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Religion & Spirituality - 17 May 2007

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A friend of mine recently gave up her job as an assitant to a group of very high profile mediums she told me through tears that she was in a team of 4 staff who,s job it was to before any gig to:
Get addresses of as many of the audience as possible,though credit card bookings.Get photos.Get email addresses.Check local press stories as far back as more than 50 years sometimes.The medium,s also openly mocked the people they had "helped" after the show.

2007-05-17 00:19:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

And its not neccessarily that I don't believe, i just want some answers to these questions for people who do believe...

1. Why do people suffer? How come God makes bad things happen to good people. Despite so-called "Free Will" if there truly is a God - he would have the power to stop bad things from happening to good people.

2. Why would God wait so long to put us on the earth? In the bible it says, "in the beggining he created the heavens and the earth" - well why wouldnt he put people on earth right away instead of things like dinosaurs and blowing them away with an asteroid - if you're God, that seems kind of pointless.

3. The bible was created by humans, humans are imperfect, so the bible is imperfect. why do people think the bible is totally correct when it clearly isnt it. like creationsism for example. You;re gonna tell me adam and eve were suddenly placed on the earth? so that would mean they had children, then the children had sex with each other? seems ungodly.

2007-05-17 00:10:58 · 28 answers · asked by sdboltz07 2

Dont you think it may have changed for mans selfish means over time with the translations and various other things that may have happened to it and people putting their own spin on it? So that they can control people.

No bible quotes please.


2007-05-17 00:07:10 · 44 answers · asked by faerie_rachie 2

According to the legend, the Tower of Babel was stopped by God because humans were about to reach heaven with it.

As there is no ancient free-standing structure that compares to the heights we achieve today, can we safely discard this story in your bible as myth, or must we assume God moved heaven a little further away from the surface of the earth?

Let's bear in mind that neither the shuttles nor any other satellite or probe have bumped into heaven along the way.

2007-05-17 00:00:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

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