unimportant. I see the book of Genesis as an allegory. Allegories are simply using one story to tell another story. Jesus did it many times. Is there a problem in viewing Genesis as one?

I view the theory of evolution simply as God's handiwork.

What's your position on this?

How important is the debate over Creationism vs. Evolution to you as a Christian?

2007-11-06 12:55:46 · 16 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Almost all of my co-workers are Chistians. I won't name my profession, it's not something common(no we aren't lawyers) We have great customer service, that's why we're more expensive that anyone else and we're a Christian ran family owned and operated company who has thousands of people working for us across the United States. We make good money at what we do...our job is basically to lie to people, the job decription is against almost all Christian values, there are some things that we allow to go on that breaks the law. How can a Christian do this?

It's also funny because our customers are die hard Christians too. When I'm in meetings with them one minute they're sweet loving people who you wish you could be like, preaching the word of God talking about how he's blessed their lives so much...and the next they are on the phone with someone chewing their head off with no respect in their voice what-so-ever.....exactly what my co-workers do and I have come to expect it.

2007-11-06 12:54:46 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-06 12:54:25 · 14 answers · asked by klaray75 1


Been trying to think of a way to ask this that will not offend Catholics as I do not want to do that. However I do want people's opinions about this. So I all I can do is say to Catholics is I mean no offense. On to the question.

Catholics often talk about Jesus' promise that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church. And claim this as a proof that the Catholic church is the true church. Isn't is just possible that God was responsible for the reformation. Not to bash the Catholic church but during the medieval times and before the reformation the Catholic church had allowed corruption in. They were doing unbiblical things such as selling indulgences. Isn't is possible to prevent Hell from prevailing against the church that God split off a remnant still faithful to Him and this remnant became the protestant church? A side effect being that the Catholic church had to reform itself as well. What do you think?

2007-11-06 12:53:48 · 6 answers · asked by Bible warrior 5

no doubt you are familiar with the prophesy of the fig tree and those in Jude.
Darius, about 400ad was the first to attack the diety of Christ directly, Arius followed on his heels attacking the incarnation and deity of Christ. Athenius stood in opposition to Arius as you recall.

these attacks on Jesus were on the person, nature and works of him and were aimed more directly at older christians.

Darwin publishes his fairy tales and the people who do not understand the sciences of genetics and so forth jump on that and try to go with the idea there is no God.

Now you have the publication of, and the filming of a movie called the golden compass. An atheists story about children who will eventually in book 3, not in film, kill God.

You have an attack on the youngest of believers through books.

In your opinion, can you reasonably believe this is not the end of the time of grace, the end of the time of the gentiles?

I would like to hear your thoughts

2007-11-06 12:53:29 · 6 answers · asked by magnetic_azimuth 6


This is hilarious to almost any thinking person, Christian or otherwise. It claims to teach the "truth" of Biblical creation. What it really does though is to show how utterly absurd a literal interpretation of the creation story is.

It says most Christians are wrong, and "proves" that six days of creation "had" to be actual 24-hour days.

It says that nothing was "prehistoric" and that even the word "prehistoric" was just made up "to brainwash us."

It even has a walking, talking snake, complete with hands.

And the poor schmuck in the story who is being told all this says, "That blows me away! My mind is reeling!" If that story blows his mind, it's no wonder he can't comprehend science.

This is published by Chick Publications, which has been producing mini-comic books full of such stories since I was a kid in the '60's and selling them for 15c each. Don't you wonder how much money they've made by "saving" souls?

2007-11-06 12:51:20 · 17 answers · asked by Don P 5

This is taken from a zen koan, something that one keeps near until the answer bursts forth.
This way the real Buddha is seen, birthless and deathless, your own true self.
Coyotes sometimes wonder how many humans have seen their true face. ~ : )

2007-11-06 12:50:25 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ignorance is bliss. Christians should not practice free inquiry nor socialize with non Christians:

Don’t associate with non-Christians. Don’t receive them into your house or even exchange greeting with them. 2 John 1:10

Shun those who disagree with your religious views. Romans 16:17

Paul, knowing that their faith would crumble if subjected to free and critical inquiry, tells his followers to avoid philosophy. Colossians 2:8

Does being a christian really mean you remain ignorant?

2007-11-06 12:43:54 · 18 answers · asked by DogmaDeleted 5

I put my faith in Jesus. I'm going to heaven.

2007-11-06 12:42:50 · 21 answers · asked by Dirk Johnson 5

Do you even care?

2007-11-06 12:41:26 · 68 answers · asked by Dirk Johnson 5

I think I would be Buddhist, they're mostly peaceful, but I find the reincarnation stuff hard to believe.

2007-11-06 12:40:44 · 26 answers · asked by Helga G. Pataki 6

Where Dinosaurs on Noah's Ark?

Of course the Bible can't list all of the names of all twenty million animal species, and all of the millions of plants that had to go on the ark so these wouldn't go extinct in the flood.

Genesis 6
19 And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female.
20 Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive

2007-11-06 12:39:41 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-06 12:39:33 · 19 answers · asked by Alex 2

Does it make you think about what comes next, or do you feel there is nothing after this life? If you think there is nothing, how do you convince yourself that this is true?

note.....I just had 2 good friends die in the past 2 days.......

2007-11-06 12:37:24 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

if homosexuality is permitted ,and marriage is allowed would the talmud law be instituted to cleanse the churches? could this happen//?

2007-11-06 12:36:25 · 8 answers · asked by forsonclan03@yahoo.com 2

Homosexuals are also human beings and some are very religious.
If God created everything then he also created gays and lesbians, didn't he?

2007-11-06 12:35:40 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright, I've been off of Answers for a while, but this question was just nagging at me, so I had to get it answered.

So let's get the basics down. Superman can use microscopic vision to see the number of hairs on someone's head from across the world, he can move planets, and reverse time (by some reckoning.)

Jesus can turn water into wine (not sure about turning stuff into kryptonite,) come back from the dead or something, and as I've been told, summon legions of angels (of course, what's an angel gonna do to the Blue Boy Scout?)

So let it begin, I'm dying to know who wins this. Oh and to kick it off let's assume that Superman starts off with a giant, wooden cross, 4 nails, and a hammer. Jesus will start off wearing Lex Luthor's battle suit.

2007-11-06 12:32:56 · 19 answers · asked by gfmech 2

Why are there so many religious nuts? I don't get it, and also do you believe in evolution?

2007-11-06 12:30:32 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is what I think:

Truly the five points of Calvinism are the doctrines of men. To support these points Biblically one must use eisegesis, ignoring vast amounts of Scripture contrary to its teaching. TULIP destroys the consistency of Scripture and creates contradictions that the Scriptures do not indicate. For every point of Tulip there are Scriptures that contradict this teaching and it ..........http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-S6YMuFYyaa9ESBoW5DFwEjL_HhqA

2007-11-06 12:30:12 · 8 answers · asked by cristoiglesia 7

I was raised in a church all my life. My parents were strict Wesleyans. I embraced Christianity for many years, but never fully had faith. I never understood the rational. I was taught that Christianity was the only way, and that every other religion was wrong. Actually, I was pretty much taught that I'd go to hell if I even questioned what I was being taught in the church (Guess I'd better just quit while I'm ahead?). But then again, I always had to figure things out for myself, the hard way or not.

So I have a few questions for any of you out there professing a relationship with Jesus Christ. I am open-minded to hear your arguments.

So why exactly is Christianity the right religion? Why is every other religion wrong? Who's to say that religion isn't just one big, fabricated lie? And most of all, why should I even care?

2007-11-06 12:30:11 · 15 answers · asked by boink 2

I have reached a stage where I just don't care about anything anymore. Nothing is worth attaching to. The impermanence of everything has left me emotionless and hollow.

2007-11-06 12:26:43 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-06 12:24:56 · 20 answers · asked by I'/\/\AZILLA2 3

Which One Do You Prefer Is Better and why? HELP!!

2007-11-06 12:24:28 · 4 answers · asked by Bebecelicax3 1

Just wondering..

2007-11-06 12:21:54 · 47 answers · asked by Filthy Rich 3

God that really annoys me! Every single one of them is like that!!!!

I figured we could purge ourselves of all of the stereotypes with one question. It’s more efficient.

Here, I’ll go first:
Why are all women so sarcastic?

2007-11-06 12:20:29 · 12 answers · asked by pumpkinhead 4

Do you really think that God sends everyone to hell which don't believe how you do?
Take for example this.......Your probably in a warm house right now, had a good meal, and are protected from the elements, with a loving family and friends
......Now think of a person in a poor part of Africa, starving, seeing war and family deaths left and right, hasn't ate in days and has a fatal disease with no hope of a cure.
Do you think God will just suck that person down into the pit of hell forever once they die?
Even when Mother Theresa was at the deathbed of some Hindus she said..."You pray to your God and I'll pray to mine." Don't you think God is more understandable and considerate than most people make him out to be?

2007-11-06 12:17:10 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

What has existed forever without any origin? Some electrons, a thin blue gas, matter, energy, gravitational pulls, the entire universe itself?

Up until now - the most intelligent response I ever got from an unbeliever was this: "Just because I can't explain it doesn't mean I have to accept your explanation!"

And I want to - I need to - know - is that the best you can do? You can't explain creation without a creator? You can't explain how something was created from nothing? You can't explain the existence of anything without an origin?

But you don't have to accept GOD, the Creator?

Is that your position now?

2007-11-06 12:15:45 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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