I have a bumper sticker on my car that says "Pagans agree: your God's okay too" Yesterday, while loading groceries into my trunk I saw a sweet little girl sitting in a grocery cart across the way. The little girl waved at me and I returned her wave with a smile. When her mother turned to see who her daughter was waving at, she saw my bumper sticker. She turned bright red and stomped over to me (leaving her daughter 20 feet away in a grocery cart) and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Don't you know you're going to hell. Repent now!". I responded, "I'm sorry my constitutional right to freedom of religion offends you." and I turned away from her. As I was getting into my car I heard her tell her tiny child that I was, and I quote, "a whore of Satan"
A week and a half prior to that I had an Atheist tell me that having more than one God just made me even more stupid than Christians. I offered him the same reply that I gave to the woman above.
And even from those of my own faith! I had a young Wiccan, obviously proud of her faith approach me and tell me my bumper sticker was wrong, that the Christian God oppresses women. I asked her if she believed in the Christian God, she said, "No" and stood up a little straighter. I asked her, "then how can he oppress you? If you don't believe, then he cannot oppress. Only his followers can, and then only if you let them."
Why does the freedom of religion frighten and appall the over-zealous minority? Why can't people just be satisfied that they believe themselves to be right? Why do they feel everyone has to agree with them?
15 answers
asked by
Blue Scarrab