I feel even if your Christian, Gnostic, Atheist, Buhdast, Hindu, Jewish, eveloutionist or creationist last but not least Islamic. There are some fundamental truth going on in our courtries that are effecting us all. I feel that the past seven years or so have been a feast, the following will be famine. Forclosure on homes all time high, Gas prices all time high, Banks no longer lending money. The feds already lowered the Interest rates and that didn't work, products were in abundance. People were buying SUV, TRUCKS, V8, now in their in debt losing everything. Point of Thought: When you have a country thats in econmic recession the whole word headed for a depression politcial powers are in control, the world in chaos. The people become Agression thru being Opressed, the only answer to the Madness is thru PEACE. Give me your thoughts.
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