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Religion & Spirituality - 1 November 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

2007-11-01 11:04:55 · 5 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 3

Does anybodu know any sites that I can go to and take a test and see what religion is right for me???

2007-11-01 11:04:13 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, a few points here. First of all, yes, I am quite secure in my own beliefs, I am asking these questions out of blatant curiosity. Secondly, I am not in the least impartial. I am very specific about what I believe. Third, I believe that faith is very personal and subjective and therefore different for everyone, even those who practice the same religion.

Having said that, here is my next question.

If you can openly admit that you are secure enough in your own faith, enough to believe that your ideas of faith only apply to you and not everyone on the planet, then how can you argue with these two points?

5. People who do not follow my idea of God will not go to my idea of hell.
6. Heaven and hell, if I believe they exist, are there for the followers of my specific faith depending on how they live according to the rules of my specific faith.

2007-11-01 11:01:56 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-11-01 11:01:06 · 26 answers · asked by Belzetot 5

Galatians 3:28..."for there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave or free, male or female, in Christ, we are one"

Tell me...if God does not see us as male or female...how then can he see us as gay or straight?

2007-11-01 10:59:36 · 29 answers · asked by G.C. 5

If there is one or some..maybe there's none..I don't know and you don't know either. If there was a god, odds are it's some supercomputer from a prior universe or something.

2007-11-01 10:58:14 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im not trying to be offensive or anything. But i just want to know why whenever someone asks a question that offends them in some way, they say; drink. What is this supposed to mean? I dont understand it.

2007-11-01 10:56:30 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 10:54:21 · 26 answers · asked by james 1

No ill will intended; simply curious.

2007-11-01 10:54:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Risk asking, or answering, any question in that section and they seem to be ready, waiting for everybody with their fanatically pro, or anti, thumbs!

I'm getting a little scared to be honest with you!

2007-11-01 10:53:01 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

if the anti christ did come into power like its told in the bible would that change ure mind and faith? lets say there was absoulte proof that he was the anti christ

2007-11-01 10:52:38 · 18 answers · asked by BLAH!! 1

its something to the effect "Be still and know that i am god" and another one "if my god is with me whom then shall i fear" i dunno if thats a verse or if i heard it in a song lol

2007-11-01 10:51:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 10:50:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Even if you insist 'God' had a hand in it, why can you not accept that perhaps God used the lightning strike and atmospheric chemicals to 'create' the first life form (a microbe)? Have you religous freaks ever considered that God can use science too?

2007-11-01 10:50:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here is my view...
No-one has any proof of a god (fact)
There may be some supernatural force acting on the universe(my opinion)
But what I don't get is how people are so arrogant to truly believe that their guess on religion is correct, and refuse to accept that others may be true???!!!
Opinions anyone?

2007-11-01 10:50:06 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today i found out from one of my acquiantances at the gym that he has been going out with this girl for two months,but not to tell anyone,because me and another guy are the only ones he knows)However,For a bit,she would pass by me alot try to be in my section and even engae in friendly conversation with me.Today when i found out,i decided just to leave the matter alon and just be casual with her,anyway today she continued to be very friendly with me,but why would the guy tell me,if he only told another guy?And why would she act this way?

2007-11-01 10:49:34 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Catholic Crusaders account has been deleted again, why do people keep doing this, he was honest and his questions hurt no one, so why have his account deleted?

Or is it because he is a Catholic and stands up for his faith?

2007-11-01 10:48:28 · 28 answers · asked by TigerLily 4

Do you think that Christians who use the phrase 'the miracle of birth' are setting a very low threshold for miracles.

Birth is natural and as common as muck and almost unstopable and uncontrolable as many people find out to their cost..

2007-11-01 10:47:12 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I recently went door to door and rang my neighbors doorbells and ran away while dressed in a Devils costume. They all calle out, "Jim, I'm calling your wife." So I went and did it to the mayors house. Have I sinned or am I just being silly?

2007-11-01 10:46:26 · 7 answers · asked by Satan Lord of Flames 3

Are the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation 11 having any connection to their faith? Do they believe in the Trinity? Do they consider Christ as God manifested in flesh and had died to redeem man and was given all authority in Heaven and on Earth?

2007-11-01 10:46:20 · 10 answers · asked by lonelyspirit 5

If you don't believe in reborning of souls do you think that is fair that God (who is eternal) punish a siner to an eternal hell because of wrong things from his life and not to give him the oportunity to resolve his wrong things?
.....not even in earthly life the parents aren't punishing their children for all their life.

2007-11-01 10:43:17 · 13 answers · asked by Claudia A 2

How do you know he hasn't been successful?

2007-11-01 10:42:34 · 9 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

Most modern dog breeds came into existence in the 1800s, because people were bored after the industrial revolution. God didn't create these different breeds; man did. Dogs are obvious proof that through selective breeding a life form different than its ancestors can be created. These modern dog breeds evolved thanks to human interference.

Since dogs prove that the evolution of one species is possible, does it follow logically that all species evolved differently due to different environments?

2007-11-01 10:40:44 · 17 answers · asked by Josh F 2

I'm on the fence when it comes to Christianity. I have been on a quest to prove God is real and one piece of evidence I'm having a hard time denying is the bible.

The new testament specifically. It was written some 2000 years ago, by a bunch of "common" men. Yet nothing about it can be dis-proven. Oprah, or Al Gore writes a book 2 years ago and half of it is dis-proven a week later. Get where I'm going here?

Specifically the book of Revelation. Sure, some say the predictions are vague in nature, BUT NOTHING CAN BE 100% PROVEN TO BE WRONG. In fact, most is shown to be quite accurate. How do you explain this? Many things in the book of Revelation were not even known at that time, yet they accurately predicted them?

So tell me one thing in the bible that has absolutely 110% been proven wrong? Not "KINDA SORT OF WRONG," like I always see here, but wrong to a point it is provable. It really should be quite easy if you think that almost every book written has stuff wrong in it?

2007-11-01 10:39:41 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

If no one answers does that mean it was a bad question or no one knew the answer?

2007-11-01 10:39:26 · 21 answers · asked by Bride of Christ 6

when people tell me he exists because if he did not exist then we wouldn't be here because our Earth is in such aa rare place and the chances are really slim in order for life to be present but if earth was 2,000,000 miles farther away we wouldnt be here just like there is nothing on mars and WHO SAYS THAT OUR CONDITIONS ARE RARE IF WE CAN ONLY SEE LIKE 0.01% OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE THERE CAN BE100000000000 OTHER PLANETS WITH LIFE ON IT...... we are a new species we evolved over time and we adapted over millions of years there just wasnt any event that stunted us like what happened 65 million years ago. And why do people post on the internet PROOF THAT GOD EXISTS WHEN THERE IS NO PROOF?????? ANd how do we know that life means God exists LOL cells in the water created oxygen over billions of years that created plants and then cells evolved LOL thats why the planet is so old and there are so many other religions trying to explain why we are here because the religious leaders wanted power

2007-11-01 10:34:59 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

There is an almost continuous stream of misinformation, lies and half-truths given about the Book of Mormon and Mormonism in general. Aside from Members of the LDS church, I'd like to see a poll of how many non-members (especially those that "know" it's not true) have read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover. As Ben Stein would say... "Anybody, anybody..."

2007-11-01 10:34:38 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-11-01 10:33:38 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Christians know that God is love and that makes love the most powerful force in the universe.

But the idea that love is weak, insincere, and "for losers" (the ultimate insult, right?), permeates society in the US. (I can't speak for other cultures, but I suspect it's similar.) How did that idea take root?

Is it because no matter how hard we try, our attempts at perfect love fall short?

Or is it an illusion set up by evil?

Or is the aggression that usually accompanies evil mistaken for real strength?

What do you think?

2007-11-01 10:33:01 · 8 answers · asked by Acorn 7

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