The Pope recently said in a closed door conference that evolution is undoubtedly real, but that it does not invalidate the Christian faith simply because it does not explain the First Cause.
Given that Christianity splintered from the Catholic Church and have inherited the Christian legacy from them (the Bible, for example), does this effect your stance on evolution? If it doesn't, it seems strange to me as it would be essentially saying "This thing you told me, the Bible, I accept as true, but this other thing you told me, that evolution is true, I do not." Which is picking and choosing truths based on what you like and dislike. To me, it seems to not trust the statement from the Catholic Church would mean you also cannot trust that the Bible is true since they were passed on from the same source. Thoughts and Comments? Thanks!
Sorry if this is a bit wordy, no coffee yet...
MSNBC article here:
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