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Not long ago, the word "Tolerance" meant "bearing or putting up with somebody or something not especially liked". However the word has been redefined to "all values, all beliefs, all lifestyles, all truth claims are equal". Denying this makes a person "intolerant", and worthy of contempt.

Where does this leave Christians?

2007-05-23 03:20:23 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers


The most lovable quality any human being can possess is tolerance. …. It is the vision that enables one to see things from another’s viewpoint…. It is the generosity that concedes to others the right to their own opinions and their own peculiarities….. It is the bigness that enables us to let people be happy in their own way instead of our way.

Where does it leave Christians....? Outside of the circle still claiming that their way is the only way!

Blessed Be!

2007-05-23 03:29:31 · answer #1 · answered by trinity 5 · 4 1

I heard this point made on "Focus on the Family" and thought it was bogus. Tolerance can be used as a synonym of Endurance, and mean to bear or put up with somebody or something not especially liked, but it also has meanings, including to be sympathetic or indulgent to others who are different.

I don't know which one came first, but it doesn't matter, both are accepted now, and have been for long enough that it pretty nuch invalidated that guy's argument. Guess he never learned about people "developing a tolerance to pain killers."

I guess the dictionary is too "PC," huh?

BTW, his argument against the use of "Judge not lest you be judged," was bogus if not blasphemous.


Just read some of your older questions and answers. I might be confused, or worse, missed the obvious cynical tone of your question.

If so, thumb me down.

2007-05-23 03:42:21 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Bad Day 7 · 2 0

tol·er·ance [ tóllərənss ] (plural tol·er·ances)



1. acceptance of different views: the acceptance of the differing views of other people, e.g. in religious or political matters, and fairness toward the people who hold these different views

2. tolerating of somebody or something: the act of putting up with somebody or something irritating or otherwise unpleasant

3. ability to endure hardship: the ability to put up with harsh or difficult conditions

4. medicine ability to remain unaffected: the loss of or reduction in the usual response to a drug or other agent as a result of use or exposure over a prolonged period

5. engineering allowance made for deviation: an allowance made for something to deviate in size from a standard, or the limit within which it is allowed to deviate

6. biology ability to withstand extremes: the ability of an organism to survive in extreme conditions

Take a good look at the first definition. "Fairness". As opposed to favoring one over another, particularly in the legal or civic arena.

It leaves Christians as one brand of faith among many--which is exactly what it is.

2007-05-23 03:32:30 · answer #3 · answered by Scott M 7 · 3 0

Tolerance is accepting the fact that we all have the same right to PRIVATELY believe the way we want and it's no one else's business, as long as the other person's beliefs do not interfere with our personal life.

Licentiousness and freedom ARE NOT synonyms, so if what we do IN PUBLIC affects others, we DO NOT have the right to interfere with other people's life.

GET IT???????

2007-05-23 03:32:21 · answer #4 · answered by Millie 7 · 4 0

Tolerance does not mean that one believes that all beliefs are equal. It means that one believes that each has equal right to find his own way and to believe as he sees fit, without christians and the like butting in with their holier-than-thou attitude.

2007-05-23 03:32:59 · answer #5 · answered by Fred 7 · 3 0

-i think tolerance is live and let live....

-don't try to force your views on other people

-just because you believe your opinion/interpretation of scripture etc...to be correct and the only one does not mean that others do not have differing views or interpretations.

-to not acknowledge other's beliefs is intollerant

2007-05-23 03:25:00 · answer #6 · answered by G.C. 5 · 7 0

Where does it leave England, France and Islamics?!

Where does it leave ATHEISTS!

What, one groups has to give in, but not another!

By your definitioin ATHEISTS are JUST AS INTOLERANT.

They don't believe Christian Truths are equal. They don't accept Christian Lifestyles.

2007-05-23 03:24:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Well let's examine this...84% of the US is Christian, which makes us the majority. No other religion in the US even comes close to those kinds of numbers...the closest is the group that sited 'no preference' with 11%...I am so sick of our government thinking we have to bend over backwards for an amazing 7%...and that number is VERY generous...of people who do not believe in God or do not know if God exists...if this were an election we would have won by an astonding amount. The majority rules in this country and I am tired of my religion being attacked by Atheist's who have no religious beliefs to begin with and people who sited 'no preference' when asked about their faith. If you have no preference you have no right to complain. Not only that, but I know the beliefs and practices of non-Christians are WRONG...so how am I to support beliefs I know to be false and damning?

2007-05-23 03:25:48 · answer #8 · answered by stakekawa 3 · 1 6

The christians use the engineering definition of tolerance which is to do with things not deviating from an acceptable norm.

2007-05-23 03:23:52 · answer #9 · answered by Dharma Nature 7 · 4 4

Ahh you see, that is the hypocrisy of secularism, they want everyone to be tolerant of everything but Christians.

2007-05-23 03:43:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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