1) Not all Christians believe in the concept of "original sin." Actually, this belief didn't surface in Christian theology until hundreds of years after Jesus' resurrection.
Many Christians, such as myself, believe we are born with a sinful nature, but not with sin somehow residing within us; this sinful nature is really an inborn tendency to rebel against God's commandments. To put this doctrine into another frame of reference: Christians believe Jesus is God in the flesh; He was BOTH Son of God AND Son of Man. Since He was born and lived as a human being, then He would have ALSO had sin within Him IF the concept of "original sin" is correct. However, this would conflict with the CLEAR Biblical teaching that Jesus was never defiled by sin.
2) Christianity does not teach that we are "sinless." It teaches that we have been forgiven for all sins, past, present and future, due to Jesus' sacrifice. We are still sinners, but we no longer live in bondage to sin and we no longer face judgement because of our sins.
2007-08-08 01:37:20
answer #1
answered by Suzanne: YPA 7
Original sin is a purely christian belief. Judaism, whose authority christianity is based on, doesn't have original sin. It teaches that all are born sinless, as sin is a willfull transgression against god's laws and commandments. If you don't know you're breaking a law it isn't a sin, but simply a transgression. They have ways to atone for transgressions as well.
You are right that the two theories of original sin and Jesus covering all sins are contradictory. After all, if a mother is sanctified and sin free when she bears a child, how can the child inherit original sin from the mother or father? That simply isn't biblical... well, not in the Hebrew Bible anyway. If christians want to believe that their sins are not forgiven and are transferable to their children even after being covered in the "blood of christ" then apparently the blood of christ is worthless. Christians have their own beliefs. Too bad they don't know where they come from.
2007-08-08 02:04:10
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The BIBLE does NOT say that we we born intosin. A child is sinless until he/she is old enough to know what sin is. We are told that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD". This is written to Christians and we know from this that we continue to sin and must ask HIS Forgiveness or when we face the Judgment that we will be in grave danger. Some seem to believe that they are able to "do anything" and get away with it. These are going to be sorry at the Judgment. The BIBLE is clear what we are to do and that we must continue to be faithful until death (Revelation 2:10). Have a wonderful day and a glorious week.
Eds (Christian)
2007-08-08 02:36:06
answer #3
answered by Eds 7
That was somebody's idea to use the curse from Genesis as ground to say that we are born into sin. Or natural sin,
Revelation 22 : 3 No longer will there be any curse............
Now in the view of the sin committed by Adam and Eve, there might be some insight of a genetic kind of natural sin. But this is not specific either.
lack of faith is not a natural sin, I believe that the only thing we could call natural sin would be our predisposition to follow and please profanities of the flesh, even so it would not be a natural sin because in being so even children would not be saved, and it is clearly said that to be saved we have to become like children.
2007-08-08 02:09:22
answer #4
answered by Davinci22 3
You are born in sin ((naturally through giving birth, the punishment for women))but when you become a Christian, you become covered by the blood of Jesus so your sins are not counted against you. When God sees you, its not really you that he sees but its Jesus that he sees and the blood acts like a mask so therefore he sees someone who doesn't know sin. ((Jesus knows no sin)) That doesn't mean as a Christian you can run around killing, stealing, having pre-marital sex, and all that other stuff. When you first become a Christian, all of that stuff you used to do is wiped from your soul making it pure, but sometimes we back-slide into our old habits but God forgives us but when when keep back-sliding on purpose, he'll reprimand you but at the end of the day, if you're truly sorry for what you did, then he will forgive you so that is what it means by being sinless. We sin but its not counted against us as long as we repent.
2007-08-08 01:46:30
answer #5
answered by Mac 2
Clint, how can baptism remove original sin when it clearly states in the Bible that you have to accept Jesus to be forgiven your sins?
Original sin is not forgiven until the person willingly goes to Christ, not just for sitting there while their parents put them through a ceremony. Baptism is symbolic, nothing more.
Children are not innocent. "I am a vengeful God, I punish children for the sins of their fathers."
Nowhere in the Bible does it say children are innocent. That is why the Catholics created purgatory-to fix the hypocrisy of a loving forgiving God punishing people who didnt live long enough to get their Jesus protection.
2007-08-08 01:40:59
answer #6
answered by Showtunes 6
There is no such term in the Bible as original sin. Every human being is born with the propensity toward sin because where there is knowledge of good and evil, evil will tempt but there are several places in the Bible that teach that children will come to an age of knowing the difference between good and evil but until then remain blameless. It is because we are born into a world that entices us as we are already geared toward the inclination to sin that Jesus came and died and took all the sin upon Himself and made atonement for it. As with Adam and Eve in the beginning so it is in the end. God had a plan. Eve sinned by deception being told the same lies we tell ourselves to justify why we do what we do. Feeling the shame in her choice she then invited her companion to join her and tempted him. The two then hid themselves from God which is what we try to do, then they played the blame game - "the devil made me do it" and Adam when as far as to even lay some of the blame on God..."this woman YOU made me..." Then, as He always does, He made atonement for them by shedding blood to make a covering for their nakedness. The animal that lost its life had to have been a pure animal because there was no other kind in the beginning...we can only assume it was a lamb. From then on the story goes...it was not sin that separated us from God...it was our selfish desire to justify and lay blame to the point of condemning others..." do not bare false witness against thy neighbor - love one another as I have loved you - no greater love has a man than that he would lay down his life for a friend..and etc." These are the sins God hates..the ones that betray each other and cast stumbling blocks before our fellow men. SO...what did Jesus do...He made atonement for all that...and called us to see His love and be changed by it...so that we would turn away from our sin...not turn away from God, love each other, forgive each other, do right to one another and CONFESS it when we do screw up...but mostly all this has to start by believing that He did it to begin with. It confounds the mind to understand what God as a man in Jesus Christ went through for a world full of people that in both big and small ways hate each other and are out for ourselves. Why would He do that? Be beaten, abused and accused like that? Because He loves us that His will is that no one should perish but that all should turn and be healed and come to everlasting life...sorry for the preachy teachy but ya gotta know that in no way does the Bible ever contradict itself...only human understanding contradicts the Word of God. Love in Christ, ~J~
2007-08-08 01:44:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
First understand original sin. It is not that you are responsible for the sins of your fathers but that we inherited sin in death in the world because of the disobedience of Adam. Every man sins and is responsible for his own sin. Babies have not sinned but are born into a sinful world. Children are not going to die in sin but have not reached the age of acountability. There is no contradiction seems you might be misunderstanding. No one is responsible for anothers sin but all do sin.
2007-08-08 01:38:11
answer #8
answered by djmantx 7
Your questions show a lack of understanding on the subject.
The "original" sin was faithlessness, and this is also the greatest sin.
We are the progeny of Adam and Eve, who set the stage in this regard. As such, we must be "born again" of the right parent; God.
Jesus came to redeem mankind. To redeem something is to take possession of it again; to restore something to a former condition.
In this case, a condition of faith in God.
In the process of being born again, one dies in relation to being progeny of Adam and Eve, and in this regard, one becomes dead to sin.
Being dead to sin, and being sinless are two different things.
Maybe there is enough here for you to get started on understanding.
2007-08-08 02:33:54
answer #9
answered by Hogie 7
Original sin is one of Christianities more offensive and yes contradictory concepts. Its one of the ideas that first led me to explore getting away from Christianity.
2007-08-08 01:35:53
answer #10
answered by discombobulated 5