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Religion & Spirituality - 27 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Are just not advanced enough yet? As I pointed out earlier, one doesn’t require vast amounts of knowledge in order to contribute to society; in fact, society needs the majority to not devote their lives to education. We need gas station attendants, check out chicks, process workers, Bill O’Reilly etc. And since knowledge is the opposition to religion; education can set us free of religion, there’s no driving force for education. We’re boned!

2007-08-27 13:18:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or do you just pick the first one you agree with? Please be honest.

2007-08-27 13:18:17 · 6 answers · asked by BERT 6

Okay, this has several parts, but i'd like you to add in any information you want - tell me whatever you want to tell me! Below are some idea's about the kinda stuff i'd like to know, but you don't have to follow it like a list :)

Why are you the religion you are? How did you learn about it? Did you convert? Do you have Scriptures? If so, how often do you read them? Does your religion change the way you behave? Has it ever affected your education or social life? What do you hope to achieve through this religion - does it promise a reward? How do you worship, and what makes you feel like doing so? Does your religion make you feel empowered, or in servitude to a higher being? How does your family feel about your religious conviction? Is it monotheistic or polytheistic? Do you have a certain Icon (for example a God(dess) or saint) who you relate to? Do you have a Holy Place?

2007-08-27 13:18:10 · 12 answers · asked by Pebbles 5


2007-08-27 13:16:26 · 16 answers · asked by trinity 3

2007-08-27 13:15:50 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

To flirt with both men and women, all the while declaring my love to my online crush, while my girlfriend is gone to work?

Is it wrong that I enjoy it so immensely?

2007-08-27 13:10:24 · 27 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5

If so, who is it dedicated to? What is it like, and did it cost you a lot to set up? Do you worship at it? What is it's role in your life?

2007-08-27 13:09:43 · 17 answers · asked by Pebbles 5


Have you also experienced the wrath of this religious group on Yahoo Answers?

2007-08-27 13:09:19 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-27 13:08:08 · 44 answers · asked by Reality is a perspective 2

Crimes against Humanity are a religious right for them because their enemies are "not human".

Some Christians can find a biblical excuse for ANYTHING they want to justify as per their desires.


2007-08-27 13:07:30 · 9 answers · asked by wwhy 3

2007-08-27 13:06:20 · 24 answers · asked by Pebbles 5

To me, it was the fact that Jesus claimed to be God in physical form and that he fulfilled the prophecy of being Savior of all mankind from the Old Testament, which is from more than 2,000 years before his time..

He is also my personal Savior and that's what makes everything different and the fact that He loved me enough to die for my sins and give me a new life. There is even archaelogy evidence of the Bible. The fact that Christianity has lasted throughout 2,000 years and struck such controversy like no other is huge to me. If it weren't right, then why such an argument when other religions are accepted by a lot of people without a second glance..

Btw, atheist, muslim, hindu, buddhist, etc responses welcome. :)

2007-08-27 13:04:31 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-08-27 13:04:03 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have quite a few uncles and a cousin who are Pastors, Reverends, etc. I have heard all of them talk about how when they were in school, studying to minister the Word, say that they were "advised" to try and find a wife by the time they graduated. They basically stated that they were told that it would be very hard for them to find a job with a church if they were single because most churches will not hire (or don't want to hire) an unmarried minister. I have stumbled over quite a few articles on the internet that support this as well. I want to know, what are your views? What if the aspiring minister is younger? Older?

2007-08-27 13:03:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

forgiven by God - that is the only sin that will not.?
Matthew 12: 31

2007-08-27 13:02:31 · 18 answers · asked by judy f 3

2007-08-27 13:02:29 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

that god came to me and said to follow "_____________" morals and beliefs that i spoke of, and followed those beliefs like no other, would i start a new major religion and be considered a prophet?

2007-08-27 12:55:15 · 19 answers · asked by Jeef 4


I have just rudimentary knowledge of the Muslim faith. Do Muslims believe in a hell for non-muslims and if so, what is it like?

2007-08-27 12:52:12 · 4 answers · asked by Loosid 6

The term ‘Papism' refers to the heresy formed around the person of the Pope of Rome (who broke away from the Orthodox Church in 1054 A.D.), which strives to subject the world to the incontrovertible doctrinal and decretal authority of this man, declared to be the “substitute [vicari] of the Son of God”, “Christ on earth”, etc. This is the fundamental and only truly unchanging doctrinal aspect of this sect and its essence; all other characteristics may be changed or ‘developed’ in new directions, of which history already records many examples.

2007-08-27 12:52:01 · 13 answers · asked by Jacob Dahlen 3

2007-08-27 12:47:51 · 22 answers · asked by Samantha 4

If you were surrounded by folks of a different faith, and ordered to renounce your belief and your God or else suffer beheading, what would you do?

2007-08-27 12:47:17 · 32 answers · asked by chazzychef 4

2007-08-27 12:47:10 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i want to use a quote for my first English2 project.

2007-08-27 12:47:10 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is it inspiration from God? Lots of books are inspired by God that aren't in the bible, including the Koran and the Egyptian Book of the Dead, do you consider those holy scripture?

Is it the person who writes it? If that's the case, what are the criteria that makes them qualified to have their works considered the word of God? Is it just divine inspiration as listed above? If not, is it the person's credibility? If that's the case, shouldn't you toss out the entire bible? The Gospels are written by mystery writers that refused to sign their own names to their work, and Paul was such a bad person, before he could write his thoughts on salvation he had to change his name. The other writers are just as much a mystery.

Is it just a feeling? Lots of religions have those. Heck, you probably get spiritual feelings listening to your favorite song on the radio.

What exactly are the criteria? Can any Joe Schmoe off the street do it? Can God use anyone to tell his story?

2007-08-27 12:44:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you believe life does not begin at conception then why does a fetus kick and move around in his mother's womb. The fetus has a heart beat, a brain, DNA, and senses. The child is still breathing through the amniotic fluid. If you say life does not begin at conception then you also shouldn't believe life begins at birth. Abortion kills a Child. It also stops all of the possibilities the child could've been. He/she could of found a cure to cancer or many other diseases. That child has the same right to live just as born children do. Why can't you all just accept the right to life for the unborn instead of the right to an abortion?

2007-08-27 12:43:07 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me, John O, or Zalem? Give your reasons why, please, based on your faith and/or beliefs.

2007-08-27 12:41:03 · 19 answers · asked by Jack B, sinistral 5

Do you think creation in all its splendor is just a coincidence of evolution? Wow what an interesting accident!

2007-08-27 12:38:37 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Q. Prove that god does Not Exist. A. Cannot, a negative cannot be proven.

1. One cannot prove that an object under discussion does Not Exist. Rather, the object is assumed Not to Exist until such time as it can be demonstrated that the object Does Exist.

2. "One cannot prove a negative" simply means that one cannot prove empirically that the object under discussion does Not Exist. One must empirically prove that the object under discussion Does Exist.

3. The burden of proof rests upon the party proclaiming that the object under discussion Does Exist.

The question again is: Can you find anything wrong with this reasoning? If you cannot, please tell me. If you can, please point it out to me. Thank you.

2007-08-27 12:35:47 · 25 answers · asked by Grendel's Father 6

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