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Religion & Spirituality - 27 June 2007

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should baptisms be by immersion or by sprinkling water on the head? why?

2007-06-27 03:30:41 · 31 answers · asked by KellyKapowski 3


2007-06-27 03:29:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, Benoit killing his family once again brings me back to this topic of death, the topic I cannot escape. My best friend, 25 years old and the mother of a 4-month old, got killed in a car wreck in January. People die all the time for senseless reasons. What happens after we die? I believe in God and Heaven. But do we go there as soon as we die, or do we wait until God resurrects everyone at once? I have read lots of conflicting opinions on this topic. Also, when we are in the afterlife, are we aware of the goings-on still on Earth? Do we even give a f***?

2007-06-27 03:25:55 · 25 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4

This is a spirtitual group Iv'e been with for over a year, Recentley a few members i'dd say 4,or 5 within the group, were saying things like "get a clue" ,or your not a true (my religion), because you asked this question. They seem to get pretty hot, and insulting any time I post now, I have a feeling its because I gave somone my honest opinion earlier that week, and some members didn't share my views. Should I break away from the group? Would this seem pety to you?

2007-06-27 03:20:34 · 19 answers · asked by Nadezda * 2

2007-06-27 03:18:22 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

How many of the world's problems are caused by religious thinking? What would the world be like if humanity wasn't squabbling about God all the time?

2007-06-27 03:18:09 · 28 answers · asked by Hothman 2

I think those words mean read EVERYThING Causeing all those qualities.

2007-06-27 03:16:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

The following questions are for anyone that is a Scientologist. Please answer honestly. I am NOT looking for links to other websites... I just want personal opinions/beliefs. Thanks for the help!
1. What is Scientology?
2. What does the word Scientology mean?
3. Does Scientology believe in God?
4. Why is Scientology a religion?
5. Is Scientology a cult?
6. In what way does Scientology differ from other religions?
7. Who was L. Ron Hubbard, what was his role in the Church, and do Scientologists believe that he was like Jesus Christ?
8. What moral codes/ethics do Scientologists live by?
9. Why has Scientology sometimes been considered controversial?

2007-06-27 03:16:35 · 6 answers · asked by legalstudent25 2

For those who have NEVER heard the message?

2007-06-27 03:15:45 · 28 answers · asked by Jared 2

Then why are you continuing to steal our oxygen?!?!


2007-06-27 03:15:05 · 14 answers · asked by gone by tomorrow 1

What if Jesus was actually a half extraterrestial / half human? Mary doesn't know how she got pregnent. What if they abducted her and mixed alien DNA in her womb? What if all of Christianity is just a big giant alien conspiracy??? Man I need to go to sleep........I have been up all night typing weird crap.

2007-06-27 03:14:29 · 27 answers · asked by nothing 1

It places restrictions on your lives, forces inequality upon you and your friends and family, uses ficticious books to fool you into thinking of a fruity happy-life, wastes money on gold and churches when schools and hospitals could be built. There are so many cons to religion!

2007-06-27 03:12:48 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do you have faith in dead works?

Have faith dear friends in God.

I love this bible verse:

"The earth is the Lord's and the fulness therof; the world, and they that dwell therein".
Psalms 24:1

God declares himself through his servant the prophet Isaiah:

" I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host I have commanded.

Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

Isaiah 45:12,22 KJV

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament reveals his handywork."
Psalms 19:1

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all true wisdom. Put your trust in God, not man made opinions.

John 3:16

2007-06-27 03:12:34 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

“Moral relativism” seems like such a dirty word sometimes, especially to us Christians. I see it, however, as just a part of life. It’s quite closed minded to look at everything in black and white, when reality has several shades of gray.

The ten commandments tell us not to lie, so is all lying a sin? What about Rahab, who lied to the city guard to protect the Hebrew spies she was hiding in Joshua 2...was she wrong in doing so? She is later listed as a person of good faith in Hebrews and an example of righteousness in James.

There are many such examples for other “sins,” too. What about that hypothetical question about the man stealing the medicine with the jacked-up price to save his dying wife? Or a police man killing a person to stop a shooting spree?

Basically my question is this: if you are a Christian, what do you think of moral relativism? How do you determine if an action is a "sin"? Are things always either right or wrong, or is there some type of an in-between?

2007-06-27 03:10:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-27 03:09:08 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

to redeem them from their sins? Mohammad isn't ones Savior. Jesus Is.

What good is accomplished by blowing ones self up in a crowded restaurant? Only hell for the murderer.

While Jesus redemption remains available to those who cry out to Him, only because of the love of God?

Jesus stands with outstretched arms, dressed in white? (I just saw this vision of Jesus.). He is truly there, waiting for someone in the valley of decision to call on Him.

2007-06-27 03:08:54 · 22 answers · asked by LottaLou 7

luke sky walker returns for his fifth year of study at the accademy with his guru master yoda and discovers that the wisidr community has been denied the truth about the xians recent encounter with the teletubbies the invisible force is with luke skywalker and instructs R2D2 withe purposeful endeavor and teaches a small group of telletubbies how to defend themselves against the dark arts - darth vader is uh-rij-uh-nl and luke sky walker is o-rig-i-nal.

2007-06-27 03:07:17 · 7 answers · asked by Sebastian Flight 2

If you think so, can you provide hard scriptural evidence?...Joice Meyers teaches this...does that make her a false prophet?.....

2007-06-27 03:05:21 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Honestly, how someone that nasty and hateful can claim to be religious is beyond me. Then again, some of the nastiest people I have meant in life claim to be 'devout christians'. What are your opinions?

*Not intended to mean all Christians. I have meant some very nice and loving Christian people who truly live by example. It's depressing that they seem to be few and far between*

2007-06-27 03:05:18 · 24 answers · asked by Julia Sugarbaker 7

it gets tiresome to keep telling people to READ the question. it would be great if you just read it the way it's worded and answer it!

does religion have something to do with this, if so, does one religion have a harder time than the others with it?

2007-06-27 03:04:01 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

In secret but condemn it like Sodom and Gomorrah?

2007-06-27 02:59:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about that. I know most atheists, and nonchristians, will say that christians believe in tales, etc.... but is that true? If you truly search for answers, is this true? If God wanted to communicate with mankind, then how would he do it? How would you do it if you were God? Maybe send someone down to earth (i.e. Jesus Christ), and provide certain manuscripts to follow, etc.? Atheists beleive they are more rational and logical, but in all actuality, Christianity is very rational and very logical, more-so than atheism. One reason for this is that Christianity answers questions that atheists can't. For instance, you can use all the theories for the beginning of time.. you can talk about the big bang, etc.. but it all still points to a starting point, some type of transcendant being -> God.

Besides using logic and reason, Christianity has other forms of evidence to validate its claims. Atheism doesn't, nor do other belief systems (not to soley pick on atheists). Comments?

2007-06-27 02:59:53 · 15 answers · asked by xtreme_devotion_120 1

"A heavenly dictatorship would be like living in a celestial North Korea, except it would be worse because they could read your thoughts even when you were asleep," said Mr. Hitchens in an interview. "At least when you die you get out of North Korea, which is the most religious state I've ever seen."

2007-06-27 02:59:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have nothing against muslims in general, and respect religions even if i dont really believe in them, but muslims seem to be at the top of the news always, forcing people to respect them whereas people of other religions just get on with their lives.

2007-06-27 02:58:18 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

and, you have a family to consider.

2007-06-27 02:58:15 · 14 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6

First of all, to make things perfectly clear, I am a Christian.
Second, I would prefer for ONLY Christians to answer this question, unless a person can answer according to Christianity, using scripture to support their opinion.
Third, this is inspired in part by an answer to a question about masturbation (I'll post the link in an added comment).
So my question is this:
Just supposing when my husband goes to Iraq (which will be later this year, for 15 months), I have a need to relieve some sexual pressure while fantasizing about him, would that be a sin? What about if after he's talked to me on the phone, or I've sent him non-pornographic pictures (they're not allowed to have pornography) HE feels the need to relieve himself? Is it a sin? Does that constitute sexual impurity?
Furthermore, what about when he and I haven't had relations for awhile? Would it be a sin?
I don't believe so, but I'd like to make sure I'm not wrong.
Thanks for all answers in advance!

2007-06-27 02:52:53 · 25 answers · asked by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7

2007-06-27 02:50:40 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

married before they leave on a mission, or go to war? is it that if something happens they will not get their salvation? or is it a "part of your gods plan"? help me with this

2007-06-27 02:50:39 · 11 answers · asked by lpxerounderground 3

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