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How sickening!

Left to his own reasoning and logic; man is pitiful.

I suppose if we WERE animals; there WOULD be NO problem with these acts.

God help them.

2007-05-23 03:18:13 · 22 answers · asked by JayDee 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Fish. No problem. Thanks.

2007-05-23 03:22:38 · update #1

Pooh, We should ALL understand this. Man NEEDS God.

2007-05-23 03:23:29 · update #2

yoda, You WILL agree THIS is un-Godly behavior. Right? Connect the dots.

2007-05-23 03:24:31 · update #3

joe, That's fine. I just prefer to get my standards from the Creator. Peace.

2007-05-23 03:26:01 · update #4

iknow, They're pitiful lives.

2007-05-23 03:26:36 · update #5

asd, TRUE morals CAN'T exist without God.

2007-05-23 03:27:22 · update #6

dilingere, VERY smart observation. Thanks!

2007-05-23 03:28:13 · update #7

grim, It's not MY fault that your eyes are dimmed by those that "call" themselves Christians. I can't control that. You have LEARN to discern the Truth.

2007-05-23 03:29:49 · update #8

salient, correction
"typical FALSE Christian standard of morals ( anything one does is ok as long as one believes in Jesus and is forgiven) is pitiful.

2007-05-23 03:31:06 · update #9

Scott, There are other systems of moral. I just promote the one True system.

2007-05-23 03:32:06 · update #10

Dust, It's prnography in it's WORST form. Evil and UNGODLY. Thanks.

2007-05-23 03:34:48 · update #11

"people hear whispers from God telling them to drown their children in the bathtub or cook their babies in the microwave."
Unfortunately for YOU; you're too foolish to discern their lie.

2007-05-23 03:36:51 · update #12

blue, Whatever the "believe" religiously. They are IN ERROR; and foiling themselves.
THIS is NOT of God. Whatever is not of God is evil. Godless = evil.

2007-05-23 03:38:50 · update #13

wingless. MY God is. Atleast for me.

2007-05-23 03:39:27 · update #14

Dylan, I have no problem with you choosing to live without God. I just, of necessity, choose otherwise. Thanks.

2007-05-23 03:42:10 · update #15

running, Great answer. Thank you.

2007-05-23 03:43:02 · update #16

There are many people that believe in God and are still not "moral"
Your deception is; like MANY people who even "profess" to know Jesus; that "all you have to do is believe in Jesus".
You conveniently accept that lie. You would have to LEARN the gospel of Christ to know His will. And it's MUCH more than that.

2007-05-23 03:46:00 · update #17

Thanks Spirited! You're a true lady.

2007-05-23 03:49:05 · update #18

Uzo, BINGO!! Some of you guys can't even SEE the immorality of these things.

2007-05-23 03:50:18 · update #19

22 answers

Some have good morals, yet others will say, you Christians have rules to go by, we don't (I actually got that as an answer to a question). Society itself, peers, and even on occasion school does teach or at least imply good morals.

However, good morals are not about hurting anyone physically or emotionally and those who purposely do so I just ignore.

The movie is simply pure pornography probably meant to garner attention...which it did.

The Ol' Hippie Jesus Freak
Grace, Hope, Peace and Love

2007-05-23 03:25:45 · answer #1 · answered by Dust in the Wind 7 · 1 0

This actually scares me. There are people that need to believe in a man in the sky to act morally. That f_cking scares me.

Without god, there is no absolute measuring stick for morals, but that doesn't mean that they disappear entirely, it just means that there are some gray areas.

I define right as as pertaining to an ethical ideal that furthers the happiness of the individual and society as a whole, while strengthening society. I define wrong as the opposite.

Rational thought and a little bit of empathy are all you need to behave morally. I mean, really, people, it doesn't take very much cognitive power to get a group of people together and say "Thog no hit Grok if Grok no hit Thog." It's not that hard.

Edit: well, of course you can choose to live your life however you want to. I'm just pointing out that atheists certainly have moral standards.

2007-05-23 10:28:36 · answer #2 · answered by Dylan H 3 · 5 1

The mention of god or religion does not appear anywhere in your article. Do you think Atheists are the only ones involved with beastiality? If so, you are living in a room of mirrors.

I follow Taoism, we do not believe there are gods of any kind. We don't have sins, but we do have a list of evil deeds. We consider ourselves moral.

Fortune and misfortune are the result of our actions.
Reward and retribution follow us like shadows. [As when you speak sweetly, your echo is returned sweetly. When you stand straight, your shadow is straight. The shadow follows the result of your actions]
- Lao Tzu [considered the founder of Taoism]

These are some of the evil deeds of Taoism:

Going against the virtue of selflessness.
Being unreasonable.
Using evil intentions to guide your actions.
Being cruel and destructive.
Taking advantage of kind people.
Talking secretly against your parents and elders.
Showing disrespect for your teachers.
Engaging in rebellious actions.
Framing the innocent.
Slandering your co-workers.
Being deceitful.
Lying to your relations.
Being aggressive and resentful.
Taking things for yourself whenever you wish.
Not knowing right from wrong.
Talking behind people’s backs.
Making your subordinates work so that you can gain favors.
Being ungrateful for others’ help.
Harboring conflicts and grudges.
Looking down on less fortunate people.
Drinking and starting fights.
Competing with your siblings.
Being an undedicated and dishonest son.
Being an unruly and wild daughter.
Creating conflict in the household.
Not respecting your spouse.
Delighting in boasting.
Being jealous.
Not providing for your spouse and children.
Being rude to your uncles and aunts.
Neglecting your ancestors.
Going against the wishes of your elders.
Committing destructive actions.
Being narrow-minded.
Letting hate and love cloud your judgment.
Swearing at the well and the stove.
Taking food from other people’s bowls.
Injuring children and life in the womb.
Engaging in subversive activities.
Carousing on days of chanting.
Being angry on days of the new and full moon.
Facing north when crying and complaining [complaining to the North Star good fortunes].
Crying and mourning at the stove [complaining to the good fortune of the Hearth].
Using fires from the stove to light incense [improper use of fires belonging to the good fortune of the Hearth].
Wasting firewood.
Getting up in the middle of the night naked [refers to passing a contagious illness]
Slaughtering during harvest festivals.
Cursing at shooting stars.
Pointing at rainbows.
Pointing at the three lights [sun, moon, stars].
Gazing at the sun and moon for long periods.
Hunting during the months of spring.
Facing north while swearing.
Killing turtles and snakes.
Delighting in stealing and grabbing from others.
Giving rewards and punishments unjustly.
Being boisterous, unruly and without a sense of shame.
Being unkind to subordinates.
Threatening others.
Swearing at Heaven and other people.
Swearing at the wind and rain.
Delighting in arguments and competitions.
Participating in gangs and secret societies.
Listening to the gossip of your spouse and opposing the will of your parents.
Forgetting old friends when you have new acquaintances.
Saying one thing and thinking the opposite.
Coveting riches.
Lying to your supervisors.
Spreading rumors and lies.
Framing your subordinates.
Helping guilty parties.
Swearing at the good fortunes.
Going against the harmony and flow of things.
Abandoning your relations.
Saying that the good fortunes are helping you to do unethical deeds.
Not returning what you borrowed.
Asking for much more than is appropriate.
Indulging in excessive sexual desires.
Exhibiting compassion externally and harboring evil thoughts.
Ruining the livelihood of others.
Leading people astray with false teachings.
Measuring with a false ruler.
Weighing with a false scale.
Mixing the artificial with the real.
Prospering from unethical dealings.
Being cruel to people who are kind.
Ridiculing those who are retarded.
Starting quarrels.

2007-05-23 10:39:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

It's pretty idiotic, all right.

Doesn't have much to do with the existence or non-existence of God, though.

Why do you assume that a lack of a God means a lack of morality? Quite a few Buddhists, for instance, are some of the most moral people on the planet. They do not believe in God, nor do they do stupid things like this.

There is no "one True system". Religion is a matter of opinion, nothing more.

2007-05-23 10:25:04 · answer #4 · answered by Scott M 7 · 4 2

Seems to me that the typical Christian standard of morals ( anything one does is OK as long as one believes in Jesus and is forgiven) is pitiful.

Most people have inherited a strong sense of empathy and have the reason to know how to apply it. It is religion that justifies not using that empathy to instead obey the whims of a made up god. The result is 9/11, Jim Jones poisoning people with kool-aid and other religion based attrocities.

2007-05-23 10:25:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

How dare you suggest that godlessness = bestiality!
There is a rule in the bible against bestiality, which only suggests that God's people needed to be told that bestiality is wrong; they could not figure this out on their own.
Sane people can.
If someone bangs a horse, it has nothing to do with god or the lack of god in one's life.
It has to do with them being a sick pervert and sexual predator.

Besides... people hear whispers from God telling them to drown their children in the bathtub or cook their babies in the microwave.

Your logic falls apart from every angle.

2007-05-23 10:25:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

You do not know the religious beliefs of any of the people involved. To assume they are atheists is just silly.

I don't believe in god/s, and I think that bestiality is immoral. It is animal abuse, in my opinion. We ARE animals, but we have the capacity for higher thought and so must apply it. It is abuse of the animals' trust to use them sexually; they are not our tools or toys for enjoyment, but rather living entities on their own.

2007-05-23 10:25:56 · answer #7 · answered by N 6 · 2 0

There are those that do not believe in God that are moral, others that are immoral. There are many people that believe in God and are still not "moral". You point is not being made by your link.

2007-05-23 10:32:53 · answer #8 · answered by XX 6 · 4 1

Can you quote the part about "No God' I can't seem to find it.

We all know that no God-believer has ever committed an immoral act, and non-believers are are incapable of moral behavior. (sarcasm)

don't forget to drink up. everybody.

2007-05-23 10:39:35 · answer #9 · answered by Dawn G 6 · 2 1

Morals existed long before Christianity. Basic morals can be seen in Apes - cooperation, a sense of justice and fairness etc.
I'm an atheist yet I have a highly developed sense of morals - so do many other atheists.

2007-05-23 10:24:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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