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Religion & Spirituality - 29 August 2007

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This question is for Muslims. I don't know how universal the belief is, but it seems to be a fairly common belief among Muslims that Islam will one day rule over all of the world, all governments will be Islamic, and all people will submit to rule under a caliphate.

Do you believe that Islam will one day rule over the world?

Do you believe that anything that moves toward that end is a good thing?

And can you see how those of us who believe that secular government is vital would not be too pleased with that view?

2007-08-29 04:25:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did the feasts get abolished or are we still required to observe them? I'm trying to figure this out, but don't know where to look.

2007-08-29 04:23:19 · 33 answers · asked by mtrqoa 1

Would it be accepted or rejected.Take this however you see fit. Judge me and accuse me of whatever, correct my spelling I need all the help I can get, but I see to many here that say they know Christ but have no idea of who He is, or what He has called us into.Its sad to see how many of you are of the world.Your light has been put under a basket out of ignorance or fear.As Christians there should be that mark upon us for all the world to see.I don't hesitate to say that many of your friends probably don't even know that you have a relationship with God.I know there are those who's light is shinning much brighter here than mine ever will.To you few I covet your prayers and remain open to reproof,rebuke and instructions in rightousness.

2007-08-29 04:23:09 · 27 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

Daughter is always strong willed and articulate but today I get the impression she needs a hug, how can we give her a collective cyber hug?

Or is there something better we could try?

2007-08-29 04:22:57 · 12 answers · asked by Link , Padawan of Yoda 5

James Ussher's biblical chronology of 1650, indicating that the creation took place in 4004 BC, was a staggering feat of scholarship that took in not only the Bible itself and all the begats and whatnot, but also Roman and Jewish chronicles and Persian histories (in the original languages) to corroborate what was known at the time. He succeeded where many had failed before him and not many believers today could begin to match his research, dedication and scholarship.

If it's sufficient for you to accept that someone calculated this though you couldn't, why should all atheists be post-doctoral evolutionary biologists with an involved scientific explanation for every feeble criticism that can be raised against evolution?

2007-08-29 04:22:37 · 4 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

I was raised as a christian and have read the bible several times. Now I want to get caught up and read some intelligent literature.
What books do you like? What were some that you found informative? Interesting? or just entertaining?

2007-08-29 04:20:04 · 10 answers · asked by Nea 5

2007-08-29 04:19:28 · 47 answers · asked by kawrider750cc 1

God created the Angels, then us (according to the bible). After us will there be another species created? Is there anything in scripture that may tell us?

2007-08-29 04:15:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

The story goes like this, Jesus is doodling in the sand and a crowd wants his okay to stone a woman who has committed adultry, she is waiting and surrounded by the crowd, when Jesus stands up and says (HE) who is without sin may cast the first stone. Now I know that all religions and there writing's are male, and woman take a backseat and are considered objects in most religions. If woman ever wrote for a religion I'm sure there would be a chapter on castration, but alas they are subjugated by religions whether they want to believe it or not. In my oppinion the husband in the story is in the back of the crowd handing out rocks. Your oppinion please:

2007-08-29 04:14:33 · 15 answers · asked by wakemovement 3

Why didn't the ghosts/spirits from the Holocaust kill Hitler, or the ghosts/spirits of 9/11 kill Bin Laden? What about Bush? Why are there people who believe in this shite, but the ghosts do nothing.

2007-08-29 04:13:19 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-29 04:11:50 · 11 answers · asked by <3 ...sEz... <3 3

I won't go into exactly what the differences were and its obvious how many different religions are pooled just off the bible alone and have so many vastly different ideas about salvation, God, Jesus, Holy Ghost etc....

Why would some religions twist the bible so badly to decieve ppl?

What is your explanation out of curiosity?

2007-08-29 04:08:24 · 8 answers · asked by Mulereiner 7

He just didn't pop into existence, right ? Of course I know he's made up, but what do christians believe ?

2007-08-29 04:08:21 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I read an article in newsweek last night about this and how the mormon church, although clearly against polygamy in this life, seems to say that you spend eternity in the afterlife with whomever you were "sealed" to. what if you were married twice in this life, or divorced? Wondering what my mormon friends think of this.

2007-08-29 04:06:46 · 6 answers · asked by elfkin, attention whore 4

should i feel guilty if i smoke pot only at night to relax i don't smoke alot of it for me it would be like drinking a glass of wine at night to relax

2007-08-29 04:05:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I find a lot of people who are hostile to Christianity and Christians use Wikipedia as their proofs :-) It kind of makes me smile because they're passing themselves as rational and intellectual and yet this is the basis of the research upon which they're basing their beliefs?

2007-08-29 04:03:22 · 31 answers · asked by Tyler L 2

Seriously, why do you keep telling me I want to kill you? I don't, and I wouldn't, but no matter how many times I say it and prove it, I still keep getting told I want to kill you. I have some news for you. You're not a threat to me, you are not physically attacking me, and you haven't harmed my children. If you did the last two, I'd do what was necessary to save my children and I, and only what was necessary. I keep quoting verses of the Quran showing that what I say is true, and keep putting those taken out of context into context, yet you still tell me I want to kill you. 19 idiots supposedly flew a few planes into two buildings. All of a sudden you say "All 1.9 billion Muslims fly planes into buildings". Crazy extremists in Iraq, which are the minority, kill hundreds if not thousands of innocent people, and suddenly it's ALL Muslims committing suicide. Look, I am friends with people from everywhere. My best friend is an atheist. I won't harm her. What's wrong with you?

2007-08-29 04:01:03 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I cannot help the fact that I believe there is no god.
I dearly wish that I could believe! But I can't.

If I go through the motions:
go to a place of worship regularly
tell people I believe
fulfill everything that the religion asks of me

then, If there it turns out there is a god, would I get to go to heaven?

2007-08-29 03:58:19 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was just thinking how many things we teach our small children/toddlers and how much they learn by what we do rather than what we say. How wonderful it would have been to be taught as a child that taking each day a certain set time to do a devotion with God would become as much a habit as eating breakfast, it would make it so much easier as an adult, because as humans we really are programmed as babes. I know most of you like me struggle with making the time but i bet you make the time to eat and in reality which is more important, spiritual food or earthly food to the soul ? So if you do choose to start with your child of any age, PLEAse be short and sweet and make sure it is even a bit below their level but make it a habit like eating breakfast. I worked with children in many capacities and know them well, preschool teacher, elem public teacher and all. PLease share ways in which you HAVE DEVELOPED HABITS WITH YOUR CHILDREN TO DEVOTE TIME TO TALKING TO GOD,HE IS LISTENING always

2007-08-29 03:56:27 · 6 answers · asked by I Love Jesus 5

Most Christians believe that Mary was part of God's plan to bring Jesus into the world. If Mary were to have died or had a miscarriage, that would have ruined God's plan. Did God plan ahead by doing one of the three scenarios?
1. He gave Mary invincibility and immortality during her pregnancy. No matter what might happen, it would be impossible for her to die or have a miscarriage.
2. Everyone around Mary lost their free will, even animals and germs. A killer would be unable to choose to kill her. An animal could not attack her, and a virus could not infect her.
3. God had other virgins chosen in case something might happen. If he had a plan B, this would mean he is not all knowing, because he could not see the future.
What do you think?

2007-08-29 03:54:08 · 10 answers · asked by Graciela, RIRS 6

Could it be that the "atheist" can't find God, for the same reason a thief can't find a policeman? Could it be that your love for sin is clouding your good judgment?

If you are plugging your ears, you will never hear the voice of God. If you willingly pull a veil over your eyes you will never see his face.

It's not a LACK of evidence. It's an ignorance of the evidence.

2007-08-29 03:49:14 · 52 answers · asked by Saved by Grace 3

It's not like you'll have to deal with their annoying good taste and their incessant quest to be treated as human beings much longer, anyway.

[For anyone asking about who's saying we are at end times, there are plenty of Christians who say this:

2007-08-29 03:49:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

When and how did you find out that all that was in the Bible was a bunch of crap ?

I think it was during religious education somewhere in my early high school years that I once said: "Wait a minute, I think..."

And it all became clear to me.

2007-08-29 03:48:25 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

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