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Religion & Spirituality - 18 September 2007

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(just curious)

ok forgive me for my ignorance ( i don't wish to offend I just curious), I assume satanists go to hell when they die, but because they followed the teachings of the devil wouldn't they be reward in hell as opposed to face torture
in hell and whilst I here could it be possible for the devil to escape from hell? I mean is the devil trapped in hel or just biding time I know that god sent the 'dark angel' to hell but is the devil trapped there???

ohh and one more question does the devil and god have a sex, I always assume the devil was male, I was told that god is neither but i really don't knoe can anyone help please

*Note I've already asked this question, I've just change the category to get a better responce:)

2007-09-18 23:59:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Bible-believers often complain about sex in library books, television, movies, and art museums. These complaints, when successful, result in censorship.

Christians should realise, however, that if books are to be removed from the library because of their sexual content, then the Bible should also be removed.

2007-09-18 23:58:35 · 19 answers · asked by DAVID C 6

#%$&*%(*&^%$#!@#$&^)*_)(*_*_)&((^+&%&%&%$^%#$#@*(%*&^&R&R&$#&( ,

do you think I need immediate medical attention?

2007-09-18 23:57:17 · 11 answers · asked by Thomas 2

And wasn't he given a hard time for doing that?

2007-09-18 23:56:38 · 6 answers · asked by Ron 2

This isn't a pro-or-anti Christian rant, so please don't make it in to one. I'm just wondering what reaction such a person would get in the world today?

2007-09-18 23:53:11 · 23 answers · asked by David 2

but you dont forgive them, do you go to hell?

2007-09-18 23:52:17 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can knowledge exist without a person to understand it?

2007-09-18 23:44:57 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

What made you decide for / against your faith?

2007-09-18 23:42:48 · 11 answers · asked by remy 5

I believe in reincarnation where we keep being sent back to earth until we get it right, and then we have the choice of staying in bliss or going back to earth, God as a guy with a brown beard who is annoyed by people speaking for him when he didnt tell them to, Jesus as a messenger boy, and no hell?

2007-09-18 23:40:45 · 29 answers · asked by ? 2

ive been searching but i havent found anything helpful yet.
anyways heres the question

outline the reasons why some argue that morality is linked to religion- worth 10 marks so possibly 10 points need to be made

2007-09-18 23:34:49 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'll use an example- If someone you care for was violently murdered by someone, and they serve time in prision found god and asked for - forgiveness how could they be forgivent???- is it true in christianity if you genuinly ask for forgiveness and find god -(you are forgiven?) or do you go to hell anyway,

*Has anything ever made you question your faith

2007-09-18 23:28:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Avast ye mateys! Today be official "Talk like a pirate day". As an official pastafarian (worshiper of the Flying Spaghetti Monster) this be MY religious holiday. I have been told by the scurvy lot that I work for that I am not allowed to talk like a pirate when I make travel arrangements for me clients on the phone today. Don't you think this is religious persecution? Should I be contacting the ACLU and begging for free speech for pirates? Arrrrrhhhh!

2007-09-18 23:26:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It amazes me how some people just gloss over the fact that, Muhammad, unlike Buddha or Jesus (fyi - I reject all religion), was a slave owning warlord. This is no small detail, and let me explain why.

The FOUNDER of a religion is always the central figure. Consider the famous "WWJD". Its the simplest way to breakdown the tenets of the religion by asking "what would X have done". After all, each religion claims that their prophet was God's guy, the one he wanted us all to emulate.

In Christianty and Buddhism, thats not to scary...both Jesus and Buddha were pacifists in the extreme (if you ask me, to the detriment of the society from which they came). On the other hand, Muhammad was a warlord.

Of course, all Muhammad's wars were righteous, and when pressed, an Islamist will insist that each battle was "just" or "defensive", but clearly, the singular model of exemplary conduct in Islam comes from an outright killer. Its way easier to justify murder in Islam. Period.

2007-09-18 23:20:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everyone in the universe knows full well that no other religion has anything like Jihadists.

In fact, the best people can do is to pathetically try and compare the very few abortion clinic bombings done by a few fundamentalist Christians to global Jihad, where almost all armed conflict worldwide is Islamic.

We hear it all the time, from islamists and far left apologists, that "its just radicals...every religion has radicals", as if there some parallel universe where blood thirsty Buddhists yell "Budha akbar" before they murder for Bdha.

How does it explain anyting to simply say "oh they are radicals"? Muslims have always been at war....does that mean they have always been run by the mythical "radicals"?

Muhammad was no peaceful Budha or Jesus figure...there was no turning the other cheek for the warlord. Keep in mind, he lead twenty six battles of war, which is exactly how Islam began to grow...directly through violence...not by smiling Budhist monks or happy disciples.

2007-09-18 22:42:26 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

if it's true that there's a God,can anyone explain why are people pretending to be kind and honest (like they're praying everyday) always have the comfort and joice of life rather than the real people who's purely kind and honest....There's sumthing wrong in Catholic Bible right?It only refers to the rule of person not the rule of God in this chaotic world......

2007-09-18 22:34:53 · 12 answers · asked by foreigner_lady 1

i might say..that God is a God and has the responsability of giving us a book where He writes what He wants from us and where we go,,,

and I guess this book is the Bible because there God is the most right God ever seen.

2007-09-18 22:29:21 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Religion is nothing more then the traces of the first form of goverment created by man.

2007-09-18 22:25:48 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

#1: Why won't God heal amputees?

#2: Why are there so many starving people in our world?

Look out at our world and notice that millions of children are dying of starvation. It really is horrific. Why would God be worried about you getting a raise, while at the same time ignoring the prayers of these desperate, innocent little children? It really doesn't make any sense, does it? Why would a loving god do this?

#3: Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible? Look up these verses:

- Exodus 35:2 – God demands that we kill everyone who works on the Sabbath day.
- Deuteronomy 21:18-21 – God demands that we kill disobedient teenagers.

- Leviticus 20:13 – God demands the death of homosexuals.

- Deuteronomy 22:13-21 – God demands that we kill girls who are not virgins when they marry.

2007-09-18 22:20:34 · 17 answers · asked by Sassyshiba 3

I mean, suppose he really had? Wouldn't you feel embarrassed or something if you didn't believe him?

I don't mean some Spanish guy called Jesus btw. I mean the second coming. What if it happened through Yahoo Answers? How would you know if it was real or not?

2007-09-18 22:19:15 · 11 answers · asked by 2kool4u 5

The Unity

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful:
Say: ‘He is God, One.

God, the Self-Sufficient, Besought of all.

He neither begot, nor was begotten.

Nor is there anyone equal to Him’.

2007-09-18 22:13:21 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey all, just recently got into tarot, and have found its something i have a unique attachment me, maybe due to my grandmother being an avid tarot card reader.

i recently did two spreads, about a relationship i'm in asking two similar questions.

one was - where are we going
the other was - will he commit

the two spreads were very similar in strange ways. but to cut the story short the two last cards of spreads 1 and 2 (representing the result/the answer) was (spread 1): The wheel of Fortune and the last one of spread 2 was: Death....my interpretation is that the cards are saying i may have to leave this man, as a great change is coming. or IF i leave him, a great twist of fate will occur for the best for me.

could these cards mean anything else at all?

all help appreciated.

2007-09-18 22:04:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it enough just to be content with yourself and worry not even about those around you? Its all about you then right?

2007-09-18 21:53:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Yes, no, and why.

2007-09-18 21:44:58 · 15 answers · asked by Sassyshiba 3

It seems 1-3am (PST) is the time Muslims swarm the boards..
3am-7am Open discussion
7am-noon - Christians saying how great God is
noon-3pm - Mormons feeling left out
3pm-6pm is Creationism vs Evolution
6pm-11pm is Christians vs atheists in general
11pm-1am is Christians attacking other Christians, people attacking Paul time.

What do you think? Do you notice different?

2007-09-18 21:30:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please provide more evidence then "the Bible says it did so it must have"

2007-09-18 21:24:20 · 30 answers · asked by Mr. Nobody 5

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