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Religion & Spirituality - 27 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

yeah like do we still have to follow the rules that moses and them have to follow i think thats what it means any pastors???!!!!! just please help me im really strugling its due tomorrow thats 8-28-07!!!!!

2007-08-27 12:34:45 · 5 answers · asked by Baylee 1

Do you not agree that it is the soul which gives life to the body?

If not, do you believe that life is just spontaneous? Your parents had sex and here you are?

Only the mind animates the body?

Where does personality come from then? That one thing that makes us each individuals...

2007-08-27 12:34:12 · 17 answers · asked by Soul Shaper 5

In the geological time scale, the human race, much less civilization, is a mere blip (ignore that if you think the world was created 6,000 years ago). And really, our little planet is an unbelievably infinitesimal speck in an incomprehensively vast universe. In the scheme of things, the human race, much less each individual life, is nothing.

So how can believers possibly believe that God created the entire vast expanse of the universe all for US so that his (or her) word could be revealed to some obscure men in the middle of the desert? And that, out of the entire universe, we're number one?

Doesn't make much sense to me.

2007-08-27 12:33:53 · 20 answers · asked by τεκνον θεου 5

Atheists, please give an honest answer without anger and lashing out !!! I would like to know if any of you celebrate Easter every year? PLEASE, be ladies and gentlemen here and give an honest answer??? Thanx!

2007-08-27 12:32:58 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm puzzled that when for ex the Muhammed cartoon issue was all over the news there were such strong protests from muslim communities all over the globe about this BUT when there's horrible terrorattacks by muslim fundamentalist killing innocent children then I hear no protests from the muslim community AT ALL or am I deaf and blind? Why aren't you out in the streets then screaming about injustice???

I don't get it..?
Please explain I really would like to know

2007-08-27 12:30:44 · 10 answers · asked by CC 3

Tell me about the Mormon religion. Where I live now, there are a lot here. Some people say their weird and others just don't like them.

And where did the terms "Jack" Mormon and "Molly" Mormon come from??

2007-08-27 12:29:44 · 17 answers · asked by Panda 3

I do not prefer one religion over another. It is for an assignment I have to use 1 word to describe me

2007-08-27 12:28:56 · 19 answers · asked by lili_girl_one 1

i know this came out sort of along time ago, but wow that was a really good movie, dont you think? i saw it yesterday, because when it first came out i thought it would be another scary horror film, but it was really good, i felt really sorry for her, she was possesed by all the worst demons:Hitler, Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Cain, Nero and others. what did you think of the movie?

2007-08-27 12:27:03 · 6 answers · asked by californiadudette1991 2

I only ask this because I have a small tattoo in Theban and I have had people whom I know to be devout Catholics crowd around me and tell me that Jesus was a Jew too. I'm not Jewish.
They pointed to my arm and asked what it said in Hebrew.

If Christians believe Jesus was Jewish, then shouldn't Chritians have to learn to read Hebrew?

2007-08-27 12:25:32 · 17 answers · asked by Moonlit Hemlock 3

I'm sure I won't be able to explain this well with the given space but here it goes.There are 2 things almost all relgions can agree on about god.One he is all knowing meaning he knows everything including past ,present,and future.Two he is the most mercyful.Wich means that before he created anyone he knew if they would go to heaven or hell.I'm not talking about predestination.I'm just saying he would know what you would choose to do.So dosen't it seem like it's impossiable to be those two things?With my mercy and compassion as a human.If I could see into the future and see that if I had a child it would go to hell. I wouldn't have the child because I wouldn't want it to suffer.This is with my mercy and god is suppose to be a trillion times more mercyful.How can this be?

I've struggled with questions like these my entire life.Nobody can seem to give me any logical answer.

2007-08-27 12:22:19 · 18 answers · asked by Blank 1

2007-08-27 12:22:02 · 7 answers · asked by witchfinder general 3

There appear to be whole websites devoted to bible errors but very few on the Quran. I am not suggesting that this is 100% conclusive proof but it is certainly interesting especially as some muslims challenge people to find errors as well.

2007-08-27 12:16:08 · 17 answers · asked by thethinker 2


"This book clearly shows that America (Zion) is the land set aside by God Almighty to be the place of regathered Israel. Sermons and documents by the Founding Fathers testify to their belief that they were the Israel people of the latter days, and that the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled in their undertakings. It would be wise for us who are living in these last days to take a closer look at the past generations of our great nation to relearn what they knew about America's critical role in Bible prophecy. "

2007-08-27 12:15:21 · 46 answers · asked by keny 6

why is he so famous?

2007-08-27 12:12:19 · 16 answers · asked by ? 6

When the biblical references are very vague. And it has far worse to say about other groups such as women and people who do anything other than pray on a sunday.

2007-08-27 12:10:38 · 57 answers · asked by Anonymous

The bible explains acts such as stoning as suitable punishment for crimes. Yes it says something about he who has not sinned cast the first stone, but theoretically, stoning was a form of punishment.

Well now a days it's not acceptable based on things such as ethics and humane treatment. Thus, we would not uphold the bible as 100% truth because we no longer use stoning by non sinners (such as innocent children or machines) as a form of punishment.

If the idea was infact a metaphor to teach a lesson then the bible being 100% truth is still valid.

which leads me to my question

If evolution is a theory proposed and accepted today by science, why is it wrong to accept it? What if creation was just a metaphor instead of something literal? If you accept it as literal, then why not accept stoning as legitimate punishment?

If nobody is telling you to deny your faith in god and the morals he teaches, what is so wrong with believing in the science of evolution instead of a story in a book?

2007-08-27 12:10:31 · 20 answers · asked by coolies 2

i have seen numerous answers to questions about Jehovah's Witnesses but what i was wondering was if any of you who answer are witnesses yourself or actually know anything about them or their religion.

I am a Jehovahs Witness, so it's a legitimate Question to ask, i see so many pull us down and we take care of everyone no matter who they are. We love even our enemies as Jesus taught us we should not hate anyone not even one who persecutes you.

2007-08-27 12:09:10 · 14 answers · asked by poncho 1

. . .stop by and say Hi? The bran muffins are fresh, the coffee is on, and I've got diet Cherry Pepsi and a few alcoholic beverages, as well.

And I want to send a big thanks to all of the good R&S for making this a fun year. (((Hugs))) to one and all.

2007-08-27 12:07:52 · 20 answers · asked by Wolfeblayde 7

This is why Christians get irritated and angry. When a question says "Hey fellow Christians, I have a question about God" -- close to 90% of the responses will be from unbelievers with a hateful attitude.

2007-08-27 12:06:13 · 32 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3

& there isn't enough of it in this world....

2007-08-27 12:05:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Take the time to watch it. I would like feed back after you watch it.

2007-08-27 12:04:36 · 4 answers · asked by universatile love 3

If there is no belief in a higher power than self, is there some other way you all might use to help you get over being addicted to whatever? Or do you think that since this life is all there is you might as well abuse your bodies and minds until you die and go to be worm food?
This is an honest question and I would like some intelligent answers, not the usual believer bashing please.

2007-08-27 12:02:38 · 34 answers · asked by A B 3

I just saw "September Dawn" and am appalled at the Mormon attitude toward the incident.

2007-08-27 12:01:12 · 12 answers · asked by Tommy 7

born with defects that have no human cause????

2007-08-27 11:58:24 · 17 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7


I am visiting Stuttgurt,Germany and Dear Jesus grant me
two amazing Christian devotional pictures including
an authentic statue of God the Holy Ghost. Never seen
something like that before. The first picture has the image
of God Father ,Holy Spirit God and God Son.
The second picture is the image of God The Holy Ghost
or Spiritus Sanctii. Here the third person of God
is depicted more human(I created human in my own image)
than a dove or pigeon.
I will install the picture and statue in our church for weekly

2007-08-27 11:58:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean all the ones that made you ponder deeply and all the small annoying ones that nagged at the back of your mind. In what format will they be answered? A giant book?A movie?Direct mind to mind meld with God?Is there an angel assigned to just this responsibility?

2007-08-27 11:57:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I'm a half Christian and when I saw this documentary about the rapture I was like O_O........Christians are all going to heavens and the rest stays on Earth with a guy who likes torturing human?

How about the GOOD HEARTED people ? will they go to heavens cause damm they have done nothing and like is kinda unfair : ( ........

I am 16 and just heard this and I am kinda sad ,

So why cant good kind hearted people who are not Christian reach the light gate ?

2007-08-27 11:55:23 · 23 answers · asked by ? 2

What did Jesus achieve by dying on the cross?
What was his purpose for dying in this way?
How did he save us from our sins?
What does it mean that we are saved from our sins?
People still 'sin', does it mean that we will all be forgiven by 'God' for all of our sins?
Thank you all for your help.

2007-08-27 11:52:48 · 26 answers · asked by Zag 4

negative, "you are a sinner that is why god send his son to be tortured and killed...you are bad and god has a hell for you in case you become worse than you already are...and never forget that eve´s sin is with you as well, so you are a sinner for the sins you do and for the one she did, because god is so fair that he blames you for whatever eve did...be blessed and praised the lord"
well i prefer to stay unchristian, unsaved and unidiot...thanks

2007-08-27 11:51:55 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to Genesis, God created fruiting trees on day 3, animals were not created till day 5.

the oldest fruiting trees, the angiosperms, are not found in all of the same rock strata as the oldest dinosuars. But we should find angiosperm tree fossils in ALL same strata as dinosaurs, and even before, right?

I was told I should ask this in the religion section. So here it is.

2007-08-27 11:47:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

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