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I will report anyone who dosent give an answer about the question. This is a rather important issue and i am only going to accept serious answers. This is why i want Asatruars, Odinists, and those informed on Asatru only please.

I was browsing Cafe press for Asatru stuff recently (they have a lot of cool shirts) I found some really funny things. Some in bad taste other just plain funny.

but one thing i found disturbed me.

It was a saying

"Viking's, the original Al'queda"....

Maybe its just me... but I dont see how the two groups are even slightly related... Considering the Vikings were very tolerant of others, and freedom loving, and generally honorable.... where as Al'queda kills innocent people, are dogmatic bigots.... and the I could go on in either case.

Any one have any idea why? I recently digested the Folkism-universalist stuff... and I can accept it but i really can't see myself accepting Al'queda as anything but enemies of Asatru. am i missing something?

2007-09-19 11:24:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

maybe im missing your meaning?

who? Cafe press? why?

2007-09-19 11:44:13 · update #1

Cat... Im not going to report you. Only becuse it looks like what you want.

and dont blame the whole for what a few small bands of vikings did. and compared to the things everyone else was doing calling them anything but fair is a load of cra* cause the romans and christians were dealing out a lot worse.

2007-09-19 11:46:01 · update #2

I dont consider them saints. Nor do I consider what they did to always be noble. I have already seen a lot of documentarys already I doubt your has much to add but i'll check it out later.

2007-09-19 13:37:49 · update #3

oh, and about The catrina girl.

I just hope you getto hold that flower infron of that man with a gun really soon. If only to open your eyes. I do not wish your death only your enlightenment.

2007-09-19 13:38:54 · update #4

8 answers

It is the majority impression that was left in Europe in early middle ages, I'm afraid. Keep in mind that the only historical record that Europe had through the dark ages and the age of christening was the one brought by the christian monks:
"vikings attack our monasteries, vikings kill our monks, vikings steal our holy relics and desecrate churches, vikings kill our priests that benevolently bring them the word of god, vikings kill the missionaries..."

Unfortunately, it's always the victor who writes the history. Nobody recorded the culture and the beautiful religion of the vikings (apart from themselves, in the sagas), because it was heathen and therefore needed to be destroyed. To the christian monks, they were the embodiment of evil.
Such they portrayed them and such they remained in the collective European memory up to today. The mass media and the movies don't help the matter, of course.
Nowadays, anybody who is against Christianity is of course immediately a terrorist and from here to a parallel with al quaeda there's only a very small step.

Now don't get me wrong, I think it's disgusting - but I'm just trying to explain how it could have happened quite easily that people somehow think this link exists.

2007-09-19 19:50:47 · answer #1 · answered by Ymmo the Heathen 7 · 3 0

I am wiccan but have at times been called by Thor, Odin and Freya through my blood line over the years so I am going to try to answer or comment on your question.

You are always going to find tasteless or offensive stuff out there. People buy it so they will make it to make $$. I know the truth and You know the truth. We can try and educate as many as we can but don't hold your breath. I live near an Indian reservation in Montana. Many of the Native Americans here are deeply offended by a T-Shirt that is out there right now. It has a picture of a group of warriors and under it is the caption: "Homeland security 18??" . The question marks are mine because I can't remember what date they had. Most don't see the humor in it at all. The people making money really don't care who they offend as long as there is $$ to be made. I am a Wiccan Witch so I know about bad propaganda about me and my beliefs. I deal with it all the time. Education is the key but it takes time and lots of effort. I hope my perspective on this helps. Take care my young friend. Blessed Be.....Crone..

2007-09-19 12:06:08 · answer #2 · answered by Praire Crone 7 · 1 0

I guess they are trying to say that the vikings were the original terrorists. Of course, the vikings were much more noble than Al'Queda, and not anymore of terrorists than any other civilization of the time.

It is offensive.

EDIT: I know of some Native Americans who wear that shirt crone, I personally don't see how that is offensive calling the Native Americans the original homeland security. They were.

2007-09-19 21:24:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am neither Asatruar nor Odinist, but I thought you might like to see this documentary information on the vikings from pbs:


They weren't the saints you're portraying, nor the bloodthirsty tyrants that the christian monks have led everyone to believe either.

They were brutal.. it was a brutal age.. they did kill men, women and children.. they did not do this all of the time.
They also could not be compared to a terrorist group like al-qaeda because they did not do this for religious purposes.

2007-09-19 12:13:18 · answer #4 · answered by Kallan 7 · 5 0

Al Qaeda are cowards. They attack the unarmed and weak. Or if it's really dangerous, they get some poor deluded schmo to die for 72 virgins.

At least the Vikings can stand up to a worthy enemy. They don't hide behind the skirts of their women when they go to battle.

2007-09-19 12:58:53 · answer #5 · answered by Robin Runesinger 5 · 3 0

Contact them and report it.

hey Caterina............type your own response there cupcake instead of c&p'ing someone else's. If you knew ANYTHING...and it is blaringly obvious you do NOT...about the Vikings/Norse you would have realized the contributions they made, but let me guess, the "ooooooo here comes the meanie vikings" stereotype was instilled in you by whom? hollywood? you a kristjan with a beef? Other than posting your inane rambling, you offered nil to said topic.

Nevermind...I read your profile, SAYS IT ALL.

2007-09-19 11:40:48 · answer #6 · answered by Thrudheim 3 · 2 1

"Considering the Vikings were very tolerant of others, and freedom loving, and generally honorable.... "


Vikings were brutal and horrific raiders that terrorized north-western Europe, ransacking and killing wherever they sailed. They looted and murdered without discretion, and caused pain and devastation to many civilized areas of England, France, Germany, and Russia. They were cruel and bloodthirsty pirates, who instilled terror in all medieval European inhabitants. One famous viking custom was to spit all the village infants on their swords whenever they raided a hamlet!
It must have seemed like a continuing nightmare to the largely peaceful settlements around the coasts of Europe and its islands. Suddenly, in the closing years of the eighth century, the Viking raids began. They often came in on the morning sea mists, their shallow-draft vessels creeping quietly through the reeds of the river mouths or sliding silently up on sandy beaches. Quickly, the raiding party would assemble and work its way inland. Their early targets were the churches and monasteries, looking for silver, gold and slaves. Soon, these were depleted and the raiders attention turned to the more mundane victims of farm and village for food and horses to make their getaway. As the years slipped by, so the sea raiders came more and more often. Sometimes, they would stay over-winter and gradually the raiders camps turned into settlements. At one time, most of England was under the Viking heel and they called this part of the country the Danelaw.

2007-09-19 11:43:40 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 6

I don't get it.

It's not funny, it's certainly not accurate. Why would anyone bother to design such a stupid t-shirt?

2007-09-19 17:39:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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