No, but if you are volunteering to be the FIRST, I will do my best to oblige ya. Wink
2007-08-27 12:53:01
answer #1
answered by goinupru 6
There have been documented cases of death by exorcism, done by people who have no clue what they are doing, who claim mental illnesses and and birth defects are signs of demonic possession.
In some of those cases, the person being 'exorcised" was beaten with a bible, so I guess yeah - death by bible thumping is possible.
2007-08-27 19:56:26
answer #2
answered by Cheese Fairy - Mummified 7
Just for historical accuracy it was mixed cause of the crusades, the intent and motivation for the crusades was to occupy the large, armed, and very idle fighting in Europe at the time. The "Evangelists" for it reached a wider audience than intended and many ill-equiped commoner rushed off to secure their place in heaven.
Other than when it has been used to support a war, probably not. But you could say that many mind have been stripped of all original thought....
2007-08-27 19:59:09
answer #3
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
Many, and they are usually related to cults, Jim Jones and the events in Guyana are a good example of the dangers of following one specific "charismatic leader".
2007-08-27 19:58:26
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Alfredo tried to do in Anna
2007-08-27 19:53:56
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Dude- ever heard of the crusades?
Jesus has probably killed as many people as he's saved.
2007-08-27 19:52:16
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
try searchs under book burning riots, gay bashing, child molestion cases by clergy, and abortion clinic bombings
2007-08-27 19:58:20
answer #7
answered by Lion Jester 5