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Religion & Spirituality - 11 July 2007

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Okay...here we go with Noah's flood

Gen 6:19:
"And of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind onto the ark, to keep them alive with your: they shall be male and female."

And then in Gen 7:2
"Take with you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and it's mate: and a pair of the animals that are not clean, the male and it's mate: and seven pairs of the birds of the air also, male and female, to keep their kind alive on the face of all the earth."

So why the "change up" here? Is it just a further to the first command? The first being a simplification and the second being more detailed?
When I went to church, they always taught the two by two formula, never the 7 by 7. In fact it wasn't until I took to reading the bible by myself until I came across this so it has always intriqued me. How is it taught to the children at your church?

Please no rude answers, I just don't need them...they are silly and waste both our time.

2007-07-11 03:15:37 · 13 answers · asked by paganmom 6

Attached is what would have to be the worst question I've encountered here for inciting hatred.


Christians so often say that those who incite hatred aren't "real" christians.

But this guy seems pretty sure he is.

How do christians feel about guys like this posting these sorts of questions?

2007-07-11 03:14:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-11 03:12:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

If some Muslims did bad things, Why should Christians hate Muslims?

But Christians said
"hate the sins, not the sinner?"

2007-07-11 03:07:28 · 24 answers · asked by marhama 6

Transexual? One who feels "God" put them mentally and spiritually in the wrong body.

2007-07-11 03:07:10 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because, of course, followers of the FSM are pastafarians - but pastafarianism doen't appeal to me as a lesbian and vegetarian. I'd like to know what I may call myself that doesn't sound really dumb.

2007-07-11 03:05:29 · 9 answers · asked by oldwhatshername 3

Jews: Why, in your opinion, and based on religious texts is Christ not the Messiah?

Christians: Why, in your opinion, and based on religious texts is Christ the Messiah?

To both: List several reasons if you can.

2007-07-11 03:03:08 · 27 answers · asked by 2

2007-07-11 03:02:31 · 7 answers · asked by Dya - The white Angel 3

So many quote the Bible as the be all-end all. However, it was written by man. The Bible itself even states this in II Timothy 3:16..."all scripture is given by inspiration of God"

The Bible is the inspired word of God....However, it was written by man, who brought into their writings their own ideas, knowledge/education, prejudices and customs of the day.

However, it seems that many worship the Bible more than they worship God. They point to man's words in the Bible and hold that as their God....is this not idolatry?

Where is ones personal relationship with God?

Your thoughts?

2007-07-11 02:59:25 · 15 answers · asked by G.C. 5

yet, they say Noah brought two kinds of each animal on the ship when the world flooded. Wouldn't that mean that all the different species existing now came from those two and evolution would of had to have happened at amuch higher rate than even scientist believe? I mean, we're talking roughly just a few thousands of years. How can you explain the different species if no evolution occurs?

2007-07-11 02:54:49 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was told that being hit by pidgeon poop is supposed to be good luck. Has anyone ever heard of this?

2007-07-11 02:53:24 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Jesus is the sinless Messiah....No other prophet is refered to as the Messiah..So why do so many Muslims believe in the Gospel of Barnabas that teaches contrary to the Qu'ran?
The Gospel fo Barnabas says Jesus is the Christ which means Messiah....then says Jesus is not the Messiah but Muhammad is...the Qu'ran teaches Chrsit is "The Messiah"

2007-07-11 02:50:28 · 17 answers · asked by djmantx 7

2007-07-11 02:43:57 · 28 answers · asked by The exclamation mark 6

Much of the Old Testament was passed down through word of mouth. If you've ever played a game of telephone or heard a rumor, you will understand where I am going with this statement.

Your thoughts?

2007-07-11 02:43:01 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

He seems pretty keen on winding the clock back to the middle ages.

Will this trigger many catholics to question their faith?

If so, how many will lose all faith in god concepts and how many will swing toward evangelical churches?

2007-07-11 02:38:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Truth is a universal moral concept. It is very powerful and freeing. It can also be hurtful but therapuetic.

How will you show truth today?

Truth is admiting when you are wrong.
Truth is asking for help when you don't know what to do.
Truth is just.
Truth is loving.
Truth is courageous.
Truth is very humble.
Truth is telling someone something they might not want to hear but need to hear.

It seems these things are tied together. Today I will share this truth:

I wish for a very blessed day for everyone. I wish for peace.

I will share a personal truth.

I used to be and SDA and bible thumping-hell fire and brimstone baptist.

Now I am on a spiritual journey for truth and it has taken me on some expected paths.

I am a christian as I believe in YHWH and his son the King. However, I certainly do not hold a lot of traditional views.

Another truth? I come to realize I don't know anything and I've been wrong about a lot of things.

2007-07-11 02:37:39 · 10 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Is Benedict XVI filling that throne?

2007-07-11 02:32:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-11 02:29:12 · 12 answers · asked by Emperor Insania Says Bye! 5

Whether you believe in a deity or not, if you woke up tommorrow and a deity had unoquivically risen up and shown himself to the world beyond question (i.e. The devil had walked around, hoofs 'n all wreaking fire and brimstone on BBC news, or Zeus had come down and started chucking a few thunderbolts about) what would you do?

As an agnost, I'd unwittingly have to become an instant convert, but what would it do to those of a religious capacity if it wasn't YOUR god that came down?

As a religious person - would you retain your religion faced with the stark reality that you (and several million other people) are entirely wrong? Or would you continue?

As an Atheist - would you become a follower in the face of total undeniability?

2007-07-11 02:28:05 · 16 answers · asked by Steven N 4

That many of these UN leaders were saved & the anointing was sooo strong that some were being slain in the Spirit leaving the gathering?

What do you think of this?


2007-07-11 02:27:48 · 13 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

than to embark on atheism where it's a rat race out there...and that you got to fend for yourself all the time without miracles, hope and faith...?

2007-07-11 02:25:55 · 18 answers · asked by sweet_sunshine 2

I started my bible study again, and I decided to start from the very begining, so I hope that you all can answer some questions for me.

The first question is more about what your specific religion/denomonation believes, so please tell me what you are when answering.
1. In the bible we see two counts of creation, the priestly tale and the story commonly referred to as J. Just a refresher for everyone, the priestly tale speaks of God creating the Heavens and Earth, then the animals in the sea, then the animals on land and then finally creating humankind (both male and female at once). In J we get God creating Man first, then the animals and then Woman out of Man's rib.
My question is which story was taught to you? Was it one or the other or a combination of both? Were the inconsistencies talked about and how are they reconciled?

This is not a loaded question, I am really seeking answers, I don't need to read about how the bible is a lie or God does not exist.

2007-07-11 02:23:20 · 14 answers · asked by paganmom 6

I am sure we all notice repeat questions here and sometimes they can get pretty annoying. or some are so crazy that you can't even believe someone would ask em. So which types of questions annoy you the most?

2007-07-11 02:22:25 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Pray that the Holy Spirit convict the Pope in his spiritman. That the Pope can bring to light the false concepts & false doctrines & the spirit of Jezebel, & expose these for what they are & that the Holy Spirit can cleanse the Catholic Church.

2007-07-11 02:21:44 · 12 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

There is no edge to space, if not correct me.
If so why must there be a beginning (edge) of time as it is essentially no different from spatial dimensions. If not correct me.
So why does there have to be a duration of the universe (magnitude in the fourth dimension)? If there is not a size of the universe (magnitude in the other three dimensions).
If you feel that the physical laws of the universe do not permit this why is it then that physical laws can not change or that there are not exceptions at certain quantities?
People often argue about this in the debate between big bang and creation but why can people not comprehend an eternity as they comprehend an unending strip of space known as a circle. Quite confused, please help.

2007-07-11 02:19:31 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many times can they cry wolf and get away with it?

2007-07-11 02:15:44 · 11 answers · asked by Murazor 6

...And dies as an atheist.

What happened to his sins back on the cross? Did Jesus die for them and then not die for them?

2007-07-11 02:12:33 · 14 answers · asked by ccrider 7


2007-07-11 02:10:10 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hint: the fact that this is in the religion section should give you one.

2007-07-11 02:10:02 · 34 answers · asked by Drake the Deist 2

Shouldn't we love homosexuals the same?

Jesus gave His life for us and our sins are washed away. Jesus forgave us & forgot our sins. Our slate is wiped clean.

2007-07-11 02:09:43 · 25 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

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