interesting idea....what would happen to them? would they be reinstated in their original womb? would they have another womb? would they just be unaborted as fully-fledged babies? I can see a few problems in the implementation of the plan....
2007-07-30 07:27:07
answer #1
answered by Alex 5
Do you really believe that an omnipotent God doesn't know what will happen to these babies when He gives them to these women? Do you perceive yourself to be wiser than Him? EVERYTHING happens for a reason. I don't encourage abortion, but I also do not question God. Everything we do / every decision we make affects our life, our personality, and even the lives of others whether we realize it or not. We don't know what these women are carrying around in their hearts for the rest of their lives. Some may never think about it again, but others will regret it for the rest of their lives and think about it everytime they see a child the age that their child would've been. God will use these women in one way or another - possibly to talk others out of having the procedure done.
2007-07-30 14:33:15
answer #2
answered by Romans 8:28 5
Babies are, indeed, part of the plan of life.
The problem comes from the fact that each individual has a choice to make: Do they follow God and do what is right & good, or do they try to follow whatever feels good and make a mess of life? If they choose to follow God then abortion does not become an option. However, if they choose to do their "own thing", then abortion not only becomes an option, but a solution, as well. It becomes the solution to their indiscretion and their foolishness. They screwed up, so the baby has to pay the price...with their life.
I know that my 3 children each almost had to pay the price for the indiscretion of their biological parents, until someone interceded. Because of those intercessions, my wife and I have 3 wonderful sons, so far, and we'd love to have more.
My main question is, since the pro-abortion side always asks (in a pseudo-self-righteous huff) "Well, how many are you going to adopt", just how many are they willing to care for? Since they seem to know of all these children who are stuck in orphanages, why don't they join the pro-lifers as we continue to care for these children?
2007-07-30 14:29:32
answer #3
answered by †Lawrence R† 6
This is done ! In Jesus Christ's perfect, God-power Way !
All human Children who are aborted in their mother's womb, or murdered or killed before the age of freewill choice to want to follow Jesus into the Father God and into Life Eternal, are (right after physical death) re-personalized up on a super-physical, higher mansion world made by Jesus as seven transition spheres for the rehabilitation and progression of our souls into ever higher spiritual status into much later final Paradise-level perfection.
At loving judgment time, each human father and mother will be introduced to their mansion world aborted Children now living up there ... "Mommy, why did you murder me and deny me the life experience of living on earth ??" How sad ! Count the cost !
Of course, all sincere humans who have done terrible sins and murders can also be SAVED and REHABILITATED in/by our loving and merciful Sovereign Creator Father and Son of God Jesus Christ ! He is All-Powerful to Really Seek and to Really Save the lost !" Thank You Master Jesus !
Peace and progress,
Brother Dave, a Jesusonian Christian
large Good News website
Read now and believe fully John 12:31-32 Amen !
2007-07-30 14:39:07
answer #4
answered by ? 5
huh? you mean why doesn't "he" unabort the abortions induced by people? Or are you talking about the abortions "he" does "himself," that is if "he" exists. There's a large percentage of fetuses that don't develop and don't ever make it to babyhood by no choice of any human being... they die naturally... so apparently not all babies are in "god's" plan of life...
2007-07-30 14:24:08
answer #5
answered by arfblat 3
Well, if he exists, probably because abortion is not that big an issue for him. It is just something made up by a lot of right wing preachers to get people all worked up about all the "poor little babies" so that these same people, many of them poor, will continue to vote for the demagogues who waste money on places like Iraq instead of helping poor Americans. It is all part of their plan to make Americans vote against their best interests.
2007-07-30 14:27:26
answer #6
answered by geniepiper 6
God gave us free will and doesn't take it back when we mess up.
Not that I agree with you that abortions are wrong. I'm a man and I don't think men have any business tellling women what they can and can't do with their own bodies.
But if you decide to kill somebody, Jesus doesn't just "unkill" them because it was a mistake. You kill, you live with the consequences. That's free will.
2007-07-30 14:28:52
answer #7
answered by Acorn 7
Well step on up and provide a home for all those unwanted children then. There are tons in orphanages now with no parents, they weren't aborted. How many are you planning to adopt?
2007-07-30 14:29:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Leave Jesus out of this! God gave us all brains to think for ourselves and if we sin, it is our own fault! Yes! Babies should be allowed to live, but some women choose to abort. Those babies go to heaven and the Mothers will be punished!
2007-07-30 14:27:15
answer #9
answered by Gerry 7
WHY does "God" cause approximately one-third of all pregnancies to spontaneously abort/ (That is the medically correct term for miscarriage.)
Pretty poor planning if you ask me!
2007-07-30 14:38:44
answer #10
answered by Dawn G 6