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Religion & Spirituality - 23 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"In the little world in which children have their existence, whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely precieved and so finely felt as injustice".

What does this mean to you?
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

2007-05-23 01:21:54 · 4 answers · asked by Reaper 6

let me explain what it means,

I recently attended an interfaith group meeting and was abused, humiliated and later asked to leave the room because I kept asking very critical questions about religion , life, spirituality and God in general.

This sounds the typical tall poppy syndrome message that they had to convey to me at that room. It says that in a poppy field when 1 poppy grows taller than the other they cut it to the level of the others.

Critical questions and intelligent thinking is not tolerated in religions,

why so?

2007-05-23 01:21:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

As a believer in God and in Jesus, His Son, I have to ask why do we argue (I mean get downright nasty) with those who don't believe in God? Jesus preached to multitudes of people who either accepted or rejected him and his message. I have read these message boards where Christians--CHRISTIANS get into throwdowns with others and resort to infantile name calling. Aren't we supposed to follow our Saviour's example by preaching and teaching the good news, irregardless of how others may mock the Message? Have we forgotten that not everyone is going to accept it?

2007-05-23 01:13:35 · 19 answers · asked by 2seek 1

2007-05-23 01:05:04 · 37 answers · asked by Princess L 1

has anyone seen what this church is doing. please if there was ever a time for you christians to preach about yourselves now would be the time. please explain what this is to me.

2007-05-23 01:04:30 · 16 answers · asked by lucifer 3

Muslim men are so weak, that the whole world must be changed to accommodate their weaknesses and insecurities.

Why must woman be covered like furniture...cause weak muslim men might be tempted to savagely rape her otherwise.

Why must every journalist and cartoonist be very careful about what they write...because muslim men have thin skins and demand everyone else conform to their delicate self righteous sensiblities.

Why must jihad persist...not just the quran commands muslims to committ genocide, but because unless all freedom of choice is taken away from all, weak weak muslims could be tempted by the normal free socities of the civilized world.

2007-05-23 01:04:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that Chatting is against the rules? Isn't that the reason for coming here? To discuss things?

2007-05-23 01:03:57 · 21 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

He's offering me quite a lavish lifestyle. Would you do it?

2007-05-23 01:02:58 · 18 answers · asked by seattle_lili 1

So yesterday while looking at the questions in the religion category, I noticed that atheists made far fewer spelling and grammar mistakes than religious people. So, does blind faith lead to the inability to put together a coherent written sentence in one's own language?

2007-05-23 01:01:39 · 43 answers · asked by Who's sarcastic? 6

It seems to me that one of the things lacking in our society is understanding of various faiths. I believe it would be to our kids advantage to explore the appropriate use of a curriculum that celebrates diversity by exploring the major religions from around the world. Christian faiths, Muslim faiths, Jewish faiths, Buddhist, Taoism, Pagan faiths, Shintoism, etc.
I am not proposing that they are converted, just given the basics of the customes and rudimentaries of the faith and some history.
I teach kids, and they have no clue. By exposing them all to different cultures and beliefs, it may give them the tools to better relate to each other and better express their own faith. This would give them more Spiritual confidence.
I believe that we do a great disservice to our kids by stripping them of their belief system by not allowing them to honour their religions, and then sending them into their world of school for the majority of their day. In a way it is religious oppression.

2007-05-23 00:57:11 · 12 answers · asked by willodrgn 4

The USA is a Christian Nation by choice, a simple fact. And Christians are the single most tolerant of all religions. How can you say we aren't?

2007-05-23 00:53:39 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

How often do they fellowship?

2007-05-23 00:51:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

GEN 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
GEN 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every upon the earth.
GEN 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him
GEN 2:19 And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, thereof.

Again this shows that only a part of bible is the word of God the rest has been changed

2007-05-23 00:48:38 · 16 answers · asked by greenisbestcolor 1

Is the idea not for believers (in whatever faith) to attract people towards your faith? Do you not think it is somewhat counterproductive to antagonise aheists?

2007-05-23 00:43:42 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

A question for muslims or anyone who has a deep understanding of Islam...

Since the Koran is considered as the word of God, Mohammad, was after all, as human as the rest of us. Being a prophet aside for a moment, do any Muslims believe that Mohammad made mistakes that have caused people to not understand Islam correctly in our current time?

i.e. People always cite his marriage to Aisha as an area of concern (though back in the day, people did all kinds of things like this, regardless of religion), and also, there is much talk of how Islam was spread by the sword. If Mohammad had made different decisions in the beginning, do muslims believe that people would be less critical of Islam today? Or did Mohammad do what was needed?

I know Christianity & other religions have similar question marks over its bloody past, but these acts happened after Jesus, as opposed to Jesus being the person who carried them out.

No daft answers from people stirring trouble, thanks.

2007-05-23 00:42:39 · 30 answers · asked by midsojo 4

Can anyone recommend a good book?

Im interested in the history and theories of Christianity. Also like to read about the Templars.
Looking for non-fiction, but I also enjoy a good fiction one as well.


2007-05-23 00:41:37 · 9 answers · asked by ☼ɣɐʃʃɜƾ ɰɐɽɨɲɜɽɨƾ♀ 5

Please explain it to me like I'm really stupid, because I honestly don't understand it.

A guy being lost in the desert, found after 40 days, saying God saved him because God told him where to find water, is proof that God exists, because....??

A guy claiming that God told him to kill his own baby in a microwave, is proof that this guy is delusional, because....??

Both stories were in the news lately, why is only one used as 'proof of God's existence', and the other one used as 'proof of a delusional guy' ?

2007-05-23 00:40:26 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6

isnn't that proof of God?

2007-05-23 00:37:44 · 20 answers · asked by df a 1

Is it really impossible for males and females to be friends?

Well, to start out I will say that my husband is my best friend, but that isnt what the question is asking. The question is talking about a male and female who are not married being friends.

Is the trend toward intimate friendships between single men and women a good thing? I don't think it is. I'm not a big fan of opposite-sex buddies. Intimate friendships between men and women almost always produce confusion and frustration for at least one of the parties involved. Close friendships tend to involve much time talking and hanging out one-on-one. They tend to involve a deep knowledge of the other person's hopes, desires, wishes, dreams and personality. They tend to involve the sharing of many aspects of each person's daily lives and routines. In other words, they tend to involve much of the of intimacy and companionship involved in and meant for marriage.

What do you think?

2007-05-23 00:36:03 · 17 answers · asked by kramerfam2000 3

2007-05-23 00:31:41 · 11 answers · asked by furby f 1

Why don't chrsitans love HITLER...?

Isn't part of their religion to love evil doers?

you know love everyone and that sort of nonsense, which proves Christianity to be a silly superstition .

Be sensible, take up Islam.

2007-05-23 00:30:24 · 8 answers · asked by Mysterious 1

This is a follow up to my previous question. Please read q&a's again.

As a non believer myself, I was disappointed to read how most of the rejection was less to do with suddenly knowing the truth and embracing it and more to do with worrying about how it's going to affects ones life.

Read answers from:Dave P, Joe M, Eri, Southpaw, Lokasenna, Tao, slave of 12gods, bring me sunshine, squirrel, Andrew W, Institution, Aniime_Dragon, sister flump

Remember, this would be a God and would explain all the awful and hideous occurances that have occured.
God is now here, full proof is demonstrated for you, offers eternal happiness and explains how you might not understand how that works.

Humour me here, but are you still going to reject God because it means worshipping and following God and you would have to give some of your valued life doing I don't what.
How important would that seem now?
(just playing devil's advocate - how apt)

2007-05-23 00:28:13 · 10 answers · asked by WiseOwl 3

I was surprised recently when I realized that many Christians here don’t believe as I do: that every word in the Bible isn’t history, but some parts are mythology. If I say that, I don’t mean that God can’t do miracles. I know they happened back then, and still happen today. I just don’t think the stories of Noah and Jonah are history. They are more like the parables Jesus told: allegories which help us grasp something about God.

Also, when I say that, I don’t mean to say that I deny the resurrection or see that as mythology. I think it’s central to the Christian message and know that it was possible, however much the thought is mocked by non-Christians. Especially after experiencing a miracle myself I have no doubt about what God can do.

I just think Christians should be able to make mind shifts. If you don’t still believe exactly what you have been taught in Sunday school 30 years ago, does it mean you are sinning? Aren’t we allowed to use our minds?

2007-05-23 00:22:05 · 16 answers · asked by Amelie 6

I enjoyed the Good Samaritan I remember having it read to me in school im looking for ones to teach my children the gooddoing of people thanks if you can help

2007-05-23 00:21:19 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

and where are you from

2007-05-23 00:20:47 · 98 answers · asked by Laughing Out Loud 1

I have a series of questions about one part of the bible. If God knows all; past, present, and future then why did God still allow Eve to disobey? The bible shouldn't say that we have free will and we are being tested by God if God knows what we're going to do. We are going to sin, God knows before we do. Doesn't He? According to The Bible.

Well, do we have freewill since God knows what we're going to do (sin or not sin) before we do?

Thanks in advance!

2007-05-23 00:15:52 · 14 answers · asked by Homer 4

Does anyone really believe Noahs Ark, etc etc etc. Stories that are totally illogical and impractical. I believe the universe is probably God, and im sure there is more to it than that.

2007-05-23 00:14:42 · 19 answers · asked by furby f 1

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