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Religion & Spirituality - 1 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

What do you think? Please defend your answer.

2007-06-01 02:22:20 · 15 answers · asked by Link 5

I think it is very inspirational,who's with me?

2007-06-01 02:20:25 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is one of the things that really concerns me with faith.

For an atheist, logic and reason determine that the world is a better place if we all co-operate and work together to improve things.

For those of faith, logic and reason get thrown out the door in favour of what sounds appealling. Being guided by faith makes people more vulnerable to being guided by their emotions and making emotionally driven decisions.

Dosn't this in itself expose faith as being dangerous?

2007-06-01 02:19:43 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am Catholic and although I believe in God (or there being a higher power), I disagree with people going to Church. As far as I know, there was no Church during Jesus' time and nor did it exist in the bible.

2007-06-01 02:15:56 · 18 answers · asked by Crystal D 2

if yes, when do you think it will happen.
if no, why not.

2007-06-01 02:15:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us a child is born, a Son is given, and he will be almighty God and the prince of peace."

predicted about 700 bce, still in the Jewish bible proving the bible is true-as most of my Jewish people as predicted rejected our messiah God in the flesh, yet left it in the Jewish Scriptures-because God will not let it be tampered with.

Isaiah 52:13-53:12 "He will be exalted. First he will lay down his life to give forgiveness of sins. All we like sheep have gone astray and he will take the iniquities of us all. He will be DESPISED AND REJECTED. He will die with the wicked and be burried with the rich. He will see his seed and prosper."

the Jewish people were promised a messiah to be God with us=Imanuel born of a pure virgin Isaiah 9:6 to be a sign= a miracle

you can say God cant love humanity that much-God cant do this or that-But GOD IS GOD he can do anything

Now the one I was taught was a liar and deciever is my best friend!
Why did God chose Jewish race?

2007-06-01 02:11:42 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

she doesn't want to get married in a Catholic church but I need to receive the sacrament of marrige. What can I do??


2007-06-01 02:09:03 · 32 answers · asked by BriGuy 3

The bible is considered non-fictional right? But why does logic state otherwise? for example...if adam and eve were the first two humans created by god, why did explorers find natives on other continents (think columbus)? Another example...its said in the bible that King herold killed thousands of male infants because he wanted to kill jesus before he became 'king', but how could he order such a comand if he died 7 years before jesus was born. Isn't it kinda weird that jews edited and published the bible in the first place?

2007-06-01 02:06:08 · 11 answers · asked by Tara-leigh 2

Christianity is supposed to be the religion dedicated to the teachings of Jesus Christ. So why do so many Christians quote Paul(Saul) of Tarsus more than Jesus?

Surely if you are Christian and you believe Jesus is divine, the words of Jesus should take the highest priority over all other words? Why then are his words rarely quoted in Yahoo answers, yet virtually 9 out of 10 New testament quotes are Paul and over half of all Biblical quotes are from the Old Testament?

When Jesus is quoted, why are so few quotes ever used- the most common being " I am the way..no one comes to the father except through me..etc"?

Why are other gospels quoting Jesus like Thomas completely ignored?

Please only genuine answers. Please no Biblical quotes, just your own words. Thank you.

2007-06-01 02:05:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep seeing on TV and movies how all these Christians form cults and kill people. Why are they so mean?

2007-06-01 02:05:09 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Parents throw their children -- at any age -- out the door without concern on a daily basis, and never looking back.

The divorce rate is roughly 51%, which is more than half. If someone suggested that you undergo a surgical procedure that was successful less than half the time, you'd probably give great pause before deciding to do it.

Is unconditional love a pipe dream yet to be achieved among humanity?

2007-06-01 02:03:04 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the commandments, one of them says, "Remember the sabbath day and to Keep it holly" I have heard so many people tell me its Sunday, but it just does not sound right.

2007-06-01 02:02:53 · 13 answers · asked by FarmerCec 7

ok i think those who have answerd my previous questions are getting a little confused. Smeone said something about orgianl sin
If there was no orignial sin then there would be no reason for christ to come here in the first place.
How many Mulsims or Jews Or Buddah or there are perfect biengs? how many and i'm not talking about in the eyes of god either, right here right here right now...? Proboblay none. the reason why Christ came here was because The Almighty one ABBA "GOD" saw how the people he created in his world were turning on eachotehr and forgetting that it was him who created them, now if it wasnt for Christ the world would be in Turmoil The Devil will rule the world and ruin all that GOD has created on this earth as he still trys to do.
You see Christ saves us all from this hell ,he rewards us with Heaven if we can make it through this life, Mary was his mother, it's funny other religions say they dont have a heavenly mother,so not where did there god come from,Monkeys LOL

2007-06-01 01:59:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Tomorrow I am suppose to go to my friend's baby's Brisk (sp?). My friend and all of her family is Jewish and I have no idea what to expect. They told me what to wear, however, I am not sure what they do there (it's at my friend's mom's house) and I am unsure If I am suppose to bring a card or a gift etc. Any info you can give me would be great!

2007-06-01 01:54:46 · 7 answers · asked by KMarie 1

OK, as a fairly new Christian I have trouble understanding two things. I know when you commit a sin you are supposed to ask God for forgiveness and be specific. But what if you can't remember them all exactly?? I don't have a problem with this really but for example, let's say I said some 'bad' words today... I go to ask forgiveness, but I forget what words I said exactly. Is it OK to just say something like "please forgive me for using any bad words?" Or do I need to name every one out? Is it better to ask forgiveness right after you commit the sin?

Also what if you commit some kind of sin, and you don't know it's a sin and is wrong? How does he handle that? Does that hurt the relationship??


2007-06-01 01:53:57 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

This question is for people who say that baptism MUST be done by immersion. If a person lives in the dessert where there is not enough water available for immersion, is that person illegible for baptism?

I will agree that baptism comes from a word that means immersion, but where in the Bible does it state that a person must be IMMERSED in water in order for a Baptism to be valid and pouring water over the head is NOT valid?

2007-06-01 01:51:20 · 19 answers · asked by Sldgman 7

that we're all gonna die on December 23, 2012 like the Mayans predicted we would?
They did (in a way) predict 9/11 after all. But the Bible says no man knows the time of hour or day when he will return so idk...
=/ I just don't wanna die when I'm 21.

2007-06-01 01:46:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Reality can be a harsh thing at times but to deny reality puts you on the same playing field a someone who is slow mentally. Liberate yourselves and realize that God doesn't exist except in your head.

2007-06-01 01:32:17 · 31 answers · asked by Jenny r 1

some say deamons dont exist-but to those that have faced people with them we know they do.

I am born a Jew taught to reject Jesus and deamons too, yet by the precious blood of Jesus salvation I have come to know Jesus as my best friend and cast out deamons from my fellow man.

even over bad thoughts -calling in heart on the blood of Jesus rebukes the evil ones and opens the door to good thoughts.

how I came to have the power to cast out deamons I believed the prophecies of the Jewish Scriptures perfectly depicting Jesus as our Messiah.
Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us a child is born a son is given and he will be almighty God, and the prince of peace."
In the gospels Jesus casted out deamons-why would Isaiah and Matthew lie? they lived for truth! why would someone add these to the bible when Jewish people say Jesus isnt the Messiah yet leave it in? absolute proof Jesus is the Messiah who knocks to come into your heart too and be your best friend=Revelation 3:19&20 "I love you, repent..

2007-06-01 01:31:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

There must be a reason why God decided to make the platypus nature's laughing stock.

Hey, I asked a legit question about the crocoduck (if there can be such a thing) and only got 4 responses. I was hurt :( So now you get these crap questions until my training session begins.

2007-06-01 01:30:50 · 7 answers · asked by Southpaw 7

agree/disagree.... why so?

2007-06-01 01:26:08 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Oh they call it "7 Hour lecture on Website Accessibility" but they're not fooling me!

Maybe Andy Gibb's going to be there, then it will truly be hell.

2007-06-01 01:21:19 · 11 answers · asked by Southpaw 7

assuming this religion was quite different than everything you ever believed, how easily/quickly would you convert?

2007-06-01 01:20:16 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi my name is Jay S. and i have the important test of my life tomorrow so can people pray to who ever you believe in and say make Jay do good on this test....this is a request and if you don't want to thanks anyways.
S. Jay

2007-06-01 01:18:33 · 14 answers · asked by Jay 2

lol mate muslims can really get agro huh

ok let me say something whats was it that Mohammed did
i understand Jews believe in Tora and thats good because Christain believe in ABBA our Higher power, Christ in our god too but of earth in which his father sent his only son Jesus to show what beauty his father has for them if they believed

My god Jesus died for me and all those who believed in his word,

honeslty there is no other religon out there who has done what Christ has done, and he's not make beileve either.

why dont you muslims try and understand other peoples religions instead of saying oh he's not real, if you believe in Mohammed..Tora...Buddah...Tao or whatever good on ya.. thats really good...but how about understanding how our god works too and living in peace, after all isnt that what your god wants you to do anyway, its people who have this stupid belief that "oh that person isnt what i am , i'm going to kill them" is what is killing the world. GOD BLESS

2007-06-01 01:15:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I propose March 15th, 44 BCE (Before Common Era)

We all know what happened then, and it changed the Western World forever.

And Julius Caesar gave us the calendar to begin with, so it seems fitting. Jesus couldn't even write and I doubt that anyone wants to switch to Jewish Months.

2007-06-01 01:12:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do all you people that claim to Astral Travel ( I am not discounting or supporting it I wouldn't know) have the ability to actually swap bodies with someone else that is Astral Travelling or even occupy or influence someone that is has not left their body?

2007-06-01 01:10:17 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-06-01 01:08:01 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

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