There are hundreds of laws within the Old Testament alone. There are many verses in the Bible that state that God's law is perfect. Isaiah 40:8
Psalms 19:7
So therefore, God's law should stand forever, never changing. Wouldn't that lead us to conclude that there is no need for a New Testament?
If so, then which laws are meant to be followed in the Old Testament? If God's law is perfect, then shouldn't they all be perfect as well? Never changing, and lasting for all time?
What about the ones which are not exactly moral?
Such as if you blaspheme the name of God, you should be out to death- Lev. 24:16
If you commit adultery, you should be put to death- Leviticus 20:10
If you engage in a homosexual act, you should be put to death- Leviticus 20:13
If you have a rebellious son, he should be out to death- Deut. 21
The question that I have is, why would God's law change if it has always been perfect, and how do you know which laws to follow?
14 answers
asked by
Lindsey H