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let me explain what it means,

I recently attended an interfaith group meeting and was abused, humiliated and later asked to leave the room because I kept asking very critical questions about religion , life, spirituality and God in general.

This sounds the typical tall poppy syndrome message that they had to convey to me at that room. It says that in a poppy field when 1 poppy grows taller than the other they cut it to the level of the others.

Critical questions and intelligent thinking is not tolerated in religions,

why so?

2007-05-23 01:21:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I call it the sheep mentality. They travel in a group and follow the leader even if the leader has no idea where they are headed and just may be going in circles.

2007-05-23 01:24:58 · answer #1 · answered by Chloe 6 · 2 3

It can be tolerated in religions. But it's less tolerated in some. Religious belief is soo influential on people and held so dear that people often identify AS their religion in a way, and thus, any perceived attack (a critical question will do the trick) on the religion is often felt as an attack on the *person*.

Asking people to justify long-held beliefs about how the world works, especially when they don't have an answer at the tip of their fingertips, tends to make one feel attacked, belittled, or stupid. Truth is, the average person does not question their religion. It's taught as a basic, undeniable truth. Even if they're mediocre at practicing their religion, the inner belief that "this is how it is" rings true. To question it is to question *everything*. The very reason for existence, even.

This is why people get heated about it.

That said, not all religious people are like this. Many openly accept debate and critical thought and questions. Sorry you had to run into those that don't.

2007-05-23 08:30:44 · answer #2 · answered by Katia 3 · 1 0

This is a touchy topic and you're opening a can of worms. However, I feel the same way as you. Religion is an organized way to control the way of thinking for a group of people. This is why there are so many demominations. Religion is mans work and not GOD's work.

This is a long subject, but I will try to summarize my view on the subject:

Before Jesus, the church was made up of clergymen who represented the people to GOD. In return, the people were taxed for that representation. GOD sent his son JESUS CHRIST to tell the people that every man is a representation of HIS image and it is through the action of his only SON is the gateway to HEAVEN and eternal life. So, JESUS was a challenged to the church and this way of thinking. As punishment, JESUS was crucified.

Churches today are simply 501 3(c) organizations. The purposes is to maintain membership and gain revenue. To do so, they control your way of thinking and make it seem guilty if you don't donate your 10%. The Preacher is the representation for you to GOD.

Remember, JESUS CHRIST didn't have a church. He walked amoung the streets and preached his teachings. In return, he didn't ask for a dime.

The churches today is no different from the clergymen of the past.

2007-05-23 08:42:43 · answer #3 · answered by L J 3 · 1 0

Religious people are typically insecure in their beliefs...because they are only beliefs. They really do not know...and if you give a good argument, they doubt their beliefs.

But this also applies to many atheists and such asking critical questions and "intelligent" thinking to spiritual people.

Spiritual people (mystics, yogis, etc. in particular) follow the path of experience. They will say they know God exists...and then they are cut down by atheists saying 'no one can know' or demand physical proof - as if God had a physical form. Then they are abused and humiliated - and denounced as insane or delusional. Why do atheists do this? For the same reason as spiritual people. Many atheists firmly believe there is no God...etc, etc. So when they are confronted with a seeminly sane and reasonable person who confidently says (as if they really know) that the spiritual stuff exists and God exists...they have to deal with them some how or their belief structure falls apart. Atheists also do not really know...it is just a belief.

~ Eric Putkonen

2007-05-23 08:43:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My personal opinion. I was raised catholic and so grateful, whether catholic or christian etc. I belived it helped me establish a conscience. Good versus evil and so on. However, the world on all levels right down to an individuals level is always in peril of some sort. Religion gives balance to a lot of people. The conformity, hope, faith, love, some people were raised from diapers and most likely will never look outside their safe zone. (ie Bible thumpers) It is all they know so to question it is absurd in their mind. Not all religious communities are this way but as in anything else there is always a bad experience. Some people who were raised knowing nothing else cringe when their beliefs are questioned even if it is a simple I want to know and understand because I know nothing. Sometimes if you approach (ie Bible Thumper) with I am asking because I don't know not becuase I think your crazy for believing they will most likely drowned you in more information than you can imagine. Also nowadays with religion being booted out of everything that created this country I can't say I blame a hard core religious individual or individuals getting so upset. To them it is part of their life. So try not to be so upset but try to figure out what you need to do to have them open their hearts and mind to you if you truly want to understand whether in the end you believe in their system/religious views or not. Religion is such a huge part of our history in more ways than most people care to disucss. If you are really intested you should take different history courses at local JC. They will blow your mind if you are oblivious to History. Don't forget the world was born and built with controversy.

2007-05-23 14:18:58 · answer #5 · answered by colieport 1 · 1 1

I was very strong religions for this I get yours question interesting to me most religions was time is pass and it is not fit this time and religion create to fit and up on the old people mentality and the people suffer for condition now because in realty get different between this period and the idea of that period from here they can't able to make equivalent also the issue people for religion now use to stimulative people only to win specially position and AL most of them refusing there human needs and that for old [people because the live at that times need to shearing on every things and needs to forget about yours need to let the anther get life so that means we need our new religion without the old opinion and the Communist people knew the rely problem of religion but there mistake they're not Know how to explain for the people the different on time and how the others leaders can use the terms of it for them benefit and many things so this means we need conference to solved this problem at all without pressure and every person when get got and right explain can choose it but the leader doesn't want the new generations to know what is religion means exactly for this you see the religion people had psychology effect if you concentrate too on their behaviors

2007-05-23 08:42:45 · answer #6 · answered by stpone 1 · 0 0

Well, I don't know that that is always true. I was just reading a magazine put out by the Southern Baptist Association advocating teaching our children critical thinking skills. The problem was probably not with the questions but the way you asked them. I have noticed that many people speak to the religious with a big chip on their shoulders. Were you really interested in the answers or did you already have your mind made up and were there merely to stir up trouble.

I have seen situations like this over and over again, not just in religious discussions but in many secular situations over and over again. Someone comes in and behaves badly, then gets offended and blames the group for being intolerant or close minded.

2007-05-23 08:26:17 · answer #7 · answered by Sharon M 6 · 1 1

I think people are scared that you or others will disprove their simple religeous theories that they spent their life believing. And your 'supposed' to have faith in your god, instead of going around asking questions. For centuries the catholic church have been secretly and pubicly squashing out these inconvenient poppies. There's even conflict between similar branches of the same beliefs. It's ridiculous!

2007-05-23 08:26:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

(organized) Religion promotes intolerance. It unites (superficially) within religion but divides between religions/'faiths'. Organized religions condition followers into slavery and bondage with dogmas, superstition and blind belief. Spirituality is above religion. Spirituality is a state of unconditioned, liberated and blissful state of being, the basis of which is universal consciousness. One need not be religious to be spiritual. You did not attend interfaith group meeting but inter-belief group meeting. Belief is based on second hand knowledge whereas faith is based on inner experience. Religions thrive on converting differences into divisions.

2007-05-24 11:40:03 · answer #9 · answered by peacebliss 2 · 0 1

Welcome to Life! ( nothing to do with religion actually.)
The 'tall poppy syndrome' a condition to bring alive.
Just the Universe saying " Hey! If you put yourself above me, i have no choice but to bring you back to earth."
Everything must be in balance.
Or as - 'i/you/we judge each other, i/you/we will be judged by each other!'

eg. In answering you, i have judged you as being unable to understand the significance of what really took place at the meeting (because of the way you phrased the question), and you will judge my answer accordingly.
(if i can't see you, you can't see me or - if i 'cut' you down, you will 'cut' me down.)
i am not what you would call religious.

2007-05-23 19:30:50 · answer #10 · answered by feath 2 · 1 0

there may be one of the reasons
1. because of lack of knowledge of the religions
2.the religion about which you are asking may not be made of divine origin and even if it is, people may have made omissions and additions in it
3.leaders of that religion at this time may want to hide some or all of the omissions and additions they or their forefathers have made in a certain religion
4.these omissions or additions may be some basic concepts about God,prophets or angels and the religious books

2007-05-24 07:36:21 · answer #11 · answered by mansoor23 1 · 0 0

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