The LDS (Brigham Young University Press) published a book called "History of the Church" by Mormon historian BH Roberts, which is the official history of the LDS. ISBN 0842504826
Joseph Smith: Murderer
"Joseph reached around the door, and shot his gun into the hall. Continual discharges of gunshots came into the room... When Hyrum was shot, Joseph exclaimed, "Oh dear, brother Hyrum!" and opening the door a few inches he discharged his six shooter in the stairway, two or three barrels of which missed fire." (History of the Church, Vol.6, Ch.34, p.618)
"Joseph Smith shot the pistol six successive times; only three of the barrels, however, were discharged. I afterwards understood that two or three were wounded by these shots, TWO OF WHOM, DIED." (History of the Church, Vol.7, Ch.9, p.103) Joseph Smith died after murdering these men in the Carthage jail in Hancock, Illinois on 27 June 1844.
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