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Religion & Spirituality - 29 June 2007

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2007-06-29 07:24:45 · 10 answers · asked by lupinesidhe 7

for reasons known only to Him doesn't give us what we want we automatically assume God doesn't answer prayer? My 5 year old thru a fit the other day because I wouldn't let him play in the street should I have let him? Why are we so childish and spoiled that we can't accept NO sometimes?

2007-06-29 07:23:48 · 9 answers · asked by Walt 1

This incident is true. This is about a family that attended the Church of Christ. She found out that her husband had been molesting their daughter for years. She went to the church elders looking for support, and to ask that they grant her permission to leave her husband. The elders denied her request because she didn't have a biblical reason for the divorce, ie. no adultry.

What do you think? Wouldn't this be classified as adultry? To me, it would be. Do you agree that she shouldn't leave her husband? Why or why not? I was livid when I heard about this.

2007-06-29 07:23:03 · 26 answers · asked by Soul Shaper 5

I need both the boat and the oars to steer me home.
How do you see things?

2007-06-29 07:22:31 · 18 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

the definition of truth is: the true or actual state of a matter.

there is no truth in god (or any religion for that matter) it is only faith, whose definition is: belief that is not based on proof

the 2 words have very different meanings.

the truth is, that nobody will know the truth until we die, and if atheists are right, then nobody will ever know the truth because once you're dead, you're dead and you won't "know" anything lol


when you say you have truth, you are lying intentionally and therefore sinning (if you're christian) and will go to hell.

i hope this question will help spare some christians from going to hell.

2007-06-29 07:20:42 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

or something like i will never be tempted beyond my capability.
i just wanna read it

2007-06-29 07:18:17 · 12 answers · asked by dewgongoo 2

Born-again's, God what pity I bestow on you.
The Catholic church has been called the anti-christ as has the pope. admit it. Your pastor had eluded to that, hasn't he.
The fact is Mr. and Mrs. Born-agian if it were not for the Catholic Church your pastor would have never heard of Jesus, nor would you. In fact, if the Catholic church had not adopted Jesus he would have been forgotten a long time ago. Jesus is their baby, their logo. Your church is just trying to steal him so they can get in on the cash. Right. What does your church offer the Catholic church doesn't? I know. You are special.

2007-06-29 07:18:00 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

"All you have to do is look around: Check out the trees and all the flowers you might pass by everyday without a thought as to where they came from. Or maybe, check out a new baby...for sure you'll realize that someone far greater than any of us is responsible for our world and everything in it." (and now my thoughts and question) Ok, I see a lot of trees, trees come from seeds which come from other trees which come from smaller trees which come from organic reactions in the soil hundreds of thousands of years ago, not that hard minus the scientific details. Flowers are pretty similar. Babies come from sex because again there is a biological reaction occuring. If god put adam and eve here why don't babies just "POOF" appear in our garden. They say "the mountain is beautiful so god must have made it but mountains don't . That's bloody ridiculous and excruciating to hear. How can people attend school and then still continue to think this way. Can anybody answer me these things?

2007-06-29 07:17:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

In case you missed it, someone just gave mine! It is: "Our corrupted flesh cannot handle all of him." and if you'd like to see it in all it's "glory" - it's here! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ap_5RM2RtA.Mdt7OxKoi7N7sy6IX?qid=20070629105209AATyuHg&show=7#profile-info-XnxBrbkyaa


2007-06-29 07:16:33 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 07:13:28 · 28 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

2007-06-29 07:12:03 · 23 answers · asked by mike g 1

2007-06-29 07:09:10 · 17 answers · asked by ruffian 2

2007-06-29 07:07:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

they say things like 'the bible has been proved true and is the word of god'

It hasn't! No one has ever proved who wrote the gospels and there are no eyewitness accounts that there ever was a Jesus-the nearest to them are in those gospels which at points are absolutely contradictory!! The whole thing is based on hearsay and secondary sources, then written by advocates of the christian faith!! Isn't it a sin to tell lies?

2007-06-29 07:06:52 · 26 answers · asked by Truth Hurts 1

2007-06-29 07:04:39 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-29 07:03:49 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my son (15) is wiccan and my other daughter (12) is more of a witch than wiccan. i consider myself to be an eclectic witch.

my kids have been been taught about many different religions and are allowed to choose their own path.

would this (freedom of religious choice no matter what the choice) be allowed in your home, especially at the young age of 9? why or why not?

2007-06-29 06:57:36 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

What type of personality goes around infecting people with Aids ?

If a person knows they are infected and don't tell their partner, but engage in behavior to infect others, what type of personality do they have ?

Do these people believe in a God ?

What else would this type of personality do in a society ?

2007-06-29 06:56:16 · 15 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

There is one that says something like no one can take you from my hand or something? I am looking for a verse to give to my friend her home life is really bad, step-dad is abusive her mom is in denial, her dad is a drug-addict, so she is going to a safe house for teens, any bible verses that come to mind to help with this situation?

2007-06-29 06:55:59 · 17 answers · asked by Sabrina J 3

Today we North Americans have been taught to think in black and white terms, which is not healthy; we tend to generalize.

So while the question appears simplistic, is there a difference between fathers and men ?

Is there a difference between mothers and women ?

I ask this because sometimes, more often than not, we hear of a comparative analysis of men verses women salaries, with absolutely no mention of those men and women who are married to each other, and those who support children.

Reality is not 'black and white'....we have been taught to ignore the word, "some'....

2007-06-29 06:52:41 · 12 answers · asked by Caesar J. B. Squitti 1

2007-06-29 06:52:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

that there might have been an initial force to create the universe/life, but the Bible is a fraud?
Many of you seem to verify the Bible with the fact that there has to be a creator. But even if there was a kind of energy (intelligent or not) who started all this... even if there was a thing we would call a god and everything was intentional: how does it proof the Bible or any other religion on earth to be right and the only right one?
I can't see a connection here. You can read the Bible and conclude there has to be a creator, but you can't see nature made by a creator and conclude the Bible is true!

2007-06-29 06:50:01 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

why would he need help if he is the all powerful healer?
and why do religious people go to doctors if god will heal them himself if he deems fit??

2007-06-29 06:49:04 · 10 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7

Genesis spends an awful lot of time talking about creepy crawlies, but doesn't mention them until Gen 16:7 when He sicks them on Hagar, a poor fleeing slave, just before He impregnates her (Gen 16:11).

2007-06-29 06:47:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you think that maybe some miscarriages are caused by the soul entering the fetus and disrupting its development?

2007-06-29 06:46:49 · 20 answers · asked by I WALK FUNNY 4

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