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Religion & Spirituality - 23 May 2007

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Why do Jehovah's Witnesses deny that Jehovah was the Living God of the Old Testament and that Jesus Christ was the Living God made flesh? How would a Jewish carpenter possibly been crucified for saying he was the Son of the Living God if the Pharisees didn't assume that meant he was Divine? Why do they deny that God Almighty appeared in the form of Jehovah, the Living God, the Lord God, YHWH several times in the Old Testament? Why do they deny that IT WOULD OF BEEN INSANE FOR A MAN TO SAY HE WAS GOD ALMIGHTY? Why do they think the Pharisees were lying when they said "we condemn you for saying you are God Himself (Jehovah, the Living God, YHWH, I AM)? Why do they deny that Jesus said he was the Living God. Jehovah, I AM in John 8:56-59?

2007-05-23 03:38:25 · 15 answers · asked by mouthbreather77 1

and our neighbor....


2007-05-23 03:38:14 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-23 03:38:04 · 10 answers · asked by Incognito 5

Do you really think it is a religion of Hate/terrorism?

All answered from all walks of life appreciated..

Barney, that includes you too :-)

2007-05-23 03:37:25 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

I honestly want to know what Fundamentalist Christians think about this topic, and how they justify it. I believe in evolution, though not necessarily that humans evolved that way, though that’s not the issue here. Looking at evidence of civilizations over 10-15000 years old, and when you factor in that there are stars more than 6000 light-years away that we see in our own sky. How do you justify the belief that the earth is only 6000 years old?

2007-05-23 03:34:15 · 14 answers · asked by Goddess Nikki 4

Your opinion?

2007-05-23 03:34:08 · 17 answers · asked by G.C. 5

I am Christian. I raised my kids in my faith. They have been educated about the bible at home and church and I imagine it is the same with YOUR kids. And if you are NOT Christian, I imagine you take the lead in educating your kids within whatever faith you have.

Now I agree that there is vital debate on this issue. I agree that our kids should learn BOTH sides. I have already done MY job (as religious instruction belongs at home). Why will you not allow the science teachers to do THIER job? It is YOUR job to pass on your religious knowledge. It is THEIR job to help your children understand facts of common descent, adaptation and natural selection.

Do you TRULY want our kids to have an indepth knowledge of evolution science to have intelligent debate on this issue or do you want them asking ignorant things like, "Why are there still monkeys?" which shows they do not even have a BASIC undertanding of the subject?

2007-05-23 03:31:51 · 23 answers · asked by jessicabjoseph 3

Out of a whim??

Or did he have a purpose?? If so, Which was this purpose?

2007-05-23 03:29:14 · 24 answers · asked by Doomsday 2

Atheists cared to turn to the very last page which read "sike"

2007-05-23 03:28:34 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

And why did he create the Universe at that time, and not earlier or later???

2007-05-23 03:28:20 · 8 answers · asked by Doomsday 2

respect their RIGHT to believe as they wish?

this question came to me while answering a recent question about respect being automatic or earned.

if you automatically give respect to someone's beliefs, that means you respect that they think it's ok to molest children, or use drugs, or run around naked, or sacrafice animals or whatever it is that they believe. this is crazy and how cults get away with crazy things.

i don't think you need to respect anyone's beliefs, just their right to have them. this way they can't claim to be doing something in the name of religion and try to get a away with it. take for example all the people who commit horrible crimes and say "the devil made me do it"

what do you think?

2007-05-23 03:26:24 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard that people seek for a soulmate because their male and female energies are not balanced. If you have balance inside of you, then you won't need to search for a soulmate to satisfy those desires. I have too much male in me and searching for female to balance out my energy but would like to change the energy inside but don't know how to balance it. Any suggestions would be appreciated on how to get more female energy so I'm not trying to look so hard on the outside world to bring female into my life. I need to change on inside first. Something is unbalanced since I search so much outside of self to bring fullfillment.

2007-05-23 03:25:43 · 7 answers · asked by Ted (Canton,OH) 2

2007-05-23 03:23:28 · 36 answers · asked by shockoshocko 3

Not long ago, the word "Tolerance" meant "bearing or putting up with somebody or something not especially liked". However the word has been redefined to "all values, all beliefs, all lifestyles, all truth claims are equal". Denying this makes a person "intolerant", and worthy of contempt.

Where does this leave Christians?

2007-05-23 03:20:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

This statues of Jesus and Buddha were 50' each and were seen by many people in the Mekong Delta region during the Vietnam war era, and was reported to be done by someone called The Coconut Monk. I have read several accounts of its existence, but I cannot find an image online anywhere. Can anyone point me in the right direction where I can see a picture?
Thanks in advance

2007-05-23 03:18:35 · 8 answers · asked by barrettlee 1


How sickening!

Left to his own reasoning and logic; man is pitiful.

I suppose if we WERE animals; there WOULD be NO problem with these acts.

God help them.

2007-05-23 03:18:13 · 22 answers · asked by JayDee 2


2007-05-23 03:15:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Do you believe that astronomers can accurately measure the distance to other objects in space? (Such as the moon, which we sent a rocket to?)

2. Do you believe that scientists can accurately measure the speed of light?

3. Do you realize that many of the "lights" in the sky, that god supposedly "set in the heavens" 6000 years ago... are actually hundreds of thousands of light years away from us? (Which means, the only reason we see them today is because their light was emitted hundreds of thousands of years ago...)

If you answered "yes" to questions 1 and 2, you have just inadvertantly admitted to yourself that the book of Genesis, is at best... flawed.

I invite you to look into this a bit more. But when you do, please do a little more research than Dr. Dino. :)

2007-05-23 03:15:22 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-23 03:15:06 · 21 answers · asked by Ima Stressed Out 5

In the context of Christian theology, it's generally considered "Good" that Jesus is crucified, since it allows him to forgive the sins of his followers.

But are there any details that most Christians think were bad? Could some of the details be changed and still allow for the forgiveness of our sins?

2007-05-23 03:11:24 · 10 answers · asked by Mr. Bad Day 7

The Son or Father commanded the DEATH penalty for a poor man who collected firewood on the sabbath ?

"While the Israelites were in the desert, a man was discovered gathering wood on the Sabbath day. Those who caught him at it brought him to Moses and Aaron and the whole assembly. But they kept him in custody, for there was no clear decision as to what should be done with him. Then the Lord said to Moses, "This man shall be put to death; let the whole community stone him outside the camp." So the whole community led him outside the camp and stoned him to death as the Lord had commanded Moses." Numbers 15:32-36 NAB


2007-05-23 03:11:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Once, when I was a christain, we had a guest speaker. He had once went out on a fishing trip with his son, and his sons best friend. He had always been a very spiritual man, trying to show everyone the way to God. Well, on this trip, the sea became torrential, and the two boys got knocked off the boat, but the dad didnt. His son was a christain, and he knew that his son would go to heaven upon his death. His sons friend (also considered a close friend and son to the preacher) was not a christain. Knowing there was only time to save one, and the waves getting worse and worse, he threw the floatation ring to the friend. The son drownded, but the preacher said that thats how he wouldve wanted it. The friend was saved and became a great preacher after the incident. Now both men will be in heaven together some day, the preacher said. He said that he would do it all the same if he had the chance. The son and his friend were both 19. Would you have done the same?

2007-05-23 03:09:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-23 03:08:39 · 21 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5

I understand that we must honor our mother and father. However, in my case, I find it very difficult to do this. Obeying them when they tell me things that I do not believe is right. (Mostly, my parents interfere with how I raise my kids.)
Is there a fine line of obeying and not valuing their opinion for what is right for my life? Or do I have to obey and do as they tell me because their my parents. And if I find what they tell me is 'crazy' and don't believe it is how I want to live.
Someone explain this to me. Because I don't want to disrespect my parents but, somethings they tell me is just not things I believe.

2007-05-23 03:08:11 · 15 answers · asked by SDC 5

2007-05-23 03:07:56 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. Bang your head against the wall to make the pain stop
2. Laugh
3. Get angry
4. Find something to cut & paste for an answer
5. Just eat chocolate and not worry about it

2007-05-23 03:06:55 · 12 answers · asked by The Former Kermie 2

1. from start to finish, it took Joseph Smith only two months to translate te plates.

2. Things Joseph Smith could not have possibly known about:
a. earthquakes and volcanic activity (3 Nephi)
b. textbook case of guerilla warfare (Gadianton robbers, Helaman and 3 Nephi)
c. discovery of the path that Lehi and his family most likely took from Jerusalem to Bountiful, where they built their ship o the New World, as described in the Book of Mormon (1 Nephi).
d. two ancient records (Amarna lettes and DSS) that seem to vindicate Alma 7:10 (Bethlehem being in "the land of Jerusalem")
e. allegory of the Olive tree in Jacob.

There are other things in the article. These are just a few.

2007-05-23 03:05:23 · 19 answers · asked by mormon_4_jesus 7

I am Agnostic, and to my understanding, Jesus sacrificed himself to let us live. He forgave all of our sins. God is perfect. Jesus is perfect. Whatever. I do not want to believe that everything I do is bad and that I am inferior to a God that is holy and perfect. Everyone is equal. And about the "everything I do is bad" part, I mean that whenever something good happens religious people always seem to say "thank you, God." Maybe it WASN'T God. Maybe I did this. Maybe out of my hard work and determination I accomplished something good without God's help. I just don't understand how Christians and who-not can feel like God is perfect and whatever good stuff happens is God's doing and whatever bad stuff happens is their doing. How can they feel that way?

2007-05-23 03:03:06 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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