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Religion & Spirituality - 8 August 2007

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It would seem that if a person is forced to experience homosexuality, they'd be in a much better intellectual position to formulate conclusions about it.

2007-08-08 20:06:06 · 13 answers · asked by Axel Foley 1

hmmm... it's making me doubt their so-called "enlightenment" more... would you care to explain why such a supposedly "real" Christian can call other people names, but thinks other people shouldn't?

2007-08-08 20:03:23 · 9 answers · asked by Perceptive 5

With most religons there is one similiar thing and that is

that there was a higher force

i belive that

Jesus came to us in many diffrent ways

to some as buddhist

to christens as jesus

and so on an so forth

what do you think ???

2007-08-08 20:03:15 · 11 answers · asked by CooChoo 1

I asked this before, but I thought it needed to be asked again.

2007-08-08 20:02:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you feel you must list your faith also then please do so.

Khair InshAllah

2007-08-08 20:01:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would there be any found without guilt? What say you Christians, Jewish folks, Muslims?

2007-08-08 19:59:38 · 9 answers · asked by Marie 7

four horsemen, which one would you be?

2007-08-08 19:59:03 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

is y'alls problem with p&s or are y'all just trying to make people believe your crap?

2007-08-08 19:57:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

George Sr. hurled on the Japanese prime minister. Jr. choked on pretzels. The twins can't stop letting alcohol into their mouths.

Even poor Laura. She said "I do" that one time...

What a cruel God :(

2007-08-08 19:56:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sweet little Italian exchange student staying with me. He's appalled at what Christians do in the USA. He insists it's not like that in Europe. That Jesus taught about love. And we should stay out of politics. And why in the USA do Christians reverse Christs message?

He's weathy, handsome and when I asked him "where in the world, do you most want to go next?" he said "My aunt's mission in Kenya."

He's everything Christ would be proud of. Abortion, homosexuality? He could care less. Why do USA Christians have it so wrong? What happened here that messed us up?

2007-08-08 19:54:52 · 33 answers · asked by Laptop Jesus 3.9 7

It was an assertion of a friend of mine, and I wondered how true is actually is.

2007-08-08 19:50:50 · 16 answers · asked by numbnuts222 7

the four horsemen that john warned us about

2007-08-08 19:50:35 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Recently, I have been seeing A Haunting, a programme in the Discovery Channel that is shows the real paranormal experiences of people. Either they live in a haunted house or they are indiviually haunted by a spirit( usually some demonic one).

But I have noticed this thing...not only in this programme but in many other movies. This usually happens during a Christian exorcism. The priest or whoever will be able to banish the spirits for a certain period only . Those spirits will be back again and even more angrier and stronger.

The Lord is supposed to be more powerful right? So why isn't the spirits completely destroyed? Also when a house is being blessed it doesn't drive away those spirits but it makes them more agitated. Why? Isn't the holy water and bible strong enough to make a house clean?

Also I have noticed that in some movies, they always tend to show the evil spirits making their way into a church. Is this possible? Or are movies just over-exaggerating?

2007-08-08 19:48:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are there any reliable sources for the number of people who left or disassociated after the year 1975 failed to live up to expectations? I've heard up to 1/3 left... but I have no idea if that is correct.

2007-08-08 19:48:13 · 15 answers · asked by jethrojimbob 2

You stated in a recent question that "Christian always like to say this..." and then essentially threw out Pascal's Wager.

I am a Christian. Personally I find Pascal's wager to be a disgusting cop-out for Christians. It is that quintessential scare-tactic of using hell to extort people into Christianity, which brings people into the religion for the wrong reasons.

The word gospel literally translates "Good News," and Christianity, in my opinion, should be ministering less about saving people from hell and more about the abundant blessings that await us in heaven. I am not the least bit interested in hell, because I will not be there; and my ministry reflects this belief.

So, as a Christian, I do not ever use Pascal's Wager as part of my argument for my beliefs... which means that your statement that "Christians always like to say..." is WRONG.

2007-08-08 19:42:28 · 15 answers · asked by SDW 6

Is this quote from Charles Taze Russell true?

"Our Lord, the appointed King, is now present since October 1874, A.D., according to the testimony of the prophets, to those who have ears to hear it: and the formal inauguration of his kingly office dates from April 1878, A.D."
(Studies in Scriptures Vol. IV 1897 p. 621)

2007-08-08 19:40:44 · 4 answers · asked by jethrojimbob 2

2007-08-08 19:35:32 · 17 answers · asked by Future 5

Before God divided the languages of the world at the tower of Babel, Chinese people were speaking Chinese and did not even know who the hell those crazy Jews were. How do you Christians justify that??

2007-08-08 19:33:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why dont you beilve in gOD dont you know that i know that god is real an everything I say is the truth so you are wrong....monkeys arent evolving an I dont see anyting crawling outa the ocean an walking around I am a christian an I am better then you why are you atiests so dumbb? so my question is!!!!???????????????

Dont you hate it when christans post questions like this?
Its sad realy

2007-08-08 19:31:54 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

we live in a christian community , with some jewsh, muslims and others who r criticising christians
why criticism does not take the opposite direction?

2007-08-08 19:30:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some people say that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is nothing more than a legal entity of the Jehovah's Witness religion. But others say that all (most?) Jehovah's Witnesses are voting members of the Watchtower organization. So which is it?

2007-08-08 19:29:33 · 4 answers · asked by jethrojimbob 2

I wanna know, why don't you belive in God. Don't you know that he created the universe and everything in it. He gave us signs and miracles of him, but yet some of us still disblieve. He had gave us miracles, like the predictions in the Qu'ran. But if we don't chance, It will be too late, then on The Day of Judgement, we would wish that we would have believe, you can still change, you still have a second change, but on that day there wont be any second chances, they will be punished. I am telling you this because I care about you, and I don't want you to go to hell.

2007-08-08 19:23:47 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-08-08 19:22:49 · 22 answers · asked by Ben 3

until you will not allow to fame in your life it will not come . it is we who desire something and God gives us. if you are not agree with this statement then please explain why it is not true.

2007-08-08 19:20:15 · 17 answers · asked by KrishanRam(Jitendra k) 3

A former Christian speaks:
"Christianity was invented, made up, by Constantine and the pope. They cleverly covered all angles to any questions that might come up to prove it a false religion. It was to be a profitable endeavor and they did not want to lose the money it generated and the control it gave them over the population. If christians would stop and think they would realize that Constantine would never give up his pagan roots. It's a bloodline inherited religion. He would not have given it up.
The christian religion promised him all the money and all the control of the people. Members of his family even wrote parts of the new testament.
I had to go through the de-brainwashing. It was difficult, but a million times over worth it. I have a life now and it's sweet."

If He who was a true Christian converted from the brainwash, does that not speak for itself how invalid Christianiy is?
I hope soon all humanity will be enlightened such as this guy.

2007-08-08 19:14:50 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

First of all, think about this: When you are born, you have no knowledge of God, or Jesus or anything for that matter, so you are technically an atheist. You only begin to learn about God, and other things you learn in school as you're growing up.

Well what if you weren't raised by your parents? Think about being raised by somebody else for a moment. Somebody who did not care for religion, and showed you a different way of life.

People have to understand this: The ONLY reason religion still exists today, is because people pass it down to their children and write it in books. Now, what if we come to a point where nobody passes down religion anymore, and all the books are lost? Then religion will be wiped from the face of the earth, and not one single human being will know a thing about it.


2007-08-08 19:10:54 · 32 answers · asked by unrestedmind 2

I realize that Jewish people do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah/Savior. This is how Christians reconcile their sins with God.
So how do Jews atone for their sins? In the Old Testament (from the Holy Bible) there were animal sacrifices as well as many offerings to please Jehovah God.
Some of these, especially animal sacrifices are not practical today. So how do Jewish persons reach forgiveness of sins and/or become right with God?

2007-08-08 19:05:18 · 14 answers · asked by natobanato2 4

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